Chapter fifteen

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Rhislett's POV

Fucking maths. Mental Abuse To Humans. My form of hell. Can you tell I hated this subject. I also hate the teacher he's a twat. So easily offended one sarcastic comment and it's " out of my lesson now" get a life dickhead you teach maths for a living. So that's sums up my whole year worth of maths lessons. I can count on my hands how many lessons I finished.
He on called me. Mainly cos I walked out of class. I could hear the radio informing the other staff I'd walked out. Then I heard miss H say to find me and send me to her room. So when i turned the hall I saw the on call teacher walk towards me. Uffff just go willingly.
" hey miss what bring you here" she laughed at me and said " come on rhis you know the drill" so I went with her until we got to miss H's office. She let me go inside alone. I could only see Miss H sat staring at me so I started " miss it really isn't as bad as it looks, he accused me of cheating! I was sat next to Noah for fuck sake that guy can't get higher then 40%" and she said " we're in school mind you're language rhis and come and sit down I was going to tell someone to get you down here when I realised you had maths but you beat me to it" she said with half a smile. The more I walked into the room I saw she wasn't alone. Scarlett, Chris and soph were sat there too. Great now I'm royally fucked. " of fuck" Chris raised an eye brow at me with an amused smile and Scarlett has that mother look on her face. I sat down and didn't look up and miss H spoke.

" as I saw saying before Rhislett joined us the twins are very big personalities here, grades wise for Harrison" she moved a paper in front of them " he's at 4s ( C-)and 3s (D) for
Most of his subjects except physical education and media he is a 7 (B+) in those. Of course he knows this and is working hard to improve this. And you should be very proud of Rhislett because she has actually improved quite a lot since last year. You see at the start of last year her predicted Results were. English language- 4, English literature-4, maths-2, media-4, biology-2, chemistry-1, physics-1. Health and social care-3and catering was-3. Those grades were only reflecting what minimum work we had of hers as she would not show up for school a lot and when she did she was always taken out of the lesson for disturbing the lesson." She looked at me when she said that and I could feel myself blushing. I was keeping my eyes on miss H because I was scared of seeing Scarlett and Chris's faces. " but she turned that around this year, she actually comes almost every day just not on time but we're just happy she's here. Her grades have improved significantly as you can see here her new perdicted grades from there mock exams are , English language-8, English Literature-8, Maths-6, media-9, biology-8, chemistry-7,
Physics -6, health and social care-9 and catering-9. We think we could get her maths higher if she didn't keep leaving the classroom. But she's improved so much and I'm so proud  of her" and I knew I was blushing so I looked down at my hand and played with my rings.

Scarlett's POV

I knew we'd have to keep Harrison in the school that was recommended by there teacher. Because it's so late in there education if we get custody we'll be taking them with us to New York. I spoke with miss H before rhisey came in. That's what we were talking about. She knows a school in New York that would be able to teach them the same modules as they are here and they'd be able to sit the same tests. She recommended the school for Harrison. But she recommended online school for Rhislett. She said that they've only just got her used to coming here and that if she was to go to another school she may drop her grades again. Which I agree with I think online school would benefit her a lot. She'd have access to teachers help while online and she'll be able to do her work in her own time instead of waking up so early. Then I saw her grades. I started smiling very wide. I couldn't help it I was proud. " you're teachers right bubs you should be proud of yourself" Chris said and I hummed in agreement but she was looking at her ring. I noticed she does that if she's uncomfortable or nervous.

Rhislett's POV

Miss H spoke then " I think it's time for the tour, which Rhislett is going to be doing" this women is loving this too much. I looked up so fast and said " yeh I'm going back to maths have fun" as I was getting up she stopped me " you got sent out you either do this tour or it's isolation for the rest of the day" I actually was thinking about it because I can't handle the embarrassment. But isolation is so boring ffs. "Fuck" I said I didn't thimk they heard me but Scarlett had that scary face on again "Rhislett " that's voice scared me . God damit. "Fine" I rolled my eyes and put my bad in the corner of her office.

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