Chapter twenty-eight

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Rhislett's POV

I woke up at 9 today because someone left my curtains open last night. And that person may have been me. Anyway I'm being blinded by the sun. So I rolled out of bed and closed them. I was in my pjs but it's cold so I put  on a sweatshirt. It was actually Chris's sweatshirt that I may or may not have stole yesterday. It could be a cute outfit. I changed into cycle shorts and yep I'm not changing again. When I got downstairs I smelt food. Well no shit. But I didn't know which food so it's food. I got into the kitchen and it's pancakes I think? Chris was just putting blobs on the pan with Harry's help while Scarlett watched them with a smirk. I went up to her and she turned and smiled at me " good morning baby you're up early" and at that I yawned " yeh not by choice who are those two trying to kill" I said pointing. And she just chuckled " there trying to make you breakfast, trying being the key word" I just looked at her with fear " why are they trying to kill me" and Chris spoke " I heard that bubs! And I usually can make great pancakes but Harry over here insisted they be gluten free and the batter is different so that's why this is failing." I laughed and Scarlett did the same while rolling her eyes " yeh sure it is blame the flour" and he just turned around with a glare "it is the flour!". Let's just say breakfast was... something. Not something edible but it was something.

We had a busy day today. We were in the car right now on the way to town. We were all going shopping. When we got out the car Chris and Scarlett smiled at us " there up to something" harry whispered and they pulled out hats and glasses " of for fuck sake" and Scarlett definitely heard me because she gave me a look and said " Rhislett" and I sighed. She came up to me and put the hat and glasses on me adjusting them and Chris doing the same to Harry. " great now I look like I'm going to rob someone" and she chuckled.

Shopping was fine I got a few shirts and shorts. Lots of pjs tho because it's me and I practically live in them. Scarlett said we'd get more clothes when we were in New York. I think she has a bit of a shopping problem. Well that's what Chris said. Harry got loads of sweatshirts. Which he said " I don't know why I bother they end up in someone else's possession." And he gave me a pointed look. I just turned around and started looking at more clothes. But then shit kinda  went south ish. We were done I mean Chris and Harry were carrying all the bags. I had a couple Scarlett said she needed her hands to shop. Someone must of seen them because when we were leaving the shop there was a massive crowd. I felt someone grab my hand and drag me back. It was Chris. Scarlett looked pissed. They whispered about something and she went out. Chris just ducked down and said to us " there's the back door over there go out there and meet us at the back we'll come get you two okay" he picked our heads up too make sure we heard him and we nodded. He looked at Harry and said " get you're sister out of here okay bud" and he scruffed his hair. The back door was near the front so when Chris left us we had to sneak out without being seen but Chris and Scarlett were distracting the people with cameras. I heard them yelling " who are the kids?" And " Scarlett when did you have twins" and she said something that I wasn't expecting " those kids, oh there just fans of the marvel movies no one important." No one important. Then I felt haz pull my arm he had a hurt look too but he pulled me out of the door. We sat on the fire escape. " she didn't mean it frogger, it was just to get them off there backs. She just doesn't want anyone to know about us" and I wasn't thinking but I said " yeh because we're her dirty little secret" and I saw his face. I knew he was hurt too but he was trying to be optimistic. " haz I'm sorry I know it hurt you too, she just said it so easily" and he nodded. I knew he understood. We sat there for a good few minutes " are we going to say anything?" And I knew what he meant. " I'm not no. I don't want a half hearted excuse she said what she did it's over now damage is done" and he sighed. We heard a horn and we looked down and it was Chris's car. I didn't move but Harry grabbed my arm and half of the bags and said " hey we're together don't worry about anything else" and I nodded and grabbed the rest we went down to the car. We climbed in and they both looked back at us. We didn't say anything we just kept our sunglasses and hats on. I knew if I took mine off they'd see I was upset and same for Harry. " hey bud thanks for looking out for your  sister back there" and Harry spoke " yeh well she's my sister" and he squeezed my hand. Scarlett stayed quiet. Ofcouse she did. We drove home.

Happiness doesn't last does it. I just felt bad for Harry. He looked upset. When we got in he grabbed my arm and dragged me to his room. I knew that would raise worry but I didn't look back. I took my hat and sunglasses off and sat on his bed. " what do we do?" He asked me and I didn't know. " we suck it up and move on, we're stronger then that. Us against the world remember?" And he looked at me with a small smile " us against the world" he repeated.

I heard a knock on the door and we knew who it was. I was sat on the window ledge with my feet dangling out the window. There was the lower half of the roof underneath me so it wasn't like I was going to get hurt if I fell. I heard Harry open the door and then the dread " Rhislett get down from there it's dangerous" good let me fall might be better then this. I sighed and turned to get back in. I didn't even look at either of them I just went sand sat on Harry's bed and said " how can we help you" and Chris spoke " are you both mad at us" and Harry looked at me and said " no we're not. We're just tired, it's been a long day" and then Scarlett spoke " right I'm calling a family meeting" " we're all here" I said and I heard her sigh.

" we don't want you both in the public eye yet, not because we're ashamed of you but because we're all still getting used to this. Once the news is out there we can't go back. I swear it's just because it's not the right time. I mean neither of you have met our family's. And you haven't met you're sister properly. Not to mention you're whole worlds are changing you don't need the paps or the media making there assumptions about you both." And I mumbled " yeh well what do you know about what we need" and I Got a call. It was Sophia. I completely forgot she was coming. " hey soph I'll come let you in now" I said while walking out of the room. I ran to the door and soph was stood there I jumped into her arms. I felt someone else jump into the hug and we all went to the floor. I was holding  soph for dear life. " hey I missed you both too" she said chuckling. And we both didn't say anything just held onto her. " okay come on you two let's go inside the concrete floor is uncomfortable believe it or not" and we got up. Scarlett and Chris said hello to soph.

I pulled her upstairs into my room and Harry shut the door. " what's got into you too" and we just frowned at her "what's up" she said and Harry spoke " we just... uff i don't know anymore I'm looking forward to going but we're leaving so much" and I sighed because yeh we were. And the whole Scarlett not wanting me thing was still in my mind but that last chance is running thin. Right now it's just making me stay polite. " come here you too" and we went to sit by her sides and she just held us " I've known you both since you were 8 we've seen the good, the bad and the ugly together. You're both moving on with you're lives, who would of thought you'd get loving parents" I rolled my eyes because we had one and a half loving parents. " you've both had you're fair share of crap in life but you're like my little siblings. I love you both and I'm not going anywhere I'm still going to be in charge of you're case. We will see each other less obviously but I'll be ringing as much as I can to check in. And I'll come and visit as much as I can. But this isn't goodbye it never will be. This is just a new chapter." We we're all in tears ffs. " I'm gonna miss you soph" " me too" and me and haz just hugged her. I laughed " look at us we look like messes" and we just laughed. One less goodbye at least.


New chapter WOoOooOo

Yeh yeh I know it's abit of a reach this chapter but I did it soooo

It's a misunderstanding but the twins have a lot going on give them a break!

Remember to drink plenty of water
My messages are always open
And give you're eyes a break

Till the next chapter my loves❣️

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