Chapter 21

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Im so fucking tired.It's almost 3am.I dont even know whats going on.

"Why am I even here?"I mumble, just as Danny walks by.

"You can leave. "He walks away, slowly. I would if I could.

"Dad can I go home now.I don't even know why im here."he gives me a glare.

"You are here because if that was johny in that room, you would be in the same place Daniel is right now. "I sigh and nod I would be next to him.

"Take a seat she shiuld be out in a little bit. "I sit down and take my phone out. I have 5 missed calls from Jay. The amazement is mind blowing. I call him back, he answers on the last ring.

"Hey, what you up to."he sounds. .....tired.

"Im at the hospital, Danny's sister passed out."I say into the phone.

"Really ? Why did she pass out? "He asks.

I dont know. ..let me ask Danny"I get up and walk to Danny.

"Noo!"he yells over the phone.I stop at mid track. "I'll ask him later.."he hangs up the phone. Rude much.

"Jacky can leave, just be careful with her.....she's delicate. "The doctor says and a girl , im guessing Jacky , walks out.

"Yes, thank you ."Danny glares at Jacky, she rolls her eye's. They all walk away.

"I was here for fuking almost 7 hour's and I don't even get a thank you. "I mumble as I walk to my dad's car.

"You need to stop with the attitude. Im sick of it."he says once I get in the car.

"Than why do you put up with it?"he sighs and shakes his head.The ride home was quiet in a weird way.You could feel the tension. I get down and slam the car door I walk up the porch, and see Jay waiting.

"Hey."he looks up and gives me a hug.

"Hey, you okay?"he looks terrible.

"Yeah, just tire-."

"Isabella get in!!! Now! !"my dad yells.DON'T CALL ME ISABELLA!!!.
I smile at Jay and run up the porch.

"Why you so mad.Chill out"I smirk.

"Is he your boyfriend. "He asks trying to open the door.

"N-."why do people keep cutting me off.

'"Yes we are dateing. "Something in me just twists. Why am I not happy, im actually disgusted.

"Hell no! I DON'T date!"I yell and walk inside.I stomp to my room and lock the door.

''What did I just do?......God I can be stupid.he just said we are dateing and I yelled at him.ughh.kill me now."I say to myself.

" okay?"my dad unlocks the door and walks in.

"Yeah just tired."he nods and leaves.I change my clothes and go to sleep.


I'm going to kill Jay. He never owns up to his problems.I walk to grt a drink of water.I feel this strong pain in my chest.My glass crashes on the floor, the water spills everywhere.

"Mom."I try to yell.I gasp for air, i cant breath.

"Daniel whats going on?!"my mom yells as she runs to me.I collapse on the floor.air, thats all I need.I take a huge breath of air, thank God!

"Daniel!!"I take huge breaths of air.

"Im fine."I slowly get up .

"No you aren't. You almost died."I look into her eyes, she's crying. I dry her tears with my thumb.

"Mom, im fine.I just needed some air."she nods and picks up the glass.I walk to my roomand sit down.

"What was that?"I lay down but I just can't go to sleep.

"You okay? Mom just told me what happened. "Jacky walks in.I sit up and she sits next to me.

"I've never felt such pain.I thought I was dead.I was struggling for life."I tell her.

" okay now, right?"she asks.

"Yeah, but im just curious about what happened. "She nod, then her expression changes to thinking really hard.

"You know , in school we are learning about how people are connected in different way."I lok over to her and laugh.

"Yeah im connected to someone.....jesus."she rolls her eye's.

"Im serious, think who do you care about."I start to think of everyone.

"You, mom....I don't know."

"What about that girl? "What girl.

"Huh?"she shakes her head and looks down.

"I saw how you looked at that girl in the hospital. "She smirks.

"Yeah the look of hate."I laugh.

"Whatever. "She gets up and leaves my room.the silence, just quiet, that's all I hear.if only life was always like that.

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