One hundred and four

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Rhislett's POV

When I got into the car I wanted to listen to music but earphones were inside. And seeing's s I have the keys I may aswell play of the car. So I connected my phone and listened to some sag girl summer songs. That's what Peter labeled my playlist.I was  very much into it that when I heard a knock on the widow I jumped out of the seat and screamed. My phone went flying into the air and I had felt my heart stop. I looked over and mum was trying so hard not to laugh. " what the hell!" I screamed and that sent her she started to laugh uncontrollably and I tried to get my heart to stop beating so fast. I crawled into the passengers side and she came into the car wiping tears " oh sweet girl I'm sorry" she said while chuckling and I glared at her " not funny" and she burst out laughing again. This was gonna be a long drive.

I gave her the directions to the place. I hadn't actually taken anyone else here. No one knew about this place and it was my place. Well now Scarlett was gonna know. " park here we have to walk the rest" I said and did as I said. We walked for abit threw the field until we got a lake. It was a little waterfall that overlooked the hills it was breath taking. " how do you know about this it wasn't on the map?" And I giggled " you sound like a right tourist. It's a farm mr and mrs hentingon own it. I did a summer working on the farm and he showed me this place. There kids would hang around here but now they all are grown up. I like it it's safe and I can be alone here. There garden is just up that trail. And they have cameras around just not in this spot. Kinda for my privacy. They put the cameras up after I started coming here so that they knew I was safe." And she nodded while we climbed up. I helped Scarlett get to the top and we sat. " wow that's a view" and I smiled pleased she was enjoying the view. " no one else has been here before" and she looked at me with a  look of disbelief " not even you're brother?" And I shook my head no and I felt her pull me into her side. " you know I'm you're mother yet holding you makes me feel safe it's strange. Since you were a baby I've always felt invincible when I had you in my arms" and I listened to her talk. That made me smile to myself I made someone feel safe. But honestly as we sat here the doubt came back. We've been here before not this place I mean like she's apologised for Jung's before and I've thought it would get better but when we get back to New York she changes. It goes back to how it was. I opened up to her about my hurt and she's been great but for how long. I don't know. I looked over at her and she looked so at peace here. This place really has this calming affect.

She turned to me and raised an eyebrow " why are you staring at me?" And I looked back out " you look peaceful" and she hummed. " you know how to drive?" And I scrunched my face what a random question. " yes well I did. Been ages and I've only drove fast cars why?" And she smiled " we're giving you a driving lesson come on" she got up like a excited kid. I looked up at her " let me get this straight. You the same women who had a heart attavk at the idea of dad taking me to a race track are gonna give me a driving lesson. The women who has a accident every week" and she glared at me for the last bit " that was not my fault! He just came in my way" and I rolled my eyes playfully " sure and that lamppost just walked in youre way too right?" And she mumbled something " what was that?" I asked and she turned to me " you are you're father daughter" I could see the hint of a smile on her face while she said it and she gave me her hand to get up. " nope I'm yours too lady" and she scoffed " I thought I had momma privileges back!" And I gave her a amused smile " who's the parent here?" And she pointed to herself " yet you act like a 5 year old" and and she stuck her tounge out " now you know where you get it" and she walked off it took me a minute to realise she had just gave me a back handed compliment " hey!" And she laughed while walking. I saw her walk in the wrong direction but I didn't correct her because she thought she knew best right. I just kept walking the right way " oh mother dearest are you going to sleep in the barn tonight!" I yelled without turning and all I heard was running. " you could of told me I was heading towards a field of cows!" And I laughed " where's the fun in that mum?" And she glared at me. I like this. The banter. But I can't help remembering it won't last.

" this isn't they way we came" she said and I sighed. I knew we were going the right way because the rocks on the floor have paint. " and how would you know that" I asked and she said " well there were more trees" and I turned to her with disbelief " mum are you hearing yourself?" And she nodded " yeh I did" and I shook my head. " so miss Isla when do I get to meet you're friends?" And I turned to her again " mum you know the two boys called Peter and Isaac yeh there not my dogs there my friends" and she glared at me again " no you're other friends." And I shook my head because they were never meeting her. They were always smoking and high and if Scarlett saw that I'm sure she was gonna assume I did that too and then I was in for a round two of New York and I ain't doing that wwe shit. " erm there busy with school" although I did wanna see them again and go see miss H I miss them all. " do you erm miss it here?" And I answered abit too fast " yep" and I saw her frown but then she tried to hide it " I mean I grew up here but it's not home" and she looked up at me with a smile " home?" And I rolled my eyes " why are you such a child mother" and she smiled " where's home?" And I have her a cheeky smile " dad's LA house" and she smacked my arm " not funny Rhislett" and I laughed even more we got out of the woods and too her car. " sorry I meant Lizzie's house" and she shot me a glare. And I felt bad but I couldn't help it. I went over and smiled sweetly " home sis where Harrison, rose, dad, Lizzie and you are. It's not one place it's just wherever you guys are" and she smiled at me. She gave me a kiss on the cheek and then said " my homes where my kids are. Just so happens that's my house because I get to selfishly keep you three" and I laughed " you didn't give dad a choice did you?" And she laughed " not one".


I'm writing fluffish

Like I wanna just do what I feel so deal with it.

I was thinking of doing one shots.

Got the idea given to me thanks discord chat.

Remember to drink water
And give you're eyes a break
And my messages are always open

Till the next chapter my loves❣️

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