Chapter fifty

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Rhislett's POV

I woke up myself with no gorillas or Scarlett or even Chris. Which is worse because if I don't have to be awake I don't want to be. I'm exhausted. I rolled over and opened my phone. Fucking hell Chris had put us on his story. My social medias were all private. And my tiktok was for friends only who were literally the boys and my close friends. I was surprised he had posted us on his story and his feed. That photo of me and Scarlett was cute. My background of my phone was actually just me and haz with Isaac and Peter but I wanted to change it to what I wasn't sure but I will.

I crawls out of bed and I realised Scarlett wasn't awake because her door was shut. So I opened it slowly and yep she was sound asleep. So I wanted pay back. I creeped into her room and she hadn't moved. I climbed up on her bed and this women was practically dead to the world. I started to jump on her bed " WAKE UP! WAKEY WAKEY SCARLY" and I heard a groan and then something pulled my ankle so fell back on the bed. I squeaked because I wasn't expecting it and then the duvet was pulled over me. This was warm and I'm pretty sure I could fall back to sleep. " for someone who I have to practically drag out of bed you're very awake right now" and I smiled at her " couldn't miss the opportunity scarly" and she kissed my forehead and mumbled. " come here before you're dad turns up" and I laughed and she pulled her arms around me. I felt safe like this. It's very dumb but I did. And about a minute later Chris came running in " Scarlett Rhislett is missing!" He screamed. I started laughing and I looked up which Scarlett huffed and did the same " no you bafoon she's here and apparently I won't be going back to sleep" and Chris flopped onto the bed " thank god bubs I thought aliens had taken you" and I smiled " yeh well once I was awake I couldn't sleep again" and he just layed thetw at the foot of the bed. " mum! Froggers gone!" Harry said running into the room. I just flopped back down on to the bed and groaned while my parents laughed " I'm right here doofus, Jesus go tell the other two dipsticks I'm alive before they scream bloody murder too" I huffed and he looked at me like I had two heads and just said " what-why-okay" and he left. Chris was laughing " I don't know why you're laughing Christopher you did the same thing!" I said and he turned to me with a frown " I thought it was dad now" and I smiled " not when you scream the house down at 8am" and he nodded.

Eventually we went downstairs and We ate breakfast. I knew we were going back to New York later so I decided to get changed and packed now. Everyone else was doing the same. I was kinda excited to get back to my room. I took my shirt off and I had my back to the door. What I didn't realise was that Scarlett had walked in. " rhisey we-" and I panicked. I was scared like this wasn't supposed to be happening I didn't want it to be. I screamed " GET OUT!" And she was just looking at me and I knew she was trying to see what I was trying to hide. I put my shirt back on and screamed louder " I SAID GET OUT!" And she looked at me with a motherly look and spoke " Rhislett Isla you don't scream at me no matter what do you understand!" And I said " I said get out Scarlett" and that hit her. She went wide eyed at me and just asked back. When she shut the door I tan and locked it. Wtf. Everything's as going well. That's not a story I'm planning on telling and I won't be forced into it that's for sure. " frogger what's going on open the door" and I was struggling to breathe. I couldn't move yet I opened the door. " frogger what happened Scarlett won't come out of her room." And he stopped when he saw me crying. " she walked in on me changing haz" I looked up at him " I don't know what she saw. I screamed and told her to go. I called her Scarlett" I said in a quite voice. " pete" and Peter came in and when he saw me he came to my side and pulled me into a hug. " stay with her I'll be back" and Harry left.

Harrison's POV

These women in my life. Jesus I could smash there heads together. Why can't they just talk to each other. I know it's hard for Rhislett especially with Scarlett but Jesus Scarlett is her mother why. I walked back to Scarlett's room and said to Chris " I know what's happened I think I can fix it. But just don't go to Rhislett's room yet she's with Pete there having a talk" and he nodded and left. I sighed and knocked on the door " mum please open the door I need to talk to you" and she did thank god because I didn't have another plan. She wiped her eyes and spoke " I dunno what got over me sorry" I do and it's called Rhislett. I know rhis probably said something that upset. But when Rhislett feels like she's being backed in to a corner her instinct is to attack. Hurt them before they can hurt you. That's how we grew up. Scarlett doesn't get that but I can't show her that Rhislett needs to do that herself because if she doesn't then there's gonna be problems forever. She's gonna boil over and I know it's gonna come out. I just don't know when. I sat on the bed next to her and pulled her into a hug which she gladly accepted. " I've never seen that look on her face before Harry" and I nodded " she was scared mum" and she looked at me " of me?! Why?" And I frowned " not you mum just I can't say because she needs to do this for herself. All I can say is that she was acted and now she's gonna push back." And she gave a big frown " I don't wanna lose her" she whispered and I nodded " I know just don't let her go". And we stayed like that until we had to go downstairs.

Rhislett's POV

" I don't wanna talk about it Pete" and he nodded " we don't have too rhis but please look after yourself" and I nodded. I got up and washed my face. I don't show weakness. " I gotta finish packing rhis you all good for me to go" and I nodded because i had to do the same.
I started packing my stuff and I just wanted to shut off. I just wanted to curl into a ball and cry. But I won't let myself self pity. I had a lot to look forward too. And I was gonna look on the bright side. I can put on a smile.

I went downstairs and everyone looked at me. I just gave a tight smile and I pretended like nothing had happened. Which made me get very worried looks. " what's time are we going?" I asked and Chris spoke " an hour and a half. You packed and ready?" And I nodded " I'll be in my room just call me down" and I left. I went to my room and read the book I had. I heard someone knock on the door a while later " rhisey? Can we talk?" And I sighed because simple answer no. But Scarlett came in and sat next to me " yes?" And she asked " what happened before rhisey?" And I gave her a tight smile " nothing you just scared me" and she raised an eyebrow " sweetheart I know there's more to it then that" and I shook my head " that's it I just got scared" and she sighed I could see the defeat in her eyes. Yeh well join the club. " the cars outside come on let's go" and we got up and she took my bag to the car. When we got to the airport I saw that there wa a loads of paps. This is the most I've seen but we drove past them. " where are we going?" Isaac asked and Chris said " to the plane" and then we got to this gate that took us to our plane. " woah is this just for us?" Pete asked and Scarlett was smiling " yep I hope it's okay it was very last minute." And Peter nodded enthusiastically. They both ran agreed and sat down on the plane.I sat down and then Isaac turned to me " omg rhis I completely forgot about you're scared of flying so you want me to sit next to you and hold you're hand?" And I was gonna answer until someone spoke " nope I got that job covered Isaac don't worry" and Scarlett sat next to me. I gave her a small smile and I just put my earphones in. When the pjs started Scarlett took my hand and just rubbed it with her thumb. The plane took off and I looked at our hands. She squeezed my hand and I did back. The flight was fine it wasn't that long. And Scarlett didn't drop my hand. Chris was reading a book and the boys were playing games. I didn't hear the pilot say we were landing and the plane started lowering. I had earphones in and looked round panicked. Scarlett took my earphones out and spoke. " we're just landing sweet girl" and i nodded and she just told me we'd be safe. And I believed her. Because right now I had too.


I had a very long day at work just standing so I'm exhausted.

I'm going to bed peace and love I have a day off tomorrow soooo more writing.

Okay all honesty this was brushed over because I remembered there doing that vogue shoot and I wanted them to be cute and that but I'd already written the chapter and I didn't wanna delete it so yeh go with me on this

Remember to drink water
And to give you're eyes a break
And that my messages are always open x

Till the next chapter my loves ❣️

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