chapter 31

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I'm tired but I just can't go to sleep. We are half way done with the school week. The school year almost over.I hear a knock at the front door, I get up and open it.

"Johny what are you doing here? "I give him a tight hug.

"I'm living with you guys now. "He smiles as my dad comes over and hugs him as well.

"Really? That's amazing. "He nods hid head, he looks different.

"Yeah,dad do you still have that extra room you said I could have? "He asks Dad.

"Actually, I added a room to the house. I was going to use it for my office but you van have it. "Johny walk off to find the room.

"When did you add that room? ''He looks over at Me.

"Like a week ago. If you would stop being a rebel you would have noticed the workers. "He state's.

"Rebel.Okay. "I scoff. I walk over to my room and close my eyes. I go lay back down and fall asleep.

Wensday morning, I get up and go to the shower. I take a quick shower and put my clothes on. Some jeans and a white t-shirt with flats and my hair in a Dutch braid.

"Lets go!"I yell over to Johny, he comes out with tight jeans and a red Polo.

"Let's go, you rushed me for something, right? "I nod as I grab my car keys.

"Dad,said you were grounded. "He says confused.

"Yeah,and? "I get into the car as Johny does the same.

"Nothing. So the school year is almost over, right? "He asks

"Yeah, only a week to go. "I answer.

"Damn, hot ass girls at this school. "He says as I park into the lot.

"You expect me to be a good girl but you over here checking out girls. "I roll my eyes and put the car in park.

"But you aren't a good girl. "He states and gets down from the car. I stay in and watch him flirt with some girls. I hear a knock on my window. I get down from my car to find Jay.

"Hey. "He smirk.

"Hey, I tried calling you but a young boy answered. "He frowns.

"Oh, that was my brother. He came to live with us yesterday. "Jay leans in and pushes his cold lips agenst mine.
"No PDA. "Danny says, Jay pulls back. He looks over at Danny and rolls his eyes before walking off.

"What do you want? "I groan.

"Nothing, just to tell you class started like 5 minutes ago. "He smirks. I grab my stuff from the car and go to class.


"We did nothing all day except test!"I yell out of frustration.

"No kidding. Who are we looking for again? "Trou asks, my new friend.

"We looking for my brother,Johny. "I look around for the hundredth time.

"Oh, you mean the guy Who's making out with my sister?"he points over to Johny.

"That's nasty. Oh, well he'll just walk. "I shrug and pull out my car keys.

"He must be a good looking guy. My sister never get close to him if he wasn't. "Troy scoffs.

"Ain't that nice."I jump into my car.

"Get in ill give you a ride home. "Troy gets in and puts his belt on.

"I live on, hint rode. "He tells me,i nod along .

"You are going out with jay right?"he asks me.why?

"Yeah,we going out.why?"i respond.

"Just wondering......Do you smell that ?"i take a huge breath of air.

"It smell like,fire "i look around to see if there is any sign of fire.

''Turn,its the 3 house on the left.''i make a turn .

"My house!!call 911!"Troy jumps out of the car and goes into the burning house.i grab my phone and dial 911.

''Hello,yes....there is a fire on hint rode the 3rd house on the left.''they tell me to.keep calm.bitch that aint gonna work with me !!Troy comes out carrying a young boy.

"I called.they are on there way."i said as he layed the young boy down,before going back in.

"Are you crazy!"i yell in hope's that he comes out.he comes out with a t-shirt and a small puppy with a box.The firefighters came and hosed the house.down till there was nothing but a black house half dead.

''The kid he has asthma,help him first."Troy orders the ambulance.They grab the young child and give him some kind mask.

"Why did you go back in for that?!are you crazy?!"his face turns into anger.

''It was my dad's!!okay!"he yells in my face before walking past me to the young kid.

"Just asking."i mumble to myself.

''Is he okay?"Troy asks the paramedics.

"Yes,he just needs to rest.If you don't mind me asking,was he alone?"they ask.

"No.''he scoffs

"Okay,good."they smile before walking off.

'' Mark,did mommy leave again?"the young boy,mark ,nods.

''What about grandma?"he asks.

"She ...left."he stumbles with his words .

''And she asks why?"he says under his breath not wanting Mark to hear.

He's hurt and know im hurt.

Torture.(Completed)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora