Chapter one hundred and thirty eight

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Rhislett's POV

" so Lizzie I know you and rhis are close I saw that backstage but not many god mothers are as involved as you" and she smiled " well that's true but I see her as my own. She's this Amazing sweet kid who you can't help but wanna protect" she said looking at me and I smiled that was actually really cute and she sounded happy " you guys are really cute rhis who would you say is your favourite?" And I laughed " are you trying to get me killed?" And he laughed " no no okay how about who do you prefer the boys or the girls?" And I scrunched nose trying to think of an answer " honestly there all annoying and they know it. But probably the girls" I said and I smiled at yeh boys who dropped there mouths "'and to think you were my favourite god child" and I smiled " I'm you're only god child uncle Robert" and he laughed " well you got me there kiddo." And then jimmy asked " what's all of you're favourite memory?" And I turned to my mum " erm mines when I had Rhislett cuddled up with me which she'll say is every night but the mothers know what I'm talking about. When you're kid grows they become less affectionate but my sweet girl loves a cuddle" and I went wide eyed " on tv mum really" and she smiled sweetly " okay I guess mine would be when dad got us the bouncy castle and we had that picnic it was a long day but I enjoyed that it felt like I was a kid again" and dad smiled prickly at the audience " and yet she picks her Mother over me" I giggled at him because he was trying to pout. Lizzie started " probably when I stay I've do never sleep in my room I'm always staying in this one's room and with Scarlett" and jimmy laughed " so rhis you neve get to sleep alone then?" And I shook my head " no especially if there both staying the just then I've got no chance." And then dad started to speak " well actually when we had that first conversation alone. In the ice cream shop back in England it was when I realised how much I missed her" and I gave him a little smile " that feels like so long ago" I said and Scarlett spoke " yes well you hated me" and I shook my head " no well kinda but no I just wasn't happy" and she turned to jimmy and mouth lies. I just looked at her with utter disbelief " well mine is when she tried to wrestle my goat. That was funny" Robert said laughing hard and I glared at him " that's goat is satans spawn" and everyone started to laugh I kinda blushed at that because I wasn't expecting it. It's so strange being on this side of it all. " so a little birch told me that you all are in the new marvel movie?" And I went wide eyed " I wish" I said and mum looked at me " nope music is enough right now she's 15 her education is important" and I sighed " see she's always mothering me" and Scarlett looked at me " and what else should I be doing sweet girl" and I pouted " mother stop embarrassing me" I said and she smiled wide at jimmy. " okay okay we're gonna play some games right after the break" and then we cut to yeh break jimmy smiled wide while we all got up " you did amazing kid" and I smiled. Hey I did amazing apparently. " you're doing great bubs" dad said patting my back and I nodded. We headed to the other side of the stage  and jimmy smiled as the producer said we were back from break " welcome back now we're gonna play some games. Robert Chris and I will be on one team. And the girls on the other who's that?" And Lizzie smiled " you're on". I don't think I've ever teamed up with the both of them before. This was gonna be interesting. " so rhis you can go first. You'll just pull this thing and then a song and a category will come up and you sing it" and I nodded it seemed pretty straight forward if I do say so
Myself. I pulled it and it came up with swim by chase Atlantic in a slow song which is the song. " that's rigged" dad said and I smiled because I knew this song very well. I sang and well Robert sang milkshake and that was in a country style but I ended up wining because he did not know the lyrics. The next one was us in these boxes and we'll if you sang the wrong lyrics you get sprayed but if you get it right the others do. Dad and Robert went first and they sang single ladies but Chris ofcourse woods know the lyrics so we ended up getting sprayed out of nowhere. And then that's how it went ofcourse we won though Lizzie was not about to let dad get one over on her.

" that's all we have for tonight." Jimmy ended the show and that was it. My first interview was the best one. I was honestly exhausted from how long I've been awake. We've been here all day because it's now 8. I wiped my makeup off and put my galesses on. " awww look at my pretty girl" mum cooed and i scrunched my nose whys he gotta do that in public. " no don't start growing up on me rhisey! I get too baby you" and I smirked " you have a baby at home mother" and she playfully smiled " nope rose is too old now" and I gasped " I'm older!" And she smirked " yes but you're always gonna be my baby" and she pulled me into a hug. " I love you sweet girl" and I smiled " love you to mum" she always had this bright smile when I said that. We really had grown. It's not even been a year and we'll my birthday was soon. I was excited but I don't think anyone remembers because no one's mentioned it at all.


Helloo my loves

Remember to drink water
My messages are always open
Don't forget to give you're eyes a break.

Till the next chapter my loves ❣️

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