Chapter sixty

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Rhislett's POV

I was surrounded by darkness. And then I heard it. That voice that's haunted me for 7 years. The voice that's now haunting me yet again. But this time I saw Scarlett. But when I yelled for her she didn't turn or even acknowledge me. I didn't even realise I was crying till I noticed myself in the mirror. Everything was coming at once. The feeling of never being loved. Knowing my own mother doesn't care about me. Knowing im not good enough. That's im not strong enough. Holding the people I love back. Knowing im the reason why Scarlett and Chris gave us up. I could see my family just laying together on the sofa. Isaac and Peter were there too. They all looked so happy. Without me. And then I heard his voice. " I told you that you were what held him back! Now look there all a happy family without you making it all difficult. Pathetic even you're own mother doesn't want you. How long are you going to pretend eh?" And I was screaming for there help but they weren't even looking at me. And then it all went black.

I opened my eyes and I realised very quickly I was on my bedroom floor. I must Of fell out of bed. It was a nightmare. Only a nightmare. That bastard can't hurt me. He's not here. But those feelings that I'd been trying to hide were now not going away. Fuck. I can't sleep here. I'm scared that if I fall back to sleep then I'm gonna see that again. I could go to one of the boys. Yeh I'll go just sleep in one of there beds. I got up and I was just on autopilot I wasn't even watching where I was going. I didn't realise where I was until I heard someone say " sweet girl what's wrong?" I saw a squinting Scarlett I just woke her up. Why am I in her room? I was going to Harrison. " rhisey?" She's sat up now looking at me worried. " I-I don't know why I'm here." She looked a little hurt but she covered it with a concerned look. " Rhislett?" And I just looked at her with a lost look " i was going to Harrison. I don't know, im gonna just-" and she cut me off "  baby girl come here please" she whispered that last part. But I didn't move. " he's asleep and im awake now and you're here. You're not bothering me just worrying me please come here baby" and when she called me baby I felt like that child again. I let that child take over. She just wants her mum. So I practically ran into her arms. Her beds very big so I had to crawl into her arms. I held onto her tight because despite everything I feel safe in her arms and that's what I need right now. " it's okay im here baby. What happened?" And I just shook my head and I think she took the hint that I wasn't gonna talk about it. I mean I couldn't even if I wanted too for two reasons. Reason one is because I look like an actual weirdo if I start telling her half the story without exposing it all. And two is I can barely breathe right now so talking is off the table. She laid back but didn't let go of me. She adjusted me so my head was just on her chest I could hear her heart beat faintly. " im sorry for waking you" I said after abit. I wasn't even sure if she was awake. That's why I whispered but I heard her whisper something back. " don't ever be sorry baby girl. Im you're mum im supposed to take care of you! I don't know what spooked you but nothing will harm you while I've got you okay? I'll do everything to protect you." And I just nodded against her chest. " you wanna talk about it?" And I shook my head " no please" and she sighed. " okay baby we don't have to do anything you don't want. Do you just wanna lay here?" And I nodded and looked up at her " is that okay?" And she gave me this smile which I've never seen her give before to anyone " for you my baby anything" and that made me smile. The nightmare was barely even on my mind. But there was new questions. Why couldn't she care about me like this all the time?Why can't she show me this type of love everyday?Why does it take me almost having a mental breakdown for her to show me love? So many questions yet no answers. This doesn't happen often for us. This cuddling. I know not to take this for granted. I snuggled into her more and she held onto me tighter as if I was going to leave. " let go baby girl go to sleep I'll be here when you wake up" and with that along with her playing with my hair I fell asleep. This was a very deep sleep. I was practically dead to the world. And when I did come back to consciousness I felt those same hands wrapped tightly around me. I was in the same position I had fallen asleep in except my hands and moved. Instead of just being there next to my Sides they were wrapped around my mother. " momma?" And I felt her pull me closer to her if that was even possible. " hey darling you awake" I shifted against her and groaned. " why didn't you move me?" And I felt her tracing patterns on my arm. " I didn't want to baba I like you close I know it makes you feel safe and by what I've seen you were deep into sleep. And i haven't slept that good since the last time you were in my bed. So no I wasn't going to move you baba" and I smiled " baba?" And I heard a small chuckle well felt it more like considering I'm attached to her. " yes I called you that when you were a baby actually." And I smiled " I like it" and we just laid there I felt safe and I ended up drifting back to sleep. I hadn't even realised I was sleeping until I was refusing to open my eyes. I did hear voices now Scarlett was definitely talking because I could feel her chest moving and the vibrations. " no you can't take a photo of her now stop before you wake her!" She whisper shouted which it was too late my ass was already awake now. I ended up groaning and turning my head so I was nuzzled into her neck. " frogger I know you're awake" and I spoke into Scarlett's neck " what times it" and Scarlett spoke " it's 11am baby" and I just whined because I'm tired and comfy and I don't wanna get up! " we will be down soon Harry" and I heard footsteps leaving. Scarlett turned her head and rested it on mine. " morning sweet girl how did you sleep?" And I smiled " good actually that was the best sleep I've had in a while" and she hummed. We just laid there until I heard someone open the door. " why do you always come and ruin my time with my child!" I heard Scarlett groan I couldn't see who  it was but it was definitely two people because the bed next to Scarlett dipped and so did the bed on my side. "She's my child too!" And well that was easy I know it's my dad who's sat next to me. But who's playing with my hair. Scarlett has her arms wrapped around me. " is she awake?" Ahhhh Lizzie. " yes she is" I sighed and moved so I could see them. Scarlett held me tighter. " no you're not getting up Chris go away! Lizzie you can stay." And I giggled because Chris gave her a hurt look. " we're supposed to be having a barbecue remember" And I looked up at them all. " what!" And Scarlett glared at Chris " it was a surprise!" She said threw gritted teeth. Chris gulped and said " oops my bad I'll go help Robert set up downstairs" and he ran out of the room. " well that explains why you're all here" I mumbled. " okay well I hate to do this but you both gotta get up." Lizzie said while Prying Scarlett off me " noo my baby" she whined and Lizzie said " oh god then go to her room with her so she can change!" And Scarlett smiled at her and said " perfect idea Lizzie" which no it wasn't because how do I change now.

We got into my room. And by that I mean Scarlett dragged me into my room. " why can't I just stay in what I'm wearing!" And she gave me that mother look " because there pjs!" And I sighed. She crawled into my bed and I opened my wardrobe to find an outfit. " why don't you wear that crop top and shorts? It's hot today" and I looked at the one she was talking  about and that one showed my whole back. I wore it last summer in England but Yano my family there have seen my back. So I shook my head. " I was thinking baggy jeans and a hoodie" and she gasped. Like I just stabbed her gasp.  " Rhislett it's boiling outside you're not wearing that!" And I sighed because yeh she had a point. I have a huge T-shirt on with loose pj bottoms on and I'm boiling rn. " okay shorts and a shirt?" And she was looking at me in disbelief. " that's the best you're getting" and she sighed in defeat " fine" and I smiled and took the outfit of my hangers. I was walking into the bathroom and she spoke " where are you going?" And I gave her a confused look " to change?" And she scrunched her eyebrows " why in the bathroom? I'm you're mum I birthed you and it's definitely nothing I haven't seen" and I visibly cringed. " okay yes you birthed me but I'm changing in the bathroom ." And she nodded and I went to change and I also washed my face.

I came out of the bathroom and she was changed " how!?" And she smiled " you took ages" she shrugged while looking me over

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I came out of the bathroom and she was changed " how!?" And she smiled " you took ages" she shrugged while looking me over. She came closer and I knew that she could now see the scars on my legs. " how did you get all of them?" And I looked down. They were all long and faint. As my body grew they got less noticeable. " I was a clumsy kid now let's go" I said picking my sunglasses up. She looked like she wanted to say more but I practically dragged her out of the room.


Yeh it was getting too long it's 1800 word and I like my chapters to be 1000 so this is a lot.


Remember to drink water
And that my messages are always open x
And give you're eyes a break

Till the next chapter my loves❣️

Their's ( Evannsons twins) Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora