Prada Milano was training in the middle of the night as she was focusing her chakra on a certain tree. Then cherry blossoms petals began to surround her and she slowly pulled her sword out before moving swiftly and cutting the tree into logs with one strike.


She then put her sword back and sighed before turning around.

Prada: I know you're over there so come on out.

Sakura was shocked thinking she was caught but stayed put just incase she was playing but then she felt Someone's hand on her back. She jumped a bit and looked behind her to see Prada and she screamed before leaping out the bush and then looked up to see Prada looking down at her.

Prada: My My. Such energy for someone your age.

Sakura panicked and bowed down on her knees.

Sakura: I'm sorry! I didn't mean to spy on you please forgive me!

Prada: Come on Come on. Stop that. Look I'll let it go. But you have to tell me why was you watching me.

Sakura then looked at her and stood up and brushed herself off. And began to explain her situation. About the first Exams all the way to now.

Prada: I see... you wish to improve yourself because of what my brother said.

Sakura: Yes ma'am...A-and well...while watching you...I.. Please! I want you to train me!

Prada looked at the desperation and determination in the young Haruno's eyes and walked passed her not answering her. Sakura was worried she made herself look bad and was about to tear up but then Prada stopped her motions and began to speak.

Prada: Come back here early in the morning- actually no not even in the morning. Before sunrise. Come back here at sunrise. You do that then maybe I'll see about making you my student.

Sakura shot up and looked at Prada's back and smiled and nodded.

Sakura: Y-Yes Ma'am!

Before Sunrise:

Sakura had came back to the training grounds with a breakfast bar in her mouth as she needed some energy for whatever Prada had for her. She waited for a while and ate her breakfast bar and was wondering where Prada was. At this point sunrise came and she felt like she did something bad but didn't give up or leave. Then she heard another pair of footsteps coming her way. It was Prada and she finally made it to the training grounds.

Prada: Ahh you actually stayed and waited.

Sakura: Y-yeah.

Prada: Sorry for the lateness. I had to visit my sister at the hospital.

Sakura: O-Oh no. It's quite alright.

Prada then nodded and crossed her arms.

Prada: Well then. Time to see if you're Worthy of being my student.

Sakura: What do I need to do?

Prada: See my hat?

Sakura looked at her hat and nodded while confused to why she asked about the hat.

Prada: It's a nice hat. Yet it is also very easy to come off my head. If you can manage to tip my hat off or even touch it. Then you pass.

Sakura was at first afraid she wasn't gonna pass but didn't back down as she nodded and got into her fighting stance. Prada stayed having her hands crossed as she watched Sakura.

Prada: Her confidence is impressive. But that alone will not help her. Let's see her performance today.

Sakura then charged at Prada with her fist ready to hit her but Prada blocked it with her hand. Sakura then tried to punch her with another hand but Prada used her other hand to grab a hold of her wrist. The pink head then jumped and used her right leg to kick her but she moved out the way and made Sakura spin and land on her face. Sakura cried in pain before she got up and wipe the dirt off her face. She then ran towards Prada again before doing the clone jutsu making two illusion clones. Prada then punched the one she knew was the real one. Once she hit her the other clones disappeared. Sakura got up again and threw two Kunai knives at her and Prada jumped out the way before seeing the wire on the ends of the knife. She then looked up to see Sakura pulling on something before she slingshot herself to Prada to lightly touch the hat. Prada's eyes widened as she kneed Sakura and grabbed her head and threw her to the ground hard. She then landed and walked to Sakura who was injured. Sakura looked like she was about to cry until Prada spoke.

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