Chapter 9

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"Okay boys our first scrimmage is coming up in a few weeks!" Our actual coach starts going off into a speech as I try to listen in. My head hurts so bad. I've dealt with it all night. I went through school got my notes done, but I can't. The heat... I'm tired.

"Luis?" Anton whisper nudging me. I stumble not having much balance and he grabs me straightening me up. "Hmm?" I ask and he gives me a worried look. "What's wrong?" He whispers and I give him a confused look. "I'm okay" I lie and go back to looking at coach. Am I moving I feel like I'm swaying.

Anton puts a hand on my shoulder keeping me still and I continue to try and focus on coach. "Coach!" Anton yells interrupting his pep talk. "Anton- I'm fine" I grumble and he rolls his eyes. "Anton I'm... I'm-"


"My head" I groan sitting up. Where am I? What happen. I look around and I'm surprised to see three sets of eyes staring back at me. "Oh thank god you're okay- what happen?! I knew I shouldn't have left you at home yesterday! Is Javier okay!? Josefina!?" Anton shouts coming over to look me over.

I think I was in the school nurses office. "They're fine- I just hit my head on the door yesterday when I was running to go see what was wrong" I lie once again.

"What do you mean you shouldn't have left him at home- what happen?" Cameron asked as my face drops and I pleaded with my eyes to Anton not to say anything. "There was a lot of yelling to the point his little brother came out sobbing- why am I even telling you this" he sighs before scooting closer to me.

"How's your head?" Dylan whispered as Cameron and Anton start to snap at each other. I swallow and try to think of ways to get out of this. "It hurts- do my parents know I'm here? What time is it?" I whisper to him.

"I'm not sure if the nurse told your parents or not- and it's..." he trails off pulling out his phone to look. "6:34" he tells me as my eyes widen.

"Oh no-" I stop and start to pull the blanket off of me as I hop out of bed. "Hey- Luis" Dylan tried to call me while my movement alerts the other two boys. "Luis what are you doing!?" Anton sighs as I find my bag on a table.

"Luis!" Cameron yells the loudest his voice deeper than the others honestly startling me. It made me flinch back I flipped around my eyes widened in a panic state. "Yes? I'm sorry- I really- I just have to get home" I tell them all and they shake their heads before looking at each other.

Anton looked away in disgust before walking over to me. "Please just lay down-" I cut him off stepping away. "You don't understand- I need to get to Javier" I yell and drop my bags just running past as the hands and arms try to grab me.

"Luis!" They were all calling for me as I tried to escape the school not use to where I was. I ran home stumbling a few times but ultimately made it unscathed.

Opening the door I look around for my brother before calling for him. "Javier! Javier!" I yell tears welling in my eyes as I search for my baby brother. "Please Javier! Where are you!" I scream. I didn't care anymore.

A door opens and my pa- he came out stumbling into walls. My eyes widen as I could smell the alcohol from here. "Where's Javier?" I ask and he shrugs going towards me. "I was trying to sleep. So shut up for once in your life" he spits out as I rip at my hair. "Give me your phone" I go forward and he smacks me with the back of his hand. "Get away you maricón" he grumbles and I shake my head ignoring the pain. "I need to call the police" I shout but he just pushes me over going towards the kitchen.

I shake my head and run out of the house. "Javier!" I yell and finally receive an answer. "Luis!" His tiny voice cries out and I search around for him listening to the rustling around. Finally seeing the little boy come out of the bushes scratches from all the twigs.

Going over I drop to my knees. "Are you okay?" I whisper looking over his body. "Papa scaw me" he admits and I shake my head. "He's okay- I'm so sorry- I didn't mean to leave you alone. I got hurt at practice" I lie but he shakes his head and hugs me. "Oh no! You go hut!" He yells and I shake my head before crying.

"I'm sorry- I'm so sorry" I just sat down and sobbed. Javier was hugging me with wide eyes as he started it cry again. Suddenly there's brakes squeaking and cars pulling into our driveway as I quickly try to hide any evidence of me crying.

"Shh Javier it's okay!" I rub his back and he nods hugging my neck. Lifting the kid up I hold him closer as door opens and slam. "Dumbass you said you knew where he lived!" The familiar voice of Cameron yells.

"I do or we wouldn't be here right now!? Would we!?" Anton yells back. Dylan was walking over as the two got closer and were in a heated argument over something.

"Are you okay?" He asks me as I look through the door not wanting my dad to see. "I'm fine- why are you here?" I ask trying to calm Javier. "We needed to make sure you are okay" he explains calmly as I nod. "All of you?" I ask looking to the two basically hissing at eachother.

"Yes- I mean- well" he stumbles over words as I freeze and turn putting Javier back by the bushes. "Stay here I'll be right back" I whisper and he starts to cry reaching for me. I run back inside and go for Josefina's room. "Josefina! Where are you!? Are you home!" I yell hoping she's at a friends house.

There's loud steps coming up the stairs from my room and I whip around to see her coming out from behind the closed door. "Why are you yelling I was trying to sleep" she whispers rubbing her eyes. I grab her wrist and pull her outside closing the door. "It's quieter in your room don't be mad at me" she yells as I send her a glare.

"You don't need to hangout with me but go to a friends house" I order her and she rolls her eyes pulling her phone out of her bra. "Hey Josie" Anton yells and I roll my eyes as she looks up and smiles at him. "Hi Ant" she giggles this fake high giggle making me roll my eyes once again. "Josefina go to a friend's house" I whisper again and she sends me a glare that I don't let get to me. I was doing it to protect her.

"Luis your brother wants you" Dylan was now holding Javier who was silently crying almost asleep in his arms. His hand was in his mouth his other reaching for me.

I sigh and grab my brother before taking Dylan by the shirt and pulling him over to the others. My sister was walking to a friend's place and I have the three guys in front of me.

"I'm fine- I just have a headache" a really bad headache. "Why don't you come home with me- Javier too" Anton smiles as I look over and watch Josefina disappear into Mariah's? House.

"Or me? We don't even need to go to my house let's just drive around" Cameron steps forward quickly being stopped by Anton. "I'm obviously the calmest. Why don't you guys come with me?" Dylan smiles and both boys huff.

"Sooo who do you want to go with?" Anton pushes his way in front of both boys. "Umm- me and Javier are just going to go to the park... thanks though" I dismiss them all and their smiles drop.

"You guys should go though my dad wouldn't be happy with a bunch of strangers in his driveway" I tell them and Cameron rolls his eyes while Anton eyes the house angrily. "Well get a hold of us if something happens" Dylan smiles.

"I really don't understand why you came here" I chuckle and they all go silent. "Listen it's obvious something is going on in this house- you didn't have that mark on your cheek when you left the school" Cameron speaks up getting slapped on the chest by Dylan.

"What somebody had to say it!" He shouts. Dylan grabbed his ear yanking him away like a child. "Go to your car now" he starts tugging him over. "Fuck off Dylan" Cameron grunts and he sighs going to his ear to whisper something.

"Fine- you better not take your time" Cameron rolls his eyes before getting into his truck. Dylan goes to his car and opens something before coming back and giving it to me. "Will help the sting- drink lots of water" he whisper handing me a tube of ointment.

Anton glares at him and waits for the both of them to leave before rubbing Javier's back and helping me put some ointment on. "You will call me if something happens... please Luis... please" he begs and I nod.

"Nothing will happen- we're fine. You guys are getting all worried over nothing"

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