Chapter ninety seven

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Rhislett's POV

I was inside waiting for Harrison to get home. I needed home back but lord knows how long he takes. I heard Some voices from my room and I knew it was Scarlett on the phone. " yes matka I understand" I hid behind the door so she wouldn't see me and she walked straight past. " mother stop telling me off I'm not 5!" I had to hold back the laugh I was about to do. Scarlett being told off at her grown age is karma. " yes well I'm not losing her. I'm done putting myself first my kids come first. She comes first. Look I'll text you when Harry arrives okay? Love you" and she sighed as she ended the call. She walked past me upstairs. " listening to other's conversations is rude" Lizzie said from behind me and I jumped. " what the hell Elizabeth!" She laughed at my reaction and said " hey! You've done that enough times to me okay I can get a pass" and I glared at her " how long were you there?" And she smiled " how long were you?" And I shook my head at her. " touché Olsen" and she smiled at me. " You know you'd be mad if it was the other way round" and I frowned because she was right. " fine I won't do it again!" And she gave me an amused smile.

Harry walked into the house and well I was very excited to talk to him. I just needed someone who was gonna treat me normal and not like I was gonna break in half. " Harrison James sit down we're playing a game." I said sitting on the sofa. He laughed at me and asked " what we playing?" And I said " that game we played back in England with the boys. But don't hold back okay" and he nodded knowing what game I was talking about. " it's the haircut for me." I said giggling and he pouted " hey I like it!" And I laughed " it's the smelling like tuna for me" and Lizzie and Scarlett happened to walk in " Harrison that's rude!" Lizzie said and I went into a laughing fit. " no it's a game" I said while laughing and Scarlett was just giving me a amused smile while Lizzie said " nope no playing that game then" and pouted " no im not listening to you too making fun of each other" and I nodded. But I couldn't help laughing again.

I hadn't really spoken to Scarlett which low key I was proud of myself for because im usually really shit at this. Im glad im sticking my ground.

I got a face time call from Peter and Isaac and I accepted " so how's the emotional trauma going" Peter asked me and I giggled " traumatic as ever babes" and we all laughed. " I hope Lizzie didn't hear that because she may just kill me" and Isaac asked " how's you feeling jokes aside" and I pouted " well it's not like I don't know she's sorry because I do it's just I feel sad rather then angry now and I don't wike it." And they both gave me amused smiles at me trying to lighten the mood. " it's gonna get better" and I shook my head " if I had a pound for every time someone told me that I'd be richer then Robert" and we all started laughing. We talked more and what I didn't notice was that Lizzie had come up behind me. " BOO!" And I screamed at the top of my lungs. " ELIZABETH!" And she was in hysterics on the floor. I was holding my hand over my mouth I can not believe this women. " what the hell happened in here?" Scarlett came running in and asked I just agreed at Lizzie " I swear to god I'm going to get you for that Olsen!" And she fake pouted at me " aww it's okay rhisey" and I just glared at her. Bloody children.

I had to go upstairs to speak to my dad because for some reason Elizabeth has chosen to irritate my life today. " how's everything bubs?" And I smiled " okay I mean I dunno I just feel a little overwhelmed out of nowhere" and he frowned " it's okay take you're time okay? We're al here to support you" and I nodded he just talked to me about his new movie and how he wanted to come home now. I didn't blame him because all he does is travel. I dunno how he does it to be honest with you.

I had been googling plane tickets back to England on my laptop while we were talking because I really wanted to go visit home. It's been like 3 months and I wanna see soph! And all my friends I miss them all so much. A plane ticket there would only be a couple of hundred which I have so that would be easy. But I can't exactly leave right now not while shits like this. I don't think that would be the best decision I've made. " hey bubs you listening?" And I nodded " yeh dad" and he smiled " I wanna speak to Harry can you take the phone to him bubs?" And I nodded. I shut my laptop and left the room to find the ape. " Harry you tosser where are you?" And I heard him yell " downstairs you twat" and I ran downstairs. " why do I feel like you both were just rude to each other?" Scarlett asked and Harry shook his head " friendly banter mum" and she smiled at him. I tossed my phone at him so he could speak to Chris while I went to sit next to Lizzie. She was eating some fruit so as the nice person I was I took some from her plate and ate it with a. Big smile. " Scarlett! She's eating my strawberry's" and Scarlett just laughed and I smiled " pay back olsen handy even started yet so good luck." And she handed me the plate of fruit so I could carry on eating. Scarlett had disappeared somewhere I'm pretty sure she was cleaning. But Lizzie and I were watching trash tv. Like keeping up with the Kardashian's.


Hey kiddos

Sooooo I'm really enjoying the discord chat it's actually made writing this fun.

I wrote the nice paragraph so don't say I'm mean!

Remember to drink water
And give you're eyes a break
And my messages are always open

Till the next chapter my loves❣️

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