Chapter fourty-six

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Rhislett's POV

" I think we should go bowling" Robert said while they were getting the make up taken off and I laughed at the horrified looks on Isaac Harry and peters faces. " you're god daughter is the most competitive person. She's scary when we play games." And Robert laughed while Chris spoke " omg Scarlett is the same!" And I spoke " I'm not that bad" and Harry spoke again " you threw a chair at me when I bankrupted you in monopoly" and I got up " excuse me you cheated! You kept taking money out of the bank when no one was looking ya littleshit!" And then Chris spoke " definitely her mothers daughter" and then Scarlett appeared " and he's definitely his fathers son". And then Robert spoke again " okay well we're going to play bowling so get up all of you".

We got to the bowling place and there was no one around which was confusing because it's a Holidays from schools. " where is everyone?" I asked and Robert  smirked " just not busy I guess" and there was only one worker there. " hi I booked the place out is our lane ready" he did what! I looked at Lizzie and she smiled " it's easier to spend time with you guys like this trust us" and I nodded because I'm shocked.
" okay we have two teams which I'm splitting up okay?" And we all nodded " red team are Chris,Lizzie,Isaac and Rhislett. And on the blue team are Me,Scarlett,peter and harry" I smiled because I liked my team. " ouch you guys got Harry  damn you asked to lose" and then Scarlett spoke " sorry sweet girl you're going down" and I just  laughed " awww you keep thinking that scarly" and she raised an eyebrow at the new nickname. That's the plan throw her off. As petty as it is I have a little plan in case we're losing. It's really mean but hey I'm a winner. And we played. And we were neck and neck last two bowls. It was me against Scarlett of course. We were the best on our teams and honestly she was good but I wasn't going to say that. Okay time for the big guns. I went abit forward I made sure the rest couldn't hear me and I said just as she was about to throw the ball " you got this momma" and she dropped the ball. Like it went into the side thing and I just smiled wide at her. " that was playing dirty" she said to me with a face of shock and I wiggled my eyebrows " I'm my mothers daughter aren't I" and I walked away laughing while her team looked in disbelief of what she had just done. I went and high fived Chris " I don't know what you said but you are so my child" and I laughed at him and took the ball. I walked past Scarlett and stuck my tounge out. She was just in shock but I'll sort it later let me win first. Can't have it have been for nothing. I went up and I felt nervous because this was a lot of pressure. I rolled the ball and I turned around I couldn't look. I saw everyone reactions. Chris and Lizzie and Isaac jumped up cheering while the rest groaned but Scarlett was still just staring at me in shock. Did I take it too far? Did she not want me to call her that. I mean no one else heard me but maybe she didn't want me to call her that. Fuck. I went over too my team and celebrated " told you all you had no chance" and I laughed. Scarlett had pulled Chris into the corner and they were whispering: shit was i in trouble was she telling Chris what I did. He looked at me and I turned oh fuck. I was going to make a quick exit and dip because Robert was leaving and the plan was to go with him but before I could run. Like when I say run I was already crouching down trying to hide so no one noticed. But ofcourse I heard " Rhislett come here" for fuck sake Christopher. He stood there and I got up slowly " hey guys didn't see you there" and Chris laughed at me " bubs you're going with you're mum okay?" And I looked at Scarlett and I just nodded fuck. " the boys are coming with me and Lizzie we'll meet you at home" he came closer and kissed my forehead. I smiled at him and he left. Scarlett was looking at me and I couldn't read her face anymore "shall we?" And I nodded.
We got into the car and I saw she had turned a different way to the rest and that confused me but she started speaking " sweet girl I wanna ask you a question okay?" And I nodded at her " did you call me that just for the game?" I heard what I thought was vulnerability in her voice. But before I could speak she spoke again " because I won't be mad I just wanted to know I'd love it if you started calling me that but only if you're ready too" and I smiled at her. " I don't mind it I mean it was for the game because I don't lose" she chuckled at that " but I dunno about all the time but I wouldn't mind calling you that" and she smiled really wide. I didn't notice she had Parked up at the side of the road. You couldn't really see who we were by the way her car was parked. She pulled me into a hug and whispered " I'd love nothing more baby girl" and we stayed hugging. Maybe calling her that would make this easier. Maybe she'll treat me like the others if I do. Everyone asked me to give her a chance well this is it. " I may just call you scarly aswell" and she pulled back with a smile " I don't even mind that anything but Scarlett." And I laughed.
We drove back home and I saw that everyone was already there.

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