100| A New Beginning

Start from the beginning

He'd tell me that he would tell Harry stories of his time at Hogwarts with his friends. They'd often play Quidditch together, and Sirius would sometimes talk a bit about Regulus, but the topic was too sensitive for him.

On Harry's 16th birthday, Sirius fetched him from Privet Drive and threw a party for him, only the Order were invited because of the Ministry's strict restrictions. And took him on a motorcycle ride during the night as a birthday gift.

Oh, how the Dursleys were gonna kill him for that ...

"That was fun." I giggled, stepping into the dark threshold once the party ended, switching on the light.

"Indeed," Remus agreed, pulling off my coat and hanging it on the rack. "We should probably get some sleep, it's late after all." He held my hand tightly as he knew I was very exhausted, supporting me as he led us to our room.
"Come to think of it," he mumbled thoughtfully, placing me down on the bed at last. "Your birthday is in a few days."

"I don't really want a fancy birthday, Rem. I just want a simple one, with you, our baby, Sirius and the Order." I sighed with a shake of my head, quickly changing into night clothes.

"Hmm, and I thought I was the one who didn't like celebrating my birthday." he hummed, chuckling as he put on his pyjama tops before climbing on the bed with a small, adorable yawn.

"I never said anything-" I said, furrowing my eyebrows, smacking him with a pillow playfully as he laughed. "You drive me crazy sometimes."

"Glad to know."

"I hate you."

"No you don't." he grinned.

I awoke in the morning of my 21st birthday, alone in my bed as usual, the warm blanket spread across me. Stretching my arms groggily I felt my skin make contact with the smooth surface of a small piece of parchment when my hands touched the soft, feathered pillows.

He must've run out of those white envelopes, that's what he gets for using them too much, I smiled to myself mischievously.

Happy Birthday, Mrs. Lupin. Baby might be hungry by now, breakfast is waiting downstairs for the both of you.

By the way:
* I love you both
* How adorable you are when you sleep
* Nice butt

Cheeks blushing pink furiously and stomach curdling again in the usual routine for the past weeks, I forced myself to head to the bathroom. The morning sickness wasn't as bad as before, but it was still there. I descended downstairs after that. He wasn't in the kitchen, although breakfast was already prepared on the table.

I found him in the living room after a few minutes, laying on the couch with a book in his hand, one that he was reading with interest as he wore a soft, small smile.

Walking towards him slowly and kneeling down, I kissed his head softly yet tenderly. "What are you reading?"

"A baby book," he replied bluntly, as my fingers began to brush his soft, messy brown curls. "So apparently, your morning sickness should be gone by the end of your first trimester which should be in ... one more week, I suppose. Then, that means you'll finally have a baby bump!" he beamed widely in happiness at the last part.

I chuckled at his childishness, climbing off the couch, he knelt down in front of me and kissed my stomach.

"Oh sweet little girl, today's Mummy's birthday, so do me a favor okay? Help me make her day very special." he whispered to my stomach, still smiling brightly.

"Nice speech, but correction Remus, it's a boy." I smirked, he shot up his head in feigned shock.

"We'll see in six months, but I'm really certain it's a girl." he shrugged, leaning his ear against my skin.

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