Episode 1

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I unzipped my bags as we tried to unpack in our new apartment. We just moved to the Valley yesterday, and we still hadn't completely unpacked everything. My little brother was being useless as he sat on the couch in the living room. He was like 10? Maybe? I don't remember, we don't talk much.

This was probably one of the few times I have actually gotten to spend some quality time with my mom, she dates so much that I rarely see her. My parents were divorced and I don't talk to my dad.

It was around 7pm and we didn't have any food with us. My mom asked me to go to the little corner store in a strip mall near our apartment, so I went. There was pizza in a plastic case on the counter so i asked for three slices. One for everyone in my family. The man puts them all in a bag with his bare hand. Lovely. As I'm about to leave I walk past the aisle with the medicine, and a boy about my age seems to look confused.

"Whatcha looking for?" I ask him.

He turns around, startled. "Pepto Bismo," he replies. "It's for my grandma."

I nod, "I think I walked past it at the back section there." I point towards it.

"Thanks," he nods his head, then awkwardly reaches out his hand. "I'm Miguel."

"Riley," we shake hands. He stands there uncomfortably so I add, "We just moved here from Texas."

"Oh no way, that's cool. We just moved here from Riverside."

I smile at him, "I should probably get back home, my family's waiting."

He nods and smiles back, "It was nice meeting you, Riley. Thanks again for your help."

Miguel walks to the counter where some blonde guy looks to be arguing with the cashier. I walk outside and end up running into a group of guys that look to be around my age.

This one boy with brown hair walks up to me, "Hey there, what's your name?"

"Dean, back up. She looks like a prude, bet she won't let you suck it even if you offer to pay her," some other boy says laughing to him.

Dean looks at the boy and scowls, "Shut up, Kyler." Then he looks back at me and gets closer, "I wouldn't have to pay you though, would I?"

"Ew," I answer and try to walk around him. He grabs the bag from my hands and throws it to the ground next to me.

"Common, you sure you can't hangout for a little bit?"

I spit in his face so he picks me up by my waist and throws me into the side of the convenience store. "Bitch," he says and walks into the store with the other boys.

I've been here for less than forty hours and have already made an enemy. That's just great. I'm pretty sure I saw Kyler at my schools orientation day too.

Deciding it's better to just leave, I run home.

"Did you not get any food?" My mom asks when I walk in empty handed.

"No, uh, the store didn't look up to safety standards and I didn't want us to get food poisoning." Good save.

"There's no other food stores around here?" My mom says jokingly.

I slightly giggle, "Let's just uber eats something."


The next day, I decide to go to the mall and get some back to school shopping done. I went to garage, urban planet, and american eagle before finally deciding to take a break at the food court. That was a pretty good steal, I bought two shirts, one skirt, and a pair of light grey leggings. I am determined to look pretty this year so that maybe I won't get made fun of here. I'm not ugly by any means, but I guess I do look a little nerdy. I saved up all my money from my last pay check so I can afford to splurge a bit.

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