Chapter 25

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"I'll actually wait for you Anton" Dylan smiles at him as I'm pulled over to Dylan's car. He helps put all my bags in the back and then closes up the trunk.

"I'm going to to go talk to Cameron real quickly go ahead and get into the car" he whispers looking around for Cameron I nod and got into the car buckling up as I waited for him.

A few minutes go by and he returns with a bright smile. "Sorry just had to get his okay on something" he smiles as I nod. I wanted to know but didn't want to pester. I really can't risk making anyone else mad or getting them annoyed with me.

"Would you like to know what it is?" He laughs pulling forward and out of his spot. "Si, if I can know" I smile but quickly bite my tongue hoping he didn't hear the slip up, Spanish.

"Of course I was hoping you would ask" he laughs and I sit back happy he didn't hear it. Or at least didn't comment on it. "Tomorrow after the game I want to take you on a date before we all go over to Cameron's house. Just me and you- if that's okay?" He asks.

My eyes go wide but I quickly nod yes. "Cameron was okay with it?" I ask and he nods. "Yeah he really likes you. I really like you. I feel like everyone does. Anyways he wants this relationship to happen and work between us" he continues. I hadn't realize we had been driving the whole time. My eyes were stuck on him.

"This feels so weird to say... I like you both. I do. I can't believe I'm saying this. Okay I like you like a lot. Cameron is like a crush who gets me really flustered all them. Honestly though, as of lately he's been a lot nicer and everything I feel like we've gotten closer. I'm not use to the whole two people thing" I frantically try to explain.

He chuckles and puts his hand in between us I hesitantly put my hand in his and he intertwined our fingers. "So tomorrow after the game- a date just us two" he asks and I nod. "I've never been on date before" I admit and he smiles before turning into a driveway.

I looked at the house in front of us. His was also pretty big but it was one story. I mean I'm sure it had a basement. I don't even know what I'm talking about. It's bigger than ours and it looked nice.

Parking the car we wait for the other two to pull in before stepping out. I go to the back and grab my bags Cameron coming over and grabbing my third one for me. "Thank you" I smile up at him and he gives me a grin before kissing my forehead.

"You two better have fun tomorrow" he warns me jokingly. I laugh and walk with him up to the house. Dylan goes first calling for his mother and a short blonde women comes out. She was a bit chubbier. Her hair short as well but it cupped her face nicely.

"Hello mom" Cameron smiles going up to her and hugging her nicely. "How's my favorite son in law" she hugs him tightly and he chuckles. "Pretty good" he smiles before going over and wrapping an arm around Dylan's waist.

"Mom this is-" she stops and runs over to me. "You must be Luis!? Those two boys never stop talking about you to me- I swear I almost went and did the dishes so they would leave me alone!" She jokes hugging me just as tight.

"Hello" I'm barely able to squeak out as I fight for air to breath. "Okay thanks for completely exposing us, this is-" Dylan tries again facing Anton.

"You are Anton! I've seen you at the soccer game. You have the sweetest sisters in the world and your dads are a delight!" She goes over and hugs him too. I laugh at the face he makes not expecting it to be that tight.

"Okay- forgot you knew everyone" her son sighs and she laughs to herself. "My name is Amanda. You can call me mom. Or whatever you want" she waves us off.

"I set up the projector downstairs once I heard we had guests. There's blankets in that one closet and a bunch of pillows. I made spaghetti because I assumed you would be hungry" she starts to ramble as Dylan walks over and grabs her hands.

"Thank you mom... let's go eat now" he whispers and she nods. "Sorry getting a little hyper" she sighs and he rubs her back. "It's okay" he smiles kissing her head as Cameron waltz into the kitchen. I can already tell this was his second home.

I actually had fun at dinner. Amanda likes to talk and asked us all about our days. I tried to tell her as much as possible but, considering I skipped half of it to make out with her son and nap...

So she knows that Dylan is dating Cameron does she know they both like me. "I have to get to my book club- you all behave!" She yells grabbing her bag and keys as we all finished putting away our plates.

"We will" Cameron yells holding Dylan's waist from behind. "So what happen at the field?" Anton asked looking between me and Cameron. Both of us start to choke on our laughter before finally breaking down.

"I put a bunch of grass in Logan's water bottle" I admit and this sends Anton into a fit of laughter. Dylan tried to keep it in but he ultimately gave up as we all laughed about it. He was choking on grass and dirt earlier. 

"That's so gross- anyways I need a shower" Cameron sighs and Dylan nods. "I probably should too" Anton admits as I nod. "Yeah same haven't really been able to in a few days" I admit and they nod. "I'll show you two the bathroom and then my room so you can take turns Cameron just go to my mom's bathroom" he waves him off.

A smirk appears on his face as he turns and walks away. Dylan stops by a closet grabbing us both towels and then showed us his room. The bathroom across the hall.

As soon as we agreed on who went first Dylan disappeared and we both eyed each other. "Think they are going to fuck?" Anton asked and I covered my mouth. "God I hope not that would be awkward" I admit as he goes into the bathroom laughing at my reaction. "I'll be quick" he replies while I go sit on Dylan's bed.

He didn't lie either. He was out of the shower quick and I hoped in right after trying to wash my body and hair as best as I could. My hair was too tangled though and I doubted I was going to be able to save it without the shampoo and conditioner I have to use and my hair brush.

Going through my new backpack I put on a pair of boxers and shorts. Searching through the bottom for a shirt. Smiling I found the hair brush as well and grabbed it before going into Dylan's room.

He was drying his long dirty blonde hair out with a towel as I sat down and attempted to brush my curls out. It was painful but needed to be done because I hadn't done it in a while.

The other two boys finally came back by turns. I was halfway done with my hair and Anton's hair was almost dried and already up in a bun. Cameron was shirtless and drying his hair. Just a pair of flannel pajama pants. Dylan had on a loose shirt and some sweats.

I blushed seeing the dark marks displayed on his collar. When Cameron turned you could see a few  faint pink marks all over his torso. Anton was also looking the two up and down.

I went back to brushing my hair as Anton pulled on a t-shirt. "Is everybody ready to head down stairs?" Dylan asked looking between us all. I grabbed my phone and nodded.

Taking my hair brush with me, Anton and I followed the two downstairs the projector already up on the wall. Both boys worked to set up blankets and pillows to make it comfortable before laying down.

I sat near the end next to Dylan. Cameron and Anton laid next to each other again. Cameron and Dylan in the middle. We all decided on a super hero movie that Amanda use to be obsessed with. It's titled Stealth?

"My dads actually met the main actor and his husband- it was on pure accident..." Anton tells us, and we all listen. "That's pretty cool" Dylan smiles and we all nod.

"How was you shower?"

"Shut up-"


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