Chapter 8

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"Here's my child" Anton smiles slapping the side of a silver Blazer. "It's nice" I smile and he nods. "Been in the family for like almost 18 years now, my dads had a lot of memories in it- which is a story for another time, so they refuse to get rid of it, so I got it!" He explains proudly before opening up the trunk.

"Go ahead and throw your stuff in here" he chucks his stuff in as I gently set mine down. Once he closes up the trunk he goes for the drivers side and I make the awkward walk to the other side hoping I was going where he wanted me to sit.

I wait for him to open his door so I know it's unlocked and then open mine. Hopping in I buckle up and he starts up the car. Some older rock blasting from the radio.

"Sorry" he chuckles turning it down. "It's okay" I smile and he nods going to fidget with the radio. "Do you like listing to a certain type of music?" He asks and I shrug. "Ummm not really I don't listen to a lot of music sometimes pop... my mom listens to a lot of Selena" I mention and he nods.

"You don't live far from here so I'll just keep the radio off so we can talk" he suggest. "So this relationship?" He pries and I grip the seat super nervous.

"Okay- so I'm technically not allowed to date- strict parents" I start getting a gasp. "The horror I can not imagine having to go through that" he fakes a pout backing out of his parking spot.

"Well I told my mom that I didn't think I liked girls and long story short she gave me one chance to date a guy. So I dated this one guy who helped me realized that I was into guys. We dated for like four months before deciding to just be friends." I keep it short and simple.

"Well I'm glad it didn't end horribly" he smiles before waiting for directions. "Uh go right" I tell him and he pulls out when it's safe. "So in a few minutes you're going to turn to the left" I explain ahead of time.

"So have you dated anyone?" I ask and he nods. "Many girls- never last long because they usually never have any feelings involved just want a hot guy to be seen with. Not to mention I've been told I'm good in-" I cut him off slapping his arm. "Don't want to hear it- especially since you're crushing on my sister" I murmur.

"Yeah sorry about that- if it's too weird I'll move on. I will really. Like I said not really sure I like her... thought she'd be like you" he whispers as I start to point. "Take this turn" I direct him and he flips the blinker down and turns down the road.

"So how long have you been growing out your hair?" I ask trying to keep conversation. "Four years" he smiles patting his little man bun. He had pretty blonde hair that I've never actually seen down before.

"Do you ever wear it down?" I ask and he shakes his head. "Nope- when I sleep I put it in a low ponytail to keep it straight" he chuckles. "At the stop sign turn right and that's the street with my house" I quickly add not wanting him to miss it.

"Is it hard to manage?" I ask running a hand through my own shaggy hair. He slows to a stop at the sign and turns to me pulling his sunglasses down to reveal his amber eyes. "What's got you so interested in my hair all of a sudden" he asks rising an eyebrow.

I look forward again forgetting how attractive he is. Stop he's into my sister. Plus I can't date. I also don't want to ruin my only friendship. "Just keeping conversation" I state and he pushes his glasses back up before turning down the road.

"To bad I thought you were going to grow a man bun with me" he fakes a pout and I laugh shaking head. "Oh no- I wouldn't pull it off" I continue to laugh and he joins tapping his fingers on the wheel.

"The gray house up there, with the red car in the driveway" I nod and he looks over before pointing. "Right there?" He double checks and I nod in agreement. "Your sister home?" He jokes and I shrug honestly who knows.

"Looks like my dad is though" I huff and he nods turning into the driveway. "What's wrong with your dad? Just not on good terms?" He asks and I quickly grab my bag. "No- we're good he just cooks the worst dinner ever" I fib. He smiles believing me. I'm getting better at this lying.

Putting the blazer in park he turns to me and smiles. "Thanks for the ride" I smile anxiously at him as the door goes flying open. My little brother comes running out a tear stained face.

I forget about my bag and unbuckle throwing the blazer door open as I run to him squatting down to wipe his face. "Hey tell me what's wrong? What's wrong? Javier! ¡aliento! ¿Qué pasó?" I switch to Spanish knowing sometimes it calms him.

"Papi is yelling! He's mad!" Javier sobs and I look to the open door only then hearing my dads yelling. He was cursing in Spanish and I hug Javier to me before pulling him away to look him in the eyes.

"Go behind the bush- see the bush. We're going to play hide and seek" I guide him over and he nods running over. Standing I go back to the blazer. Grabbing my bag I look at Anton who had his glasses off and was now unbuckled his hand on the door handle.

"Have a good rest of your day. See you tomorrow" I get my stuff and he reaches over grabbing my shirt. "Do I need to take you with me- I'll take Javier too. If Josefina is here I'll take her too- I'm serious Luis" he whispers and my eyes widen but I shake my head.

"It's probably just work- something probably happened. He's very stressed and doesn't yell much so it must be a bunch of pent up rage" I explain and he sighs getting him off me.

"Luis... call me- please" he whispers and I nod. "Got it- see ya later" I smile before closing the door. He gives me a wave before putting his sun glasses back on.

I walk in front of the car so he can leave before putting both bags on. "Javier- let's go" I call and he giggles before running towards me. "You win!" I cheer before lifting him up onto my hip.

Wiping his damp cheeks I walk towards the now quiet house only hearing Anton start to back up when I was at the door. I don't turn back and watch but I do look back when he is halfway down the street.

"Luis!" Father yells and I flinch putting my brother down. I hurry to the basement door opening it. "Go down to my room- here's my phone" I struggle to put the password in and send him down the stairs before closing the door.

Listening to the tiny little patter of his feet. Setting my bags in front of the door so my father won't think twice about going down there. "Did you seriously bring a boy to my house! You disgust me! Asqueroso! To think- me and your brother were having a great time. Your sister went to her friends house. I had- a friend coming over and then you!" He moves closer pushing me against the basement door.

I hold in my cry so Javier doesn't hear giving my father pleading eyes. "Please be quiet- I don't want to scare Javier" I manage to whisper and he narrows his eyes gripping my shirt before pulling me and slamming me against the door again.

I swear I can smell some alcohol on his breath and my eyes widen as my head hits the door again. "Father? Are you-" he cuts me off with another slam against the door.

"Don't call me that- I am not your anything. You just live here. Tienes suerte de que tu madre te quisiera" he grits his teeth before throwing me towards the ground.

I brace for impact my head killing me. Just laying on the ground I wait for him to grab his keys and leave. When I know I'm safe I stand and grab my bags quietly before slowly making my way down stairs.

Putting my bags to the side of my room, Javier crawls out from under one of my blankets. Some cartoon of his playing. "What was the banging!?" He asks and I go to my mirror looking myself over. I still had a bruise on my cheek but it wasn't very noticeable. Mamá still thinks it's a bug bite.

"Your brother is an idiot and tripped a whole bunch- and papa tried to help me up but ended up tripping as well" I added a fake laugh which just hurt my head more.

My brother scoots over making room for me. "lay with me!" He cheers and I nod going to change into more comfortable clothes. Getting into bed I cuddle up to my brother closing my eyes as he patted my forehead.

It hurts so bad- I hurt so bad.

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