Chapter 20

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I garb my phone out of my pocket. I check my instagram , but Nothing new. I open snapchat and add a picture to my story. I end up opening Twitter, I scroll down my news feed. My eyes are looked on Jay's last post.

"What? "I mumble to myself. What is this? .

"Hey, bro"someone pushes me and my phone falls down to the concrete. I turn around and Drake has a scared face.

"Dude, that was a new phone. "I say. I just got it.

"Yeah I see that. "He calmly remarks. I pick up my phone. It has a crack on the screen.

"What's up. "I look at him and he seems shocked.

"Wait, you aren't mad at me? You normally throw a fit when someone touches your phone.

I sigh. "If I kept it on , it would have been worse. "I look down, even thoe he doesn't know why.

"Who's Bella? "I look up at his question.

"Why? "I ask.

"Jay just mentioned her in his last tweet"im relieved with his answere.

"It's just a girl at my school. "I answere, hoping he doesn't call me out.

"Im hungry. Lets go eat .I want burgers. .....over there. "He points to In & Out.

"Yeah sure"I say as we walk to the restaurant.we walk in and I hear a laugh.I turn my head and see Bella, Stafanie and Jazmen.

"Im not hungry. "I whisper to drake. He just looks at me like im crazy.

"You got to choose the restaurant last time.It's my turn. "He glares.

"Oh my gosh, hey Daniel. "I slowly turn my head and see jazmen.

"Hey , what are you doing here."I ask she looks back at Bella and stefanie.

"We came and got food. "She smiles. "Come ear with us. "I nod my head. No way.

"Dude I got you a-.hey whats your name? "He askes jazmen. He's always been a player.

"My name is jazmen. And you are? "This is going to be a long food time.

"Drake. "I hear my order , I go to get it.

"We are eating with the girls over there"drake tells me.

"What noo. "I say .

"Please, ill get you a new phone"he begs. I sigh and nod my head. I walk over to the table and drake sits next to jazmen, the only space left is next to Bella.


Today just got ruined. Danny looks at the blank spot next to me leave it to jazmen to bring boys over. Danny's about to sit down, I put my feet on the seat.

"Drake, fuck the phone. Im not sitting here. "Danny says mad.

"Then leave. "I rudely remark. He looks at me.

"Bella that's rude. "Stefanie looks at me.

"Nahh, It's okay but ill just sit on your legs. "He glares at me and does just that.

"Dude, get off you are fucking heavy. "I beg. I try to wiggle my legs out, but nothing.

"Danny get off, please. "He looks at me.

"Don't call me that. "The pain will always be there, when he tells me that. He gets up and I pull my legs out. He sits back down. I put my legs on his lap and he turns to look at me like im crazy.

"What? You are heavy. "I laugh. He roles his eyes.

"You know her"the dude next to jazmen asks. Danny turns to look at me then looks at him.

"Noo.....I mean. ...
Yes. She's Bella. "He says scared.

"Damn you are fucking ho-."Danny glares at him and he get quiet.

"Sorry, I get it now. "He tells Danny.
Danny shakes his head before leaving the restaurant.

"What was that? "I ask the boy. He shruggs his shoulders.

"Im drake by the way. "I nod.

"Who wants another burger. Jazme-."jazmen shakes her head .drake looks at her and she smiles at him.oh.

"Im down. "Stefanie says wanting to take the attention off jazmen.

"I should go. I need to talk to my dad"I lie. I get up and walk out. I start to walk , my phone rings.

"Bella where are you ?!"my dad says into the phone.

"Im going home. Why? What happened? "I ask nervously.

"No don't go home. Go the hospital. "My dad says before hanging up. Hospital? .I should have brought the car.I start to run when I hear tears. I look at the tree and see Danny crying.

"What is this? "I say as I walk up to him, he looks up at me and gets up.

"Im not in the mood. Im on my way to the hospital. "He walks away.

"Wait! Im on my way too. "Walk with him.

"Why. "He asks.

"My dad jus t called me to go there."he nods. We get to the hospital after 20 minutes.

"Finally. "My dad walk up to us.

"What happened? "I ask my dad.

"Danny's sister , Jacky, she past out. "He says worried.

"Shit. "Danny mumbles.

"What happened?"he shakes his head.

"Family of Jacky. "The doctor looks around. Danny runs to him. What's going on.


I run to the doctor.

"I have news. "My mom looks like she could die any second. If only she knew.

"Your daughter."he looks scared. "She's fine just pressure. "He finishes. Lier.

"Good.can I see her?"my mom asks. The doctor looks at me.

"She wants to see him first."my mom looks hury but nods.I walk to her room and open the door.

"Took you long enough. "Jacky smirks.

"Don't even play right now. You are pregnant. "I whisper. She roles her eyes and sits up.

"I'll just call Jay. "She smiles.he wont care.

"Okay call him."I suggest. She grabs her phone and calls him.

"Hey, im pregnant. "Her smile fades.

"What the's your child. "She gets mad.

"Fine .I'll do it."she ends the call.

"What did he say."she looks up and a grin Is placed on her face.

"Im going to abort."she sighs.

"What noo.I was okay when bridgett said that.but you will love that child. "She cant abort.

"It's my choice. Im to young. "

"You should have thought about that before"I smirk.

"You will not abort.if you do , I will make sure that you carry that guilt. "She gulps then sighs.

"Ugh.fine..I wont abort."she finally agrees. You better not.

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