Chapter thirty-one

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Scarlett's POV

I woke up feeling complete. They were here. Now we're back home and there back where they belong. I rolled over and it was 10am i was jet legged so I wasn't shocked. I rolled out of bed and got ready for the day. I then went across the hall to check on Rhislett. She wasn't in her bed which was strange. I then went to Harrison's room and he also wasn't in there. I heard light music coming from the kitchen. So I went downstairs, and it was Harry making breakfast while Rhislett was sat outside with a mug and a book. Harry looked up and smiled " we both woke up an hour ago, I didn't want to wake you so I thought I'd make breakfast." And then He passed me a plate of pancakes that looked a lot better then the last time. He grabbed two other plates and went outside to sit next to Rhislett. I followed and sat next to him at the table. I looked over at her and she looked sad. I didn't say anything because she'll be okay. She's home now it'll all be okay.

Rhislett's POV

I miss my home. This isn't home. This is bloody Scarlett's house that I have to stay in because she has custody of me. Harrison made me breakfast because there was nothing else I mean we did get in yesterday. " we're going to go shopping today and Lizzie and rover and you're father will be coming around later for dinner and to help set up you're rooms." She said. I didn't even look at her, I couldn't. I got up and left, I cleaned my dishes and went to get ready.

This was the first outfit I found

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This was the first outfit I found. I'll have to unpack later. It was warm here so it would do. I went downstairs and they were ready to leave. We got into the car and I put my earphones in. I just watched out of the window. We stopped at a traffic light and Scarlett turned back towards me. I knew what she was going to hand me so I just sighed and put my hand out. She didn't even look at me properly she just handed me the hat. I had sunglasses on already. Harry already had his on with a hood on his head.when we got out of the car it wasn't that bad. The city was loud and crowded abit like London but this was different. The atmosphere was different. We went into yeh store and Scarlett spoke " whatever you both want we will scan it and it'll be delivered to the house when we get home." We shopped Scarlett pointed out a lot of things she wanted us to get. When we saw the epics tags me and Harrison kept saying no. Fucking $200 for a CHAIR!. Yeh no I don't care not happening. Yet she scanned it anyway. And that's how it went we showed interest in something then we saw the price and turned around and she scanned it anyway. " Scarlett we know you want to treat us but this is way too much money" Harrison said and she turned around to us with a serious look she crouched down and took both our hands " look you two, I don't want you to think I'm wasting my money because I'm not. I work and earn money to spoil my kids and give you guys everything you want. Same with you're father. Let us do that." And Harrison smiled. I did too but this didn't feel right. It felt like I was seeing bought. I shrugged it off because we're in the middle of a shop and I ain't making a scene. We finished up and then we went to do more clothes shopping. Not as much as before but I got a few things.

When we were leaving a bunch of cameras came out of nowhere. They were screaming. I looked around and Scarlett had disappeared. Harrison was still next to me and I felt like crying. He had the same look on his face but he also had a protective one too. They were screaming at us and I didn't know what to do I froze. I felt Harrison garb my hand and drag me back into the shop. We saw two large men stop the people from following us. And then another man came. " hey kids I'm marcus I'm a friend of your parents" and harrsion looked him up and down " how do we know that's true" he chuckled at us and showed us his phone. He rang a number and put it on loud speaker " hey chris, Scarlett I have them but they just wanna make sure I'm not a creep" and he laughed and then I heard Chris speak " Harry? Bubs?" Harrison spoke " chris what the hell  is going on! Where's Scarlett" and I heard a sigh " she's in the car with me. I saw her looking for you both. I was in my way back from a meeting. Where is you're sister is she okay?" And Harry looked at me and spoke again " no she's not, she's pretty shaken up" and then I heard him speak again " bubs? It's okay marcus is going to bring you back to me okay" and I said a small " okay". " Marcus gets my kids back to me safe please" and he smiled " ofcourse I will Chris I'll see you in abit" and he put the phone down. He nodded to the back exit and we followed him. We got into a car and he drove us " how long have you known Chris?" And he smiled at us " since we were 15 in his head of security. When Scarlett told him what happened he sent me to come and get you because I was close by" and I then spoke " she saw what happened to us didn't she" and his smile went then " she thought they'd leave you both alone if she moved away but obviously not all of them did. She was very worried that's why she rang Chris" and I just nodded. Why did she just leave us there. What the fuck!. What did I expect. I just sighed. I need to learn better because I don't know why I keep getting hurt.


Im dramatic okay!

Leave me alone I like the drama also it will all make sense just keep reading I promise. I know what I'm doing even if it seems like I don't.

Remember to drink water
Give you're eyes a break
And my messages are always open for you guys x

Until the next chapter my loves❣️

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