Amy carefully followed his movements and made sure to counter them. She twirled her body as she easily blocked and dodged the swing.

Milivoj refused to give up and continued with his job. They were training for the event that will soon happen, he needed to be serious with his sparring.

Amy could feel the male's passion and knew she needed to respond to it. She made sure to battle seriously with the male and prove to him that she wouldn't give in so easily.

Their swords hit with each other, pushing them as both refused to lose. Dust continued to cloud around them due to their quick steps.

When Amy saw a chance, she prepared herself and gathered her strength. She moved in a blur and smiled as she sends her attack.

But her attention was soon moved towards the two figures behind Milivoj.

Noticing her distracted, Milivoj used this as a chance to counter her.

Amy blinked in surprise and used her sword as a shield, pushing her and sending her skidding on the ground from the force.

She panted as she maintained her balance, glad she made it in time.

Milivoj frowned. He knew how Amy tended to be focused on her thoughts, but to become distracted when they were sparring?

It didn't sit well to him.

He walked towards the lady. Amy saw the male and knew Milivoj must've noticed her sudden change.

She sighs, placing a hand on her hips. "My bad. You can blame me for that one, I got side-tracked." She explains, admitting her mistake.

The male deepened his frown.


As if expecting his words, the lady didn't let him continue. "I know I know. I'm fine. The plan just weighs heavy ok, 'specially with me and Royse being the ones to battle Xena." She announced.

Milivoj knew that wasn't the only reason. He knew Amy suddenly changed when she noticed something behind him.

Realizing this, he turns his head and saw the two figures from afar.

When he returns his attention towards Amy, he noticed her pained expression as she also gazed at the 2.


Milivoj finally understood why.

Amy huffed, walking away. "Let's end this. We've battled enough for today. Let's continue this tomorrow." She announced, making her way towards the changing area.

But she halted when a large hand grabbed her wrist.

Amy sighed as she turns towards Milivoj. She sees his expression and knew he was worried for her.

"I know you hate that I'm being distracted, but I promise that I'll do my best not to repeat it." She assures.

Milivoj didn't give in and kept his hold. He frowned, knowing he couldn't bear to see his rival like this.

"Can you at least tell me your worries...?" He asks in a soft tone, keeping his gaze towards her.

She widened her eyes as she registered his words.

This took Amy by surprise.

He knew Milivoj showed his concerns through actions but this was the first for him to voice his thoughts like this.

For him to ask her so softly.

She wanted to ignore the male but a part of her knew she needed to appreciate her friend's concern and effort.

Transmigration as an Unknown Character! | 僕の妹の大好きな乙女ゲームで, 未知のキャラクターとして移住しました!Where stories live. Discover now