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"UGH!"i say to myself.i have a huge headake.

"finally you're up.i've been waiting for hours."i turn my head and see danny with wet damp hair.i role my eyes and try to get up,i fall back down.i try again and succed.i walk to the restroom and take a shower.i hear a knock at the door.

"Bella im going now .i left the key for the hotel room on the desk.b-" i cut him off. "wait!hold up im almost done!" i say and rush my clothes on.i walk out and see danny sitting on a chair.he looks up at me with worry in his eyes.

"chill out dude.i just want to talk.first of all, what happened yesterday?and second of all,umm.... nevermind just answer the first question. "I say quietly. He nods then smile.

"You were mad at me because you said I told on you which I didn't. And you got drunk, to drunk. So I brought you here. Nothing happened. Bye "he gets up and walk to the door. I close the door as he opens it.

"What now! Bridgetts waiting for me! "He snarls. Her. I get out of his way and he runs past me. He's in a rush. I get the keys and my phone ,then leave the room. I leave the keys at the desk and make my way home. I'm going to get killed when I get home. I find my way home,I  see my dad and mom in the house arguing, again. I run up the porch and slam the door open.

"STOP IT!! I'M FUCKING TIRED OF THE FIGHTING!! JUST STOP!! "I yell once I stomp in to my house. They all look at me with eyes of sorrow. My mom looks at my dad, my dad sighs. Out of nowhere my mom bursts into tears,then my dad cries .

"Umm... Johny.. is in.. the hospital. "He cries. As I hear where Johny is my face flushes and I collapse on the floor.


Bridgett called me and told me to come to the hospital.

"Whats up. "I said once I entered  her room. She smiled.

"I just didn't want to be alone. You know giving a kid for abortion is hard right. Plus, Jay left after we signed the papers. "She states. The doctor comes in and tells me to wait outside. I walk out .The emergency doors burst open.

"Help! My daughter past out! "I turn to see Jack holding Bella in his arms. She's passed out. I get closer to him when Bella moves.

"Honey? You okay. "The lady says. Jack puts her down and she sees me. She turns around and ignors me. I walk closer to her, she shoots me a glare. I stop and walk back to my seat.

"Dad I'm fine I'm just tired. Where's Johny? "She says quietly. Johny? Who's that? Shes pregnant  smart ass. Johny Is the dad.

" Hey, dude. I'm done let's go. "Bridgett says. I get up and look over my shoulder, Bella isn't looking at me. I sigh and take Bridgett home.

She's pregnant.. she's pregnant.. Johny is the dad... .   The words play in my head like a broken recorder. I go back home to an angry mother.

"Where have you been Daniel!"she yells as she walks over to me.I walk past her and go to my room.
I jolt awake. For no reason. I try to go back to sleep but I can't the words play in my head again.

I just had my nightmare. It was the worst 10 minutes of my Life. I look to my side and It's blank. I get up to get some water then go back to my room. I close my eyes but its no use. Johny ended up okay just a virus. I cant go to sleep because I saw Danny at the hospital, and he left with bridgett. You shouldn't care. What you need  is some real fun, go find Jay. He offered a night of fun. Let's take it. I get out of bed and change my clothes. I call Jay and he answeres on the last ring.

"Hey what's up "he says through the phone.

"Nothing but could I come over tonight. "I say trying to keep calm.

"Sure just.. hold up. "He puts me on hold. I wait for a few minutes when he finally returns.

"Actually Isabella. I'm umm busy right now. "He says out of breath. Oh. I sigh.

"It aight. So see you at school tomorrow. Have fun. "I end the call and take of my shoes. I put my phone down and lay down. Still not able to go to sleep. I check my phone and its he's desperate, for entertainment. To bad it isn't you who is entertaining him. It would have been great . it would have. Wouldn't it?

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