Chapter one hundred and thirty three

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Lizzie's POV

Trigger warning ⚠️

I knew this talk was coming and I wanted to prepare myself. How do you prepare yourself for you're child to tell you they've been abused. When she told Me he'd lock her in a basement I lost it. I knew this was a lot for her so I stayed quite but I didn't want her to know how pissed I was. She was letting me into this nightmare she went thru and I couldn't scare her.and then she told Me how he hurt he ran so swear if I ever saw this man he'd not be breathing. That I promise. I hope he's rotting in hell. How can you hurt a child?! How can you hurt an 8 year old?! What sick bastard can do that and to my god daughter. If I feel this way I can't imagine how Scarlett must have felt hearing this had happened to her baby. How is Rhislett so strong? I swear I wouldn't be able to talk to anyone no wonder she has so many walls up. And she's still a child! She's this amazing little human that's been through shit and I don't know how I can help fix it. For once even I'm stumped. And then she told me he'd raped her. That broke me. That's what's sent me off. I was just looking at her, straight into her eyes and I could see the fear in her eyes and I wanna kill that man. I am going to kill that man. " did he go to prison?" I asked and she nodded " he's got life and just in case me and Harry have restraining orders against him." Okay well at least that's something. Not nearly enough but it's something. I'm glad he can't hurt her anymore not that I would let him any were near my child. I'm pretty's use Scarlett would kill him. And Chris would even if he's in jail

I knew she's needed met yet here I was not being able to talk. I don't get angry often so this was hard. Nothing about knowing this is easy. Honestly I'd probably have been better of not knowing but the fact she trusts me enough to tell me this makes me smile.

" darling?" And she looked at me expecting me to carry on but I was for once ay a loss for words. " I'm proud of you." That's all I could say. That's all I managed to tell her. Not that I love her. Not that she's incredibly brave. Not that she's my world. I barely managed those words. This perfect little angel. This child.

Rhislett's POV

She wasn't really speaking and it was starting to freak me out. And then she told me she's proud of me but sdid she just say that? I started to panic all of these old memories coming back and. Knowing I'm damaged it's a lot. I tried to calm myself down but it wa a getting hotter in the room and my breathing was getting worse. I quickly got up and leaned out of the window. I need air I can't breath. " hey little one it's okay I'm here" Lizzie said running to my side and holding me. I started to sob but I couldn't hold it back. I didn't wanna break down. I can't let what happened affect me forever yet here I am sobbing. " you're amazing, you're so brave and I'm so so proud of you my little one." She cooed and I started to sob harder into her chest. I cling to her I kinda wanted my momma too just because she'd add to the comfort. It's going to be okay. I'm going to be okay. I'm safe here. I'm with Lizzie my parents are downstairs. Im half way across the country he can't hurt me. He can never hurt me. I know her can't. I started saying to myself to calm myself down. I knew it was working when Lizzie said " that's my girl" and I smiled inwardly I knew that she cared. She cares about me and how I feel and I just dropped this shit bomb on her. " I'm sorry I shouldn't have burdened you with this" and she pulled me back and wiped my tears " don't ever apologise. I'm so proud of you for telling me even though it brang up all those memories" and I nodded I was now tired but I was hungry. Actually I was starving but there wasn't anything to eat in my room so I knew we'd have to go down. But I also knew I looked like a state and looking at Lizzie her mascara was now half down her face and her eyes were red. How handy I noticed she was crying with me. At least she didn't look as bad as I probably did. Why is it I always end up looking a state. My bedroom door wa a knocked on and then opened and I panicked moving so you couldn't see my face. " it's me sweet girl" and I let out a sigh of relief. I turned and ran straight into my mothers arms. She dropped the bags she had and held me. " it's okay baba" and I nodded nothing makes me happier then having them both with me. Mum moved me to the bed and picked the bags up. She didn't really look at them she focused on us. " how you both feeling?" And I looked at Lizzie that's a great question to ask her because I'd like to know too. Lizzie held my hand and looked at Scarlett " upset and angry at that freak but immensely proud of this one" and I smiled a little because stagy was very sweet of her to say. She didn't need to say it yet she did and mum was also happy. She wiped Lizzie's face because my mom would mother anyone. Lizzie scrunched her nose and smiled at mum. Then mum tuned to me and just held my face. " stop growing up on me. Stay small" she said and I giggled " nope" and she scowled at me. They both did and I smiled knowing that things felt right.



Remember to drink water
My messages are always open
Give you're eyes a break

Till the next chapter my loves❣️

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