Chapter one hundred and thirty six

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Elizabeth's POV

I got home late last night from Scarlett's I needed to be home today for Rhisey's day. We couldn't do it at Scarlett's because Rhislett would of known. So I woke up I told Robbie about my day over face time because he was away in Washington doing some stuff for work. I usually go with him but since the twins have been back I try to spend more time with them. He's actually the one who suggested it and he loves that I have. A close relationship with this. I had texted Harry to ask what snacks to get I knew he's my best bet. So I headed out early to get all of the things for Rhislett and even Scarlett. I knew it's been hard for her and as much as today was for this it's for Scarlett and myself. Just a reminder that she's with us and she's safe. I wanted to make it special but I also know that kid and she hates a fuss. So I grabbed some gaiety lights and I'd been texting with Scarlett about what to do today and we'll we're gonna watch some movies. So some face masks and just eat. Kinda a normal day for us because we try to watch as many movies with the kids as we can. It's actually important to us we'd take them to theatres but it's a lot easier from home. I'd have loved to take this out for the day but on such short notice we can't. We need that kind of stuff planned ahead of time. It's hard this life when it messes with spending time with loved ones. Yes she's in the public eye too but I wanna spend a day with her without cameras.

Scarlett texted me that she was going to wake her up and they'd be on there way soon so I did the final touches and waited for them both.

Rhislett's POV

I jumped over the back of her couch and laid down. " make yourself at home why don't you" Lizzie teased and I smiled " just what I was thinking" mum sat on the floor in front of me she was texting someone but I couldn't see. And then my phone lit up with a text from piper. We'd been texting a lot and we'll it felt like I was that same kid again. " both of you off you're phones!" Lizzie scolded walking back into the room. I jumped and my phone went flying. Thank god there was pillows on the floor because I didn't wanna get a new phone. Lizzie came towards me with a bowl and a make up brush " what?" I asked looking at her and she smiled " face masks" and I nodded she put Q cumbers on my eyes and then applied the mask. It was fucking cold so that was amazing. I couldn't see so I was just listening " oh we have the jimmy fallon show tomorrow" and I hummed we were supposed to be on Ellen but a loud of shit came out about her and I didn't wanna go on was our first interview together so mum wanted someone she could trust. So we asked jimmy and well he said we'd get to play games which I was excited for. Dad and Lizzie were coming on too so this was going to be a fun interview. " I wanna wear a dress" mum said and Lizzie spoke " yeh I was thinking of wearing a suit" and I had no clue what I was wearing. Honestly I was almost gonna fall asleep. You couldn't blame me honestly. " rhisey you're phones blowing up" and I sat up quickly before they could read anything. But it was too late " why are you and the boys talking about celebrities?" And I giggled this was funny. We were talking about celeb crushes. " and why did Peter say I'm very gay but I'd turn Hetro for Selina Gomez" and I bury our laughing " he's gonna be so embarrassed when he hears you guys read that" and I took a Q cumberpff my eyes and ate it but lizzie swatted my hand before I could eat the other " there for you're eyes" and I ate the other one anyway " I'm 15 my eyes are doing fine" and she shook her head at me. Mum was reading a magazine and Lizzie was doing her nails. They both had masks on too. Mums was pink and Lizzie's was green. Mine was bright blue. They were all home made ones and they were super thick. The door happened and lizzie got up and ran for it. I assumed it was the food she ordered. " we're eating a Indian" lizzie said and I smiled I was craving spicy food that's why I'd asked for it. I don't think it'll be as good as home cooked food but hey it's worth a shot. And I'm too relaxed to make my own.although I'd bet lizzie had all the ingredients for a vegetable curry. We ate and Mum wiped my face off with a cloth. Now I could of done this myself but no mother and Lizzie treat me like a child. " mum" I said and she nodded while cleaning my face " I love you" I said and I she stopped and smiled at me . " I love you too baba" and I smiled while she carried on cleaning my face. " I love you too Lizard" and she smiled ignoring that I'd called her the nickname she hated " I love you too monkey" and I narrowed my eyes playfully. Great I'm a monkey again I thought we'd dropped that. We watched girls trip. Now when I say I was as red as a fucking tomato omg. Some scenes mum covered my eyes and Lizzie covered my ears. Now that was just for one scene because it was very inappropriate. But for the rest they let me watch in peace but it's not like I didn't know anything. I wasn't exactly 10 I was 15 I know stuff. But now they know I know stuff and that making me embarrassed. We did laugh a lot so I was happy for it. We fell asleep on the floor in the pillows. I was inbetween them both like most nights just snuggled with them.


Remember to drink water
My messages are always open
Give you're eyes a break

Till the next chapter my loves❣️

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