[Intermission 1] Cure an Ailment

Start from the beginning

"Yeah, you kind of need to be able to walk to fight," Cole offered.

Kai eventually piped down and simply sulked in the corner.

You found a comfortable spot on the floor, a bit ways away from the others. Despite having told yourself again and again that you can't spread your sickness to the others, you still tried to distance yourself. You hung around Morro and the others when you had worse illnesses, and they never got sick themselves. Wu even explained the sciences behind it all, about how the viruses and bacteria that made you sick Ninjagoans were seemingly resistant against.

Still, it didn't hurt to distance yourself.

You bent your legs upwards and crossed your arms, setting them on your knees before resting your head above them. You watched as Cole and Zane seemed to finally agree on a movie, placing the disc into the DVD player underneath the television. Popcorn was brought and passed around, people sat together and enjoyed the movie.

You fell asleep within ten minutes.

~ ~ ~

When you woke up, you felt a fair bit energised. There was hardly any sunlight streaming through the room's window, so the sun might've just begun to rise. You could've gotten up and made breakfast.

Though you realise that you're trapped under your friends.

You had an odd sleeping arrangement set up. Jay was to one side of you, practically hugging your arm to death as if you'd disappear any moment, while Zane was to your other side, hand in yours. You could feel Kai's head pressed against yours, and Cole was using your stomach as a pillow.

Well, shit.

There was absolutely no way you'd get out of this without waking someone up, so you shoved your growing embarrassment down and shut your eyes.

You can't sleep, though.

You kept your eyes shut as the sun ever so slowly rose into the air, letting more light enter the room.

Kai was the first to wake up, his head moving away from yours as he sat up. You pretended to keep sleeping. You heard Kai stifle a snort before he shifted and got up to his feet. The red ninja soon left the room as silently as he could.

You continued to pretend-sleep, at least until the others woke up. You did not want to wake up the others.

Jay was next to wake up. He had hugged your arm just a touch tighter before he let out a tiny squeak and quickly let go. Jay slipped away from you, and you could barely hear his rapid breathing. You then heard the blue ninja leave the room.

Cole had woken up when the room's door shut, and he quickly got up and stretched (you assumed) before heading out himself.

You paused for a moment longer, though you eventually got up yourself. Zane was still asleep. You slipped your hand out of his grasp before glancing around for a free blanket. You tossed a blanket over Zane's body before leaving the room.

You were feeling a bit better, though your stuffy nose told you that you were still a bit sick. It might clear up within the day, or maybe it'll clear up tomorrow. Until then, you were going to take it a bit easier than normal.

You checked to see if anyone was using the shower before grabbing a spare set of clothes and heading in yourself. It was a bit difficult using the shower, as the showerhead was lower than it should be. You had to crouch or sit down to properly use the shower, but you managed. You were quick to dry off and change into a simple t-shirt and a pair of long pants.

You were feeling energised for the day. You weren't sure if the others would let you train because you're still sick, but you might try to get some practice in before they tell you to stop. You headed outside and stretched your body to its fullest.

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