Chapter sixty-seven

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Scarlett's POV

It's Wednesday today and I have a very busy day. Honestly I'm exhausted but I gotta power thru. I got up and ready for the day I had a meeting soon. Rose has been difficult these past few days with me. Anytime I leave her to do something she whines and throws a fit. I know she misses her dad even tho it's been 2 damn days. I had to take her in her pjs to hunters house because he was watching her till I was done in the meeting. My meeting was about my future with Disney. They wanted me in on some new projects so I was going to look over what they were and tell them a decision. I finished my meeting which ran late but I would never normally care but rose wouldn't be happy. I got to hunters and I saw rose sleeping on the sofa. She hasn't been sleeping well so I decided to leave her until she got up. I just stayed talking to hunter for ages. " so what times you're flight?" And I didn't even look up at him I said " 3"and he raised an eyebrow " scar it's 5" and I shot up. " what!" And I looked at my phone and for fuck sake I'd missed my flight. How did I miss a flight! Now I was freaking out because how am I supposed to get there. I don't know if I can get a flight this short. I rang Chris because I had no idea what to do but he told me he's gonna get me a new flight for early morning. Which is fine. I mean I would of liked to be there for her the night before but I'll just see them at the venue. My flight was at 9am so I'd have to drop rose off at 8 with my mom.

Rose had woke up and came into the kitchen. She just made grabby hands at me and I cooed at her because she's not wanted to cuddle for ages. I needed to get home so I said goodbye to hunter and got her home she didn't wanna let go of me so I ended up with her in my bed. I hadnt actually spoken to my little girl today. But Chris assured me she's fine and that rehearsals had gone great. He said she's enjoying it.

I fell asleep and at some point in the night I woke to check my phone but as I was moving rose cuddled up to me. I decided that I wanted more cuddle time and I ended up falling back to sleep. When I next awoke it was rose calling me. " mommy I want cuddles"  and I groaned and pulled her against me. " mommy wants more cuddles too" and she giggled and laid back on top of me. I sighed and just laid there happy. We both must of fell asleep because the next thing I felt was someone shaking me " Scarlett get you're ass up!" And i shot up and I saw Vanessa and fennon stood in my bedroom.  I rubbed my eyes " why are you both here?" And I flopped back down I felt rose wasn't ether but if these two were here I knew she'd be fine I pulled the duvet over me because the sun light was blinding me. " oh no you don't !" And she pulled my duvet off of me. " what is you're problem!" And she gave me a glare " you were supposed to drop rose of at mums 7 hours ago! What the fuck are you playing at" and I went wide eyed. I looked over at my alarm clock and it was 2pm. " fuck" and I got out of bed and ran to the office. " why are you running?" And I screamed " I missed my flight didn't I?" And Vanessa nodded. Shit. It's okay. Chris is gonna kill me. Fuck. The show starts soon. Rhislett. She'll be fine. Yeh she'll be fine. She's understanding. She'll get it. " why did you wake up late" fennon asked me I could hear the disappointment and anger in her voice. " I must've forgot to set my alarm. I just fell asleep with rose I woke up and I could of made it but didn't even check the time. She asked me for cuddles and I did just that. I completely forgot." And fennon shook her head. " why are you looking at me like that!" I asked her she's starting to make me feel bad. " are you taking the piss" and Vanessa turned to glare at her " fennon she's still you're aunt no matter how stupid she is" and I glared at her " why are you too making such a big deal of this." And fennon scoffed " you don't deserve her" and she turned and left. What the hell did she mean by that. I followed her out of the room and she just went straight for the living room. She got the remote and turned on the tv. The vmas we're gonna start and I needed to find my phone. I left the room and I found my phone in roses hands. " why do you have my phone" and she looked at me sheepishly " I heard it make noise in the morning that's what woke me up. So I turned it off for you so we could cuddle" and I went wide eyed. I can't yell at her she didn't know what she did. I asked her for my phone and I saw all the missed calls and texts from everyone. Chris had misse called me 12 times. Lizzie had called me 6 and Robert had rang me 5. Harrsion had called me 10 and texted me asking where I was. And then I saw texts from Chris asking if I was okay. If I'd gotten on the flight. Why I wasn't answering. Fuck he's gonna kill me. I rang his number and he immediately answered. " Scarlett where the fuck are you!" And I winced because he never swore at me. I gulped " I missed my flight" and I heard nothing " Chris? Chris don't be mad. Rose turned my alarm off and I didn't even realise because she asked for more cuddles and I couldn't help myself so I just did and well I woke up about 10 minutes ago." And he cut me off. " I don't even know what to say" and I gulped " she'll be fine. I mean she has all of you there with her. I'll be watching from here. She was fine without me on her video shoot she'll be okay now but can I talk to her" and he spoke  after abit " she's getting ready Scarlett I thinks it's best if I do. I'll talk to you later I gotta go clean up you're mess" and he ended the call. I had this pit in the bottom of my stomach. I walked back into the living room and fennon just rolled her yes at me. " what is you're problem young lady" and she gave me a dry laugh " I think her music will tell you just that." And she turned away from me. "Fennon" and she glared at me " no! Everyone keeps walking on eggshells with you but I'm not. That girl. You're daughter as you seem to forget is gonna perform her first show and you didn't show up because of some damn cuddles" and I went wide eyed " you don't get to talk to me like that Vanessa" and I turned to my sister who shook her head " I'm with fennon this one. You won't even open your eyes to see the damage you just caused to you're relationship with you're child. The Scarlett I knew wouldn't have let nothing stop her from being there for her kid especially her baby girl" and I scoffed " rose needed me" and fennon spoke " no rose didn't. Yano what no I'm not gonna explain you don't deserve that. You keep a sayings she's fine we'll watch her performance and then tell me that." And I just shook my head. I'm praying that fennon is wrong. Because if she's right I've fucked up big time and I've lost my little girl. I can't lose her. We made so much progress please god don't let me fuck this up for good. She's always said her music shows how she's feeling well Fennons right, now I'm just gonna she's to wait and see. I mean it's another first I'm missing but I think this is hurting me more then it'll hurt her. Not being there for her today might be something I regret for the rest of my life.

Their's ( Evannsons twins) Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon