Chapter one hundred and twenty three

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Rhislett's POV

I was done in hair and make up and I was actually very happy with how I look. I got up and got changed into the casual outfits. It was actually very close to my own normal style. And when I got to set I saw eveyone sat around I felt a little nervous I mean there are so many people around. I had to shoot my scene I was on my one in this one. I was supposed to be fighting someone but with everyone around me I was shitting myself. Everyone was in there own conversations so I mean that was something at least. I got my harness on and Hank walked me through what I was supposed to do. I'm gonna be okay is what I kept telling myself it was simple. I got into the platform and we started. I didn't look down because that would of A) scared the crap out of me cos I don't like heights and B) made me see everyone looking at me and I don't wanna see that too. I was not paying attention so when the women who I was fighting fake punched me she real punched me cos I didn't move. I felt myself fall staright to the ground but because we were high up no one except the crew saw me. I felt dizzy and my hand was covered in blood. " oh shit" I mumbled looking up at the lady who had a panicked look on her face. Anthony screamed to get us down and we'll I had to be lowered and that wasn't gonna Work cos I couldn't get up. " hey kid it's okay look at me stay awake you're mums waiting" she said and I couldn't hear her properly all I felt was the pain. The whole set got lowered and I saw my mum run up to me. Oh great my first scene and I'm bleeding like I've gone 5 rounds with Tyson fury amazing. " rhisey? Baby it's okay it was an accident look up at me" at least she wasn't blaming the girl. The girl looked scared out of her mind. And Lizzie was now holding my hand. " hey baby look at me" she said and then when I did she winced at my face. She turned and looked at the Russo brothers and Kevin " what the hell has happened to my kid?!" Shit how bad do I look. " it's my fault mum I didn't move" I said and she looked at me with worry " sweetheart listen I gotta take you to the emergency room you're gonna need looking at properly." How fucking bad was it? Lizzie hadn't said anything she just held my hand. Dad and Robert looked like they wanted to kill someone. Even the rest of the cast looked worried oh crap. I felt myself start to panic and I wanted to get out of there. Too many people. I got up even though it hurt like a bitch  and ran straight out of the room. I wasn't crying but I knew the blood was trickling done to my shirt. I managed to find my trailer and went in. I saw my face and I had a split lip and my jaw was now purple Jesus had I actually fought Tyson fury? I felt tears brim my eyes and my breathing quickening.I can't believe I just fucked this up. Now what little respect I had was gonna be gone. Omg what if they don't ever wanna work with me again? Mum and dad must be so embarrassed and Lizzie and robert too. I've just fucked it all up. I fell to the floor gasping for air I needed to calm down this wasn't looking good. " hey hey breathe" I heard when had they come in. Lizzie and mum were kneeling in front of me and I started to hyperventilate. Mum picked me up into her lap and I knew her shirt was going to be covered in blood but still she didn't hesitate. Lizzie was holding my hand again and I couldn't help but grip onto her. " follow my breathing baba" mum whispered into my ear and I tried but I couldn't focus " breathe with me little one just In and out" and I did they were short breaths but it's as progress. Mum was wiping my tears while Lizzie calmed my breathing. " 5 things you can see" Lizzie asked me. I started to stutter my body was shaking and I had fresh tears " you, mama, the door, my bag, you're hand" and she nodded rubbing circles on my hand trying to soothe me. Mum was rocking me gently now. " 4 things you can hear" and I took another shaky breath closing my eyes " you're voice, radio, people talking, cars" and I opened my eyes to see soft ones " 3 things you can feel" and I looked at her " you're hand. Mum, the floor." And she smiled happy my breathing was calming " 2 things you can smell" and I smiled " you're and mamas perfumes" and she gave me a soft smile " one thing you can taste" and I frowned " blood" and her smile faltered remembering the mess of blood and tears my face was now. " what happened baby?" Mum finally asked and I frowned " I- it was a lot. I knew everyone was watching. well I wanted to prove I was here because of me not because of who I'm related too. And then seeing piper was on my mind and then when I got hurt seeing everyone around was a lot. I just couldn't help but think I blew it" I blurted out in my ramble and they both listened to me as I went on. " hey you didn't blow it accidents happen and it was a lot. We can change that and we can make it easier okay. Eveyone loves you Mack is in a state because she thinks you hate her for hurting you." And I shook my head " it wasn't her fault" I whispered and mum stroked my face " we know baby girl. But there shouldn't of been so many  people around it would of been scary for anyone. You got this role for you're acting not because of who we are." I nodded I felt relief and lighter after talking about my feelings. " you're dad and Robert are waiting so we can get you to fix that beautiful face fixed" and I narrowed my eyes at her " you make it seem like my face is broken" and she winced " baby you're covered in blood no arguments come on" she said lifting  me up into her arms. She was holding  me like s child and I whined and tried to get down " you may  be concussed I'm not letting you walk come on" Lizzie laughed at me because I really was glaring at my mother. But my mum pretened I wasn't  and walked out.


Remember to drink water
And give you're eyes a break
My messages are always open

Till the next chapter my loves❣️

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