Chapter 8

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I walk in slowly.I see Bella half naked dancing on a table and constantly kissing random guys.

"WHAT THE FUCK! "I yell. Nobody looks at me. I push through the crowd and try to pull Bella down.

"Put your clothes on. "I command her.

"No. I want more fun Daddy. Please more toys! "She slurs. She's drunk out of her mind.

"How much do you want for the doll? "A strainger asks.

"Daddy you got me a doll! It's big. "She tips over. I catch her and pull her to the restroom.

"Put your clothes on. "What just happened?

"I want a toy. "She pouts. Jesus help me!

"I'll buy you a toy if you put your clothes on"she giggles and puts her clothes on. Thank you. We walk out and I have to carry her out because of people touching her. Do these people have lives?

"Where's my toy?!! "She yells as I drop her down for her to walk, well stumble. I dig in my pocket and pull out the keys. She plays with them like a child. We get to the hotel nobody's at the front desk or in the halls ,so I just walk by.

"Can I see the toy? "I ask. She laughs and gives me the 'toy'. I open the door and she falls down. I pick her up when I see her get a bubble in her mouth. Oh shit! I drag her to the toilet and she throws up. I sit down and she seemed to be okay after a while. She flushed and and asked for her toothbrush. So she knows whats going on? I give it to and she puts toothpaste on it.

"Today was funny daddy. "She mumbled as she brushed her teeth. Nope she's still lost. She finishes and wabled to the bed.

"My toy! "Crap. Where are the keys. I find them and she grabs them quickly.

"I have a boyfriend daddy! "She laughs. What?

"Really who is he ?"I ask curious. She gestures to come closer. I lean in and she spits in my ear.ugh. what the fuck!

"Thats nasty! Bro you'll pay! "I yell at her. She starts to cry. Oh Yeah I'm her dad and she's like 7.

"Sorry Bella. Daddy's just tired. "I try to calm her down. She nods and takes of her clothes.

"Can you leave daddy? "She giggles. I close the door of the restroom. I have nowhere to go. I walk to the bed and sit in front of her. She starts to take of her clothes.

"Daddy I need my pj-.. never mind I found it. "She slurs. She tries to pull my shirt off.

"Its stuck. "I slowly take it off and she puts it on. Its big on her. Its cute. No you can't think like that. She gets into bed and tries to turn off the lamp .I turn it off and start to walk into the restroom.

"Daddy? What about my kiss goodnight? "Really jack!you spoiled her. I walk back. She tries to give me a kiss on the cheek but misses and lands on the lips.

"Sorry Daddy. "She yawns. I walk away and take off my clothes. Its always hot! I slid in next to her and she hugs me tightly.

"He cant hurt me anymore. "She mumbled. Something about her words

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