Chapter 22

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I literally hate my nighmares. Why won't they just go away.

"Bella you okay? I got you a water."my dad walks into the room and sits on my bed.

"Thank you."I smile, he looks away

"Bella,you need a therapist. You need help."is he crazy.

"What?!no. I'm fine, it's just a dream!"I yell.

"Bella,it for the best."he looks into my eyes.

"So my best, is thinking that I'm crazy!"I'm drenched in tears.


"Don't even try!I'm not going!I'm not crazy "I state, he looks down and walks out.

"I'm not leaving. "I mumble. I lay down.

"It's just a's just a dream."I  say in my head.that's all it is.
The light shines through my window

"Ugh.what time is it? "I grab my phone,it's 12pm.At  least there's no school.I get up and walk to the kitchen.

"Bella, you haven't had any dancing classes since you moved? "My dad asks from behind me.

"No.I miss it.I should go look for some classes."I turn around and my dad drinks his coffee.

"You should,I think there's one like 15 minutes from here. "He smiles.

"I'll check it out."I grab some milk and some cereal.

"I'm changing job's. "He walks up next to me.

"What happened? What job? "I ask nervously, he laughs.

"I'm just going to buy a location and make a store."he takes my bowl of cereal.

"Really?!what are you going to sell!"I'm too excited.

"I'm selling, instruments. You know,I love music. That's why you have that sweet voice."he smiles.

"I guess I do."I take my cereal back and finish what is left of it. I walk away and take a shower.I put my hair into a French braid, I put on some blue Jean shorts and a white t -shirt.

"Bye."I walk out of my house and pull my phone out.I bring up Google and search near dance studio's. There's one about 20 minute's away.

"I forgot my car keys. "I mumble. I walk back inside and pull the key's from the table. I walk back out and turn on my car.I drive to the studio.

"Hello,you must be new."A mid age woman greets me.

"Not really, I just need to sign up."I smile, she gives me a piece of paper.

"You need to fill this out.You also need to come and try out ,Friday. "I nod and go back to my car.

"Friday... got it."I mumble to myself. I turn my car on.


"Why do I have to take you?!"I scream at Jacky.

"Stop yelling. You have to take me because I can't drive,retard."she rolls her eyes.

"But,I don't want to."I whine.

"Please.I'll pay you. "She pulls out 20 dollars.

"Fine.Get in the car."I jump in and unlock the car.

"It's about 20 minute's.. just drive straight. "Jacky instructs me.

"Yeah.'s the baby?"I ask her, she looks out the window.

"I need to go to the doctor. I've been feeling this wired pain."she cracks at the end.

"Let's go now. "I stop the car.

"No.It's probably just normal. I'll go later next week.I want to enjoy this Saturday. "She looks at me and a weak smile grows.

"Okay.Just be careful ."she nods.

"Stop it's right here."she puts her  hand on.the wheel.

"Go,I'll wait here. Hurr-."

"Isn't that the girl from the hospital. "I look up and see Bella in her car.

"Umm.... yeah,that's her.Go im hungry."she gets out of the car and goes inside of the...... studio .Jacky walks back out with a piece of paper.she looks at me then at Bella, then back at me.

"You better not."I mumble, she slowly walks to Bella's car. I turn the car on and drive away.I don't bother to look back.

"Why won't she let it go."I hear my phone ring.


"You left!!"Jacky yells into the phone.

"Yes,I left."I say into the phone.

"You know what I'll just ask Bella to take me home."she mumbles angrily.

"Do what ever you want,I'm done trying to stop you."I hang up the phone and throw it to the passenger seat.I take the long way home. When I finally get there Jacky is getting down from the car.

"Hey!"Jacky shrieks.I walk past her and go inside.

"Why are you still mad?I did that like 30 minutes ago."

"I'm still mad because I know this won't are to stubborn, you will do something like this again ."she gets mad.

"I'll just leave with her."she gets mad.

"Just let it go!! I could care less about her!! She could die and I'd laugh about it! "I yell, Jacky turns around.

"That's cool."Bella walks in and tosses Jacky's phone.

"It's always good to be honest."I can see the hurt in Bella's face.

"Whatever. "I role my eyes and turn around,walking back to my room.I can hear soft hums in the distance.

"Just leave!!!!! "I yell, a few seconds later the front door closes. Jacky burst in.

"What? "I give her a smug look.

"You can be so rude."she glares at me.

"Like she said I was being honest."she walk up to me and just stand there.

"You are turning just like dad.A  fucking bitch."she turns around and just crashes on the floor.

"Jacky get up."she doesn't move.

"Dude,stop playing ,get up."still nothing.I ........

"Not again. "I carry her up and place her in the car.I drive to the hospital.

"She just passed ou-."

"No,she lost the baby. "I look up to the doctor. She had a miscarriage?

"What? No. "He nods his head and points to her leg.Red blood drizzle down her leg.

"Hurry! We.might able to save the baby."he gives me a wheel chair to put Jacky in.I place her down and follow the doctor.

"We aren't to late."he does some random stuff to her and looks up at me.

"Sorry it's to late."the disappointment in his voice just..... made me cry.

"Was it your child she carried?"he asked, I dried my tears and looked up at him.

"No, she's my sister.I was just so happy to be an uncle.someone to love and care about."I look back down.

"You should have a kid.....I mean you and your old are you ?"she smiles.

"I'm 18.I don't want kids.For what,so I could destroy it's life like my father did."I smirk.

"Good choice. "Jacky's cracky voice reaches out.

"Best choice."I respond.

No kids.... it's the best choice.

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