christmas movies

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layla wasn't a big fan of christmas when she was younger with her best friend's mom who was like a second mom to her dead, she felt a emptiness in her mind whenever her and her family celebrated christmas since her best friend's mom would never get to experience another christmas with her family

she was only ten when it happened, when liberty cried to her after finding out that her mother had cancer and only had a few amount of months left to live.

christine amoré had always been a ray of sunshine even when she was diagnosed with cancer, she still kept a smile on her face and that's one thing that layla loved about the women, how she found still smile through the hard times.

but layla learned over the years, that christine wouldn't of wanted her to be upset or sad because she's not there with them, instead she'd want them to keep smiles on their faces and that everything is okay because she was there.

she was there with them in their hearts.


layla laid on her girlfriend's chest thinking about her second like mother, after she saw pictures of her, liberty and layla when christine took the two girls to a nail salon to get matching nails.

"hey bub," anna looked at her girlfriend feeling tears start to stain her shirt, "bubby," anna said with layla leaning off of anna's chest with tears slightly coming down her face, "what's wrong?"

anna never liked layla cry, "i-i," layla tried to speak but tears interrupted her as she slightly sobbed, she sniffles a few seconds later feeling her girlfriend's hand rubbing her back, "do you wanna talk about it?"

even though she didn't want to, layla knew she needed to otherwise, she'd keep thinking about christine and how she's not there with them for christmas, "so, um.."

anna looked at her girlfriend who now faced her with her legs over anna's thighs, "liberty's mom died eleven years ago," anna nods her head, "she was diagnosed with cancer, and— she died today, near to christmas,"

layla said with tears falling down, "that's why you don't like celebrating christmas," layla nods her head looking down, "i-i just don't think it's nice celebrating without her here,"

anna frowned touching layla's knee, "hey," teary eyed meet blue eyes, "i know that liberty's mom wouldn't want you to cry and be upset okay, because she's here," she pointed to layla's chest, "she's here with you, she's always gonna be there,"

layla nods her head leaning forwards letting her head rest on anna's shoulders sniffling, "i know but it's just sad that she's not here with us," anna pulls back, frowning looking at layla wiping at her eyes, "i know it is bubby, but she wouldn't want you to cry.."

she lifted her hand wiping away a tear that fell from her face, "she'd be so proud of everything that you've accomplished," anna stated touching layla's cheek, "i know i am, and your family is,"

"she's always gonna be here with you, wherever you go,"

layla looked at anna's face, "i love you," anna let's a small smile take over her lips, "i love you too," layla hugged anna knowing that anna was always gonna be her comfort person, and vice versa.


a christmas movie played on layla's movie theatre with layla's head resting on her brother's shoulder as everyone came around after anna sent a message to layla's closest friends and brother to come and hangout with her knowing that her girlfriend needed her friends.


sab, emma and anna chuckled at the funny part of the movie with layla letting a small smile coating over her lips, watching the film playing.

knowing that she was surrounded with people who loved and supported her through everything with devy kissing layla's cheek, "you gonna be okay?"

layla looked at her friend taking her head from her brother's shoulder nodding her head, "yeah," devy nods her head, "well, just know i'm here," layla half smiles, "thank you.. it means a lot,"

"you mean a lot to me, to us.."

anna watched her girlfriend and one of her best friends talk half smiling, before turning her attention back to the christmas movie with cooper, zack and brad all playing games on their phones.

layla's head turned when she hears karina's voice coming from outside of the movie theatre, layla stands up furrowing her eyebrows, "karina?" she comes closer to the theatre door seeing karina standing there with her suitcase in hand.

karina smiled, "i'm home for christmas," layla comes into her best friend's arms, "i missed you so much," karina chuckled in layla's arms, "i missed you too," she looked over layla's shoulder seeing anna and brad also in the movie theatre.

she clears her throat moving back from layla's hug, "i see everyone's here," layla opens her mouth looking back into the movie theatre then to her best friend, "yeah, i didn't think you were coming home until later, i can—"

karina shakes her head, "it's okay, i'm gonna put my things in my room, i'm gonna go and see sharlize, but we'll have dinner together?" she questioned layla who nods her head, "yeah,"

layla smiled sweetly, "okay, see you later then," karina takes her suitcase upstairs into her bedroom leaving her and layla's apartment, "what happened in the movie?"

she asked noah when she sat back down next to her brother knowing that anna, brad and karina needed to talk but weren't going to talk.

THIS COULD BE US,  anna shumate Where stories live. Discover now