Chapter 57

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"They're here!" I hum standing from the bench we were sitting on. He nods standing as well. "They're using you Luis- I'll see you soon... maybe come to my house next time" he smiles. I nod trying to stop the tears again. I had finally managed to stop crying once we went to eat, but then he kept touching me telling me things that I didn't want to hear and... I just wanted to cry.

"Okay" I whisper wanting him to be happy. I just won't answer him again. "I can always show your boyfriends our photos- because really your tears don't show up well on them... looks like you consented" he shrugs staring at the photo booth photos as I try to look at them as well, but he snatches them away.

The fast movement made me dizzy again and I grabbed my arm with my free hand before turning for the car. "I'll see you later" I whisper not listening to his reply. Dylan was driving and Anton was in the front so I got in the back with Cameron all eyes on me as soon as I closed the door.

"How was it!?" They ask as I put my bag on the floor with the prizes I won. Which was just gifts for them. Like I managed to get enough for a CD that had the song Anton really likes on it.

"We had fun" I smile weakly everything spinning. "Flower? What happen?" Dylan asked already telling something was wrong. I mentally curse my stupid self and grab my arms. My nails digging right through the sweater's sleeves.

"Cameron" Dylan says his name and he nods grabbing my hands off of my arm kissing them. "I'm tired" I admit scooting over and resting my head on Cameron.

He holds onto me massaging my head and I instantly feel a bit of relief. "Can we have a sleepover" I ask hugging onto Cameron. "I'm down" Anton chuckles reaching back to grab my leg.

"We can do my house" Dylan suggests and they agree. I keep my eyes closed, only opening them to quickly text my Mamá as Dylan starts to drive. "I got you guys prizes from my tickets" I smile as Cameron turns to buckle me.

"Thank you baby" he whispers kissing my head. "Thanks!" "You're so sweet!" They all tell me. I smile feeling better about myself.

I let my eyes flutter and grip onto Cameron closing my eyes. My other hand went for Anton's which was still on my leg. I listen to him shift I assume to look back at me.

"Luis? Are you okay? Cameron make sure he's okay" Anton's voice comes out panicked. My eyes fluttered open as I tried to reassure them I am fine.

"Should I pull over?!" Dylan asked and I could feel the car slowing down. "Baby? Hey Luis what's going on?!" Cameron asked cupping my face as he gently made me look towards him.

"I'm just tired" I whisper and he groans before looking towards the others. There's a click and Anton crawls into the back. "Just keep driving- it might be best to get him in bed" Anton answers Dylan.

"Luis, it's 5 in the afternoon and you were at an arcade- you shouldn't be this tired" Dylan calls back. "Can I just tell you when we get to Dylan's house?" I ask and they all stay silent for a minute.
"Okay dear boyfriend" Anton chuckles because of the name kissing my cheek as he rubbed my arm.

Once we got to Dylan's house I was pulled out of the car somebody grabbing my bag of gifts as I tried to walk as normal as possible. "Hello Amanda" Anton smiled waving to Dylan's mother who came over and hugged us all before kissing her son's head.

"So nice seeing you all together again!" She claps, before letting us go upstairs. I take my shoes off and rub my head going for the bed. Dylan goes to his closet and comes back with some of his sweatpants handing them to me.

I strip from my jeans and throw the sweats on before placing my jeans on my shoes. "Now what happen" Cameron demands as all of them sit in front of me. I've had plenty of time to think of a lie now.

"When we were eating I dropped my fork so I bent down to pick it up and hit my head coming back up and like the tension and pain is just coming and going" I explain fumbling with my shirt as they all stare comcenered.

"Okay Luis, baby. Look at me" Cameron goes into nurse mode as he examined my eyes. "Now follow my finger" he keeps going and I try to do my best. "He's definitely concussed" he sighs and I start to tear up. I cheated on them and now I won't be able to play- wait if I don't go to the doctor they can't keep me away. I just won't go.

"You gotta be more careful" Anton jokes rubbing my shoulder. "I know" I whisper meekly. "You need to get a doctor's appointment" Cameron looks at me sternly and I nodded.

"Text your mom" he continues. I sigh going to my phone, before quickly typing something up. A thank you for letting me spend the night and telling her how much I love her and appreciate her. Sending it I put my phone on the nightstand and move to Anton hugging him.

"I love you" I really meant it for all three of them but I just needed to say it a hundred times. "I love you too, are you okay?" He asks rubbing my back as I buried my face into his neck, my arms around his shoulders.

"Mhmm I just wanted to be held at the moment" I admit and he chuckles grabbing my sides. I move with his hands and he guides me onto his lap until I'm straddling him.

"I'm going to go get him a water bottle" Dylan calls and I quickly reach my hand out for him. He smiles and takes it letting me drag him close. "I love you as well" I whisper and he smiles giving me a peck. "I know flower, I love you too" he hums before turning away to go get me water.

"I assume it's my turn" Cameron smiled moving next to us as Anton continued to rub my back and hold me close to him. "Mhmm" I answer leaning over for a quick kiss. "I love you as well" I whisper and he nods kissing me again. "I love you so much Luis" he admits and immediately after my eyes are welling up again.

I hide my face into Anton's neck again and try to stop my crying. I let him do those things and he has blackmail on me. What do I do!? What do I do... if I tell them they might leave me. I don't want them to leave me.

I grip onto Anton's shoulder's and he moves I assume grabbing Cameron because there's another hand on my back. He gets closer and I try to quiet my crying but it doesn't work.

"Baby, talk to us" he whispers and I take my head out of Anton's neck the tears streaming down my face. The door opens and Dylan's smile drops making me cry more. I didn't want to make them upset. It was me. I was the problem.

"You poor thing" the green eyed boy whispers setting my water down. "I'm okay, guys- my head just hurts" I mumble Anton wiping my tears. Dylan sits on the bed and cups my cheek.

Taking a deep breath I move forward in Anton's lap hugging him tightly before looking to the others. "Can I ask you guys a question?" I whisper and they all immediately respond. With a chorus of yes.

"None of you are using me right? I know I sound stupid but I'd like the reassurance. I'm just so paranoid" I mumble. I'm pulled off of Anton and squeezed in a hug by Dylan.

"I could never bring myself to use someone especially not you" Dylan answers kissing my cheek a million times. I smile and it turns into a laugh as he continues to pepper me with kisses.

"Luis... did Mark say something to you?" Cameron asked moving closer. "No- why?" I quickly shut it down. "All of a sudden you're coming back with a concussion and you're being insecure, crying? Did something happen?" He asked again.

"No I just hit my head on the table" I mumble and he sighs hugging me. "I don't use you, and I never will" he adds anyways. "Same here, I will never use you- never. I'm always going to be here for you" Anton grabs my hand squeezing it.

"Okay I'm fine- I'm sorry" I whisper rubbing my eyes. "Luis you've been dealing with so much shit- don't apologize. It's really understandable" Dylan assures me. Cameron smiled at him and kisses his cheek.

"You're an equal in this relationship"

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