Chapter 12

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We get into the bus and start to move. Danny has been acting weird lately. I sit down in the back seat.

"Can I sit here? "A young boy asks. I nod. He sits down and I lean back.

"What's your name? "He asks. Great, a conversation. I sigh and look at him. Damn ,he's hot. He has green eyes and dark brown hair. I look at his body and he doesn't have a shirt on. Skinny and with abs.

"I... I'm..umm... im bella. "I studder. He laughs and nods.

"Chill out dude. It's just me. Im Jay. "He smiles i nod. I look at the corner of my eye and Danny is glaring straight at us. I cant help but smile at how angry he looks.

"What? "Jay asks. I shake my head and look at him. "Oh, nothing. Did you say something? "I fake a smile. I look over to Danny and see him with Bridgett. He sees me, so I look away quickly.

"No. You're new here right. I mean to California. Right? "He ask trying to make small talk


Bella looks away quickly and starts to talk with jay. I never really liked him. Then again, I really never liked anyone.

"Hello? Daniel? "Bridgett asks, while waving her hard infront of me.

"What do you fucking want? Get away you retard. You're annoying as hell. "I growl. My words don't faze her.

"That's why you love me. "She smacks her lips. I can't help but laugh at the though that she thinks I even like her. I hear someone laugh, Bella's laugh. I look towards her and she doesn't even see me.

"Im over here. "Bridgett says and pulls me ,she kisses me and I always respond. I feel someone's eyes on us and look around. I look at Bella and she looks down, a smirk crosses my face. She thinks you give a shit about her. How funny. I turn back around and begin to make out with Bridgett.

"Wait."she shrieks when I begin to suck on her neck.

"Why? "I ask curious. She's always the first to make a move.

"Because. Okay. "She says angrily and gets up.

"Bro, what the fuck!! "A boy yells. I look back and see Bridgett vomiting. I run to her and help her up, she makes a bubble in her mouth.

"Stop the bus.! "I yell and walk to the door. We get down and run to the restroom,in an In And Out .She goes in and throws up, again. She walk out still mad.

"What happened? "I ask. She sighs.

"Abortion. "She says simply. WHAT?!
"what do you mean abortion? Are you pregnant? "I whisper. She nods.

"But you're not the dad. "She smiles. GOOD.

"Then who is? " who would it be?

"Jay. He already knows and he wants to do I. "She smiles. something in me just boils. I clench my fists at the thought that he's with bella. you should fuck her, not him.

"Okay. If thats what you want. "I smile and she nods.


We Wait in the bus for Bridgett and Danny to come back. Jay's actually pretty cool. He doesn't care what other's think. I see Danny and Bridgett get back on. I look away and ignore him looking at jay. Take it to your advantage. Kiss himm. Before I know what im doing im kissing Jay and im on top of him. I pull away quickly.

"I'm so -."I'm cut off. "It's aight. "He shrugs like it was nothing. I nod, Thank God he said it was okay. Why did I even do that?

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