The boys are treating her with the up most respect. Which always catches her off guard, which makes me wonder that when she was with her dad... what did those men say to her, to make her be so afraid of men. 

" Has she opened up to you at all? " Jin asks me, I shake my head. 

" She will when she's ready. I don't want to push her, she's been through enough already. Come on we all know who her father is, her life must have been hell, " I tell him, which causes all of them to nod towards me. 

The door opened and in walked her, she always came into my office to grab books. She read them like crazy, she always tried to be quiet when she was in my office. " Y/n... " she picks up her head seeing all of our pair of eyes set on her. 

" I'm so sorry... are you in a meeting? " She asks. 

" You look as beautiful as Yoongi has described you, " Jin says, he's the only one who hasn't officially met her. She nods towards him, and he smiles. 

" Y/n, this is Jin... he's one of my dear friends. Jin, as you know this is my wife, Y/n, " I say introducing the two of them, I see her begin to blush. She always blushes when I call her my wife. I find it so addable. 

I, at this moment, only being married to her for three months had already fallen in love with her. We're still working on trust with one another, because obviously trust goes both ways. 

Y/n's P.O.V. 

I woke up from another nightmare, and when I turned to see Yoongi he was gone. I have to take naps during the day, because usually I don't sleep enough at night due to the nightmares. I quickly got up and started searching the house, and noticed his office door was open. Quietly going in there, I see him in his chair with his hands in his face. And the sounds of sniffling, he's crying. I closed the door as quietly as I could, and made my way over to him. Crouching down in front of him. "Yoongi... " I begin, he picks up his head. And before he could turn away I wiped the tears away from his face. 

" Your father... why did he- " he was at a lost of words. He truly didn't know what to describe it as. " Why he pretty much sold me? Or was willing too? " I ask finishing his sentence, he slowly nods towards me. I move away sitting on his desk, and be pulled his chair lightly forward. Time to be honest. 

" He's hated me since I was born, he wanted a dynasty of boys. Having six boys wasn't enough, he wanted seven. My mother got pregnant with me, and the doctor told my parents that this would be their last pregnancy. When I was born, my father was visibly and verbally upset. Stating that having a daughter means the beginning fo the end. My mother was the complete opposite. Always 'secretly' wanting a girl... " I stop to catch my breath, realizing he has moved closer to me and his hand is placed on my knee. 

" I can- " I quickly shake my head towards him. 

" I like it there... my dad over the years when I was younger tried to hide his resentment towards me. Tried to get me counted off as a boy, but when I hit puberty that's when everything changed. He started hiding it less and less. I was never going to be worthy in his eyes... never going to be perfect. And when I turned 15, that's when he first hit me. And that abuse then never stopped, he found joy in abusing his daughter. " It was then that I looked up and made eye contact with Yoongi, and I saw the tears filling his eyes. And as well, I realized that I had started crying. 

" I'm gonna kill him... " he stands up quickly beginning to walk away from me. " Yoongi... " I beginning trying to come up with the right words to say. " No one gets to touch my wife like that. No one should ever hit any woman like that- but my wife! My wife- " I grabbed a hold of him and slammed my lips against his. I knew that would catch him off guard, we haven't kissed since our wedding. And it wasn't like this, I grabbed a hold of his arms wrapping them around my waist. It was then that it clicked with him, he quickly pulled me closer to him. And in that moment everything between us became more intense. 

He moved me towards the wall, and immediately puts his hand under my shirt.  " Yoongi- oh my god! I am so sorry, I am so sorry! " Jungkook screams, immediately covering his eyes and walking back out. Causing the both of us to laugh. 

" He is the best at interrupting, " I chuckle, which causes him to nod towards me. I lean my head back against the wall, and he's holding me in his grasp. " You should probably go see what he needs, he only comes into the office when he needs help, " I add. He nods towards me. He begins to walk away, and I grab a hold of him pulling him back and kissing him. And he kissed me back as well. Before walking out of the room. 

Maybe tonight is the night I be completely open to him, I did just tell him my trauma. I do trust him a lot, and I did start falling for him. I am in love with him, maybe I should. 

I'm standing in the bathroom dressed in my nightgown. This one is a little different from my others. This one is completely see through. " Y/n, you okay? " Yoongi asks me. 

" Yeah I am, I'm coming out now, " I tell him. I take one final look at myself and walk out. He immediately turns his head when he sees me, but that's because he's blushing. He doesn't want me to see him blush, which is insane, because he looks adorable. 

I sat down on the bed next to him, grabbing a hold of his face and moving it t look at me. " You're not going to hit me like my father, right? " My voice sounded so scared and innocent. I've been taught that, that is what husband's do. They beat their wives and children. 

He grabs a hold of me pulling me into his lap. " I will never hit you like your father... I am not that man. And I will never disrespect you in that way ever. You're my wife, and I have the highest respect for you, " he declares to me which causes me to smile. 

I grab a hold of his face moving him in and we start kissing each other. For the first time in this marriage we were completely vulnerable with one another. Showing each other the flaws we hate in ourselves, and loving them with everything inside of us. 

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