Chapter sixty-one

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Rhislett's POV

We were flying to LA tomorrow and I knew Robert and my dad were coming with us but Scarlett hadn't actually said anything. " are you coming with us tomorrow?" And she looked a little confused so I said " we're flying to LA tomorrow?" And then I saw what I'm sure  is realisation wash over her face. " oh I forgot you guys were going tomorrow. I can't go tomorrow I've got meeting here on Tuesday and Wednesday" and I looked at her with scrunched eyebrows " the VMAs are on Thursday" and she gave me a little smile " yeh I'm gonna fly out Wednesday evening. I do have rose that week because her dads going to France. But I'm gonna leave her with my mum and fly back Friday" and I nodded. I almost thought she wasn't coming. I wasn't gonna tell her but she's the only one I want there. Especially after last night I know this is a big night and I'm gonna be terrified especially with how many people are there. So I'm pretty sure she'll be able to calm me down. Maybe I can tell her about some stuff. Maybe knowing me I'll change my mind again. I do want to tell her but what if she just turns around and looks at me with disgust. Or worse just ignores it. I don't want pity but I want someone who I can just tell. So that they can comfort me when I have nights like last night. So they know why and how to comfort me. But she doesn't and that's on me for not telling her. But it's on her for making me not trust her. I can't help but think about how different my life would of been if they'd kept us. How I wouldn't be this damaged kid who can't trust adults. How I would of grown up loved and happy. But then I wouldn't have met isa and Pete. And I wouldn't of had my family and been brought up the same way. I definitely know if I'd grown up with money that I wouldn't appreciate it how I do. That I wouldn't work as hard for it like I do. And for that and those reasons only I'm grateful that I had my childhood how I did. But I'm not for what happened to me. Even tho that trauma formed the person I am today I still don't want it.

I decided to text fennon because I hadn't texted her yesterday. We've spoke everyday since the wedding, she's always checking up on me and I just appreciate her so much. When we got outside I saw Robert and Chris were trying to grill the food but it was clearly gonna be a while. Isaac and Peter were setting up water guns and balloons. And Harry was setting up this kids toy that went all along the floor and was a kid version of a sprinkler. It was very big. " so I'm assuming we're having a water fight" and Scarlett spoke " is that what you English people say water fights? I called it water wars when I was a kid" and me along with Harry and Isa and Pete all looked at her from the different areas of the garden we were stood in. " what in the Hannah Montana is water wars?" Peter said and Lizzie gave him a smile " same thing different name" and I raised an eyebrow " a translator now are we miss Olsen" and she gave me a smirk " keep running you're mouth like that little one or have you forgotten the last time you got on the wrong side of me and you're mother? I'm pretty sure it ended  with you in a laughing fit begging us to stop because you couldn't breath" and I smirked " well times are  different now Olsen bring it on" and Scarlett was now smirking " that's fighting talk rhisey are you sure you wanna make enemies out of us" and I nodded " yep definitely I mean me and the boys never lose" and she smiled " okay then you four against us four. We're all gonna wear white T-shirts. The water guns are gonna have dye in them red for one team blue for the other. That way we know who's is who. Whichever team is the most soaked or if one taps out the other one wins. Fair?" And I felt Harry put his hand on my shoulder " oh mum you don't know what you just did" and she gave an amused smile but Robert spoke " I thought Harry was a bad player rhis?" And I smiled " if he's in the other team yes but when all four of us are together we never lose." Robert  and Chris looked concerned but Lizzie and Scarlett looked like they were determined to win. But Chris spoke " yes well no one is winning anything until we have ate." And I nodded because I was hungry. The food was gonna take a while. Lizzie and Scarlett went into the kitchen to cook the food that wasn't being barbecued. I went and sat on the chairs next to where the boys were setting up. " you gave  us the best guns right?" and Isaac nodded " of course and we're filling them up with our colours so no way they can change them. We're gonna refill over there too." And he pointed to where Peter was setting up our side for refills. It was no go area . No man land thing. He had put boundaries on both side where the other team was not aloud to go or spray. If that teams was in there they couldn't spray from in there either. " I remember playing water fights when we were kids. Remember when Harry cried because you hit him with a water balloon rhis?" And I nodded smiling wide at that memory " yeh the wuss cried because he said that it hurt but he still decided hitting me with about 8 of them was okay" and he chuckled " yeh well it did hurt you just didn't seem to feel it." We carried on talking about when we were kids. Thinking about it all aunt Maria and aunt Cassie always made sure we had fun. They always celebrated our birthdays and included us in there family events. They would organise barbecues and water fights. They would buy us games like outdoor bowling and tennis. Or even cricket sets so we could play. They always made sure we had something. I remember family picnics we try to do one every year. We go to the park with loads of food and play loads of games together. I kinda wanna go back to England this summer for a week just because I don't wanna lose that tradition." Okay do you guys remember you're 7th birthday" and I groaned. " what happens on there 7th birthday?" Scarlett asked with the other three walking behind her. " our theme was all over the place. We had a half dinosaur half princess party." Harry said giggling and I spoke " aunt Maria asked Harry what he wanted and he said dinosaurs and then aunt Cassie asked me and I wanted a princess party. They both bought decorations they knew they wanted to split the room so we could have what we wanted but when they did and they saw the end result it looked so ridiculous." I said laughing . "Omg it was one half jungle and scary dinosaurs with fake blood and then you turn to see hot pink everywhere and glitter" and I smiled " it was a mess but I enjoyed it." And then haz spoke. " what we're the themes for our other  birthdays" and then Peter spoke " 6th was Mickey Mouse themed. 7th was the disaster and then 8th was animal themed." And Isaac continued the adults were all listening intently but I could see the frowns on our parents faces that seems to be there reactions when we talk about our childhood. " 9th was candy land themed. 10th was marvel themed wasn't it?" And we all nodded. " you had a marvel themed birthday?" Chris asked with a small voice and Harry gave a smile " yeh it's ironic now thinking about it" and Robert then said " because we're all in the movies?" And he shook his head " no actually because of who we dressed as" and then Pete spoke " I was iron man" and Robert smiled wide at that. " I was captain America" haz said and Chris smiled proudly at him. " I was Thor" Isaac said and Lizzie smiled at that. I know Thor is her fav character. " and I was black widow which as Harry said was definitely ironic" and Scarlett finally smiled " you were black widow?" And I nodded " yep aunt Maria always joked about it because she basically leads her team of boys while I boss around mine" and Scarlett giggled and said " that's very true my darling".  And I spoke " 11th birthday we went to Hawaii uncle anwar took us because his and aunt Maria's anniversary is 2 days before our birthday. He asked us to find out where she wants to go because it was there 20 year anniversary and she wanted to go Hawaii so that's what he did. She was so surprised." And then Peter spoke " oh Hawaii was the best all of us going abroad together. We had so much fun." And then Isaac spoke " 12th was the one we went to the theme park. We spent the whole day there even did youre guys blowing  you're candles out there. Well we did stay at the theme park hotel for the night. And 13th was another theme park birthday but we stayed 2 nights. And then 14th and 15th was barbecue birthday partys. We have all the family over playing games and eating especially because you're birthdays are in summer it was always perfect." And I smiled at those memories. " we were supposed to go Disney land this year. Uncle anwar was was saving for it. And so has aunt Cassie. I was really looking forward to Florida" and when I looked over at The adults they all had the same thought faces on. " oh crap the food!" Robert yelled and  him and Chris ran for the grill. I started laughing along with the boys. The food was fine thank god they got there in time. We ate the food which was delicious.


See you in the next chapter sorry for cutting it short kids

Again I like keeping my chapters short and this was 1700 Words

Remember to drink water
And to give you're eyes a break
And that my messages are always open x

Till the next chapter my loves❣️

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