Chapter 38

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It's been a few days since the last time i saw Danny.I miss him ,the way he grins at me when im mad.He gets me,he's the only one that actually gets me.

"What's wrong?"Asks Ivy.Im back home visiting a few friends,since im stubborn and wont say sorry.

"Nothing,im just sad."I sigh.She gives me a glare.

"You miss him."She smirks.

"Shut up."I roll my eye's even though it's beyond true.

"So you're going to tell me if he was at the door you wouldn't run to him."My eye's widen.

"Is he here?"I ask in panic.

"No."She scoffs.I pass by her and walk down the hall .All you here is a soft sound of what seems like peace but turns to pain.My heart aches like Fucking hell.

"Bella!"Ivy yells from tge kitchen.

"What?!?"I groan getting up and walking over to her.

"You ate EVERYTHING!"I shrug and give her a $100.

"It's food,that's what it's for."I laugh.

"You still haven't slept have you?"She asks concerned.

"No."I sigh.

"Look why don't you go back.Back to where you've always wanted to be."She smiles.I nod and go to pack all my stuff.I buy a ticket for tomorrow morning.It was expensive but i need to go back.It kills me not being close to a place where i could run and never be found.


I've landed safely.I grab my phone and call Johny.

"What?"he groans.

"Why do you have a hangover!"I yell into the phone people stear at me like i need help,which i do need.

"Just tell me what you need."He yawns.

"Never mind."i hang up and call Danny.My heart beats way to loudly.My palms full of sweat.

"About time you Fucking called."He laughs into the phone.

"Shut up and pick me up."I smile.

"I'll be there in 10.Airport?"

"Yeah."I say.He hangs up and before i know it he's here.I put my stuff in his car and get in.

"Where you staying?"He asks while driving out.

"Just take me to a hotel please."I look out the window.

"Nah,you just waist money there."He makes a turn.

"Then where else,i'm not going to my dad and that's all i got."I explain.

"I have an apartment."He says shyly.

"What?!when this happen?"I look over at him.

"I just moved in,like a day ago.You can stay with me."He offers.

"Im good."My voice cracks.

"Okay,my home it is."I roll eyes but blush light.After a few red light we finally stop at this beautiful apartments.

"Damn.Where do you get money for this."His face turns serious.

"Don't ask."We walk in and a small dog runs to his legs.He looks over at me and does the same to me.

"What's it's name?"I ask while.playing with the dog.

"Wishbone."he smiles.

"How cute."I smile and get up from the floor.We walk down a small hall and enter a large room.

"You can have the room,ill stay in the living room."He says,my heart drops.I nod and fake a smile.

"Do you have movie's?"I ask,it almost 11:30 and im not tired.

"Yeah,scary movies.You want to watch one."I nod although im going to pee my pants.

"Hurry up ."I change into some sweats and a large shirt.I look like a marshmallow.I go to the living room and he already has it on and made a popcorn.

"Wishbone,good night."Danny says,wishbone yawns and goes to lay down in a small bed by the corner.

"AHHHHHHHH!!!"I yell at the top of my lungs just within 10 minutes of the movie.

"What?!"He laughs.I hide behind him .

"Come here you big baby."He smirks.I can't help but look at his full pink lips.

"I'm not good with scary movies,especially in the dark."I admit.

"Really,some baby you are.Can't even see a.dead body-"I look into his eye's and they seem to soften.He looks down to my lips and into my eye's again.I can't help.myself and i kiss his right in the lips.

"I-I ......Sorry."I get up but im stopped by his hand.He sits me back down and my whole body's on fire.I have no control and i kiss him again.This time i just make out with him.I pull him towards me,he falls on top of me.His hand is placed on my lower back.I lace my hands around his neck.

I lay down on the couch and his body presses agenst mine.I pull away,panic flashes in his eye's.I place my lips on his neck.I can hear his heart beating.I press small pecks on his neck,I start to suck under his ear.Loud moans come out of his mouth.I can feel his dick trying to come out of his pants.He slowly lowers his mouth down to my neck and suck on the bone above my shoulder.

""As hard as i try to word's won't come out.Soft moans escape my lips.I arch of the couch and fall back down.I grab the rim of his shirt and pull it over and off his head.I place my hands on his jeans and unbutton them.His hands go under my shirt,he takes my bra off and let's it fall on the floor.

"Keep going."Out of all the things i wanted to say those were the only words that came out.He grabs my  shirt and takes it off.He takes his jeans off and they plop  on the floor.My sweats are taken off by his soft hand.Im left with only my underwear on .I grab his boxer's and pull them down.His body down on mine,only a thin cloth keeping it from entering my soul.He seems to panic when he gets to my waist.I myself pull my underwear down and off,both of us naked.He looks into my eye's out of breath.

"You sure?"He whispers into my ear.No, but i want stop myself .I try to say no but instead i nod.He slowly enters my body,i dig my nails into his bare back.Many moans come out of my mouth.He comes out and enters again.A tear comes out of my eye.I push my down on me completely.A loud moan comes out from him.I kiss him,he slowly starts to follow my rhythm.He falls out and minutes after im fast asleep..

Torture.(Completed)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz