Chapter 12

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"Prongs have you got the polyjuice potion yet?"
"Yes Padfoot I've brought it, now we've just got to get a piece of hair from the Parkinsons."
"Parkinson's?"Sirius snorted.
"Yes Parkinson's Padfoot, Lestranges are too hard to find these days, their population has extremely decreased."
"Okay Prongs, but how do we get to the Parkinsons?"
"Harry can help."
"Yes, I will be telling him to get it with my invisibility cloak."
"Okay James, be careful."

Lily's pov:

Something strange was happening with James and Sirius. I was starting to get suspicious of James being so cheeky toward Sirius. Remus was just silent as always while I just watched them all.

Meanwhile Harry:

Uncle Padfoot and Dad had just sent me the weirdest letter that probably ever existed.
I was kindly told to take a piece of the idiot, Pansy Parkinson's hair.Ugh.I mentally rolled my eyes. I had no choice but to do it, I couldn't let father down so I grabbed my invisibility cloak. Slowly I crept down the grounds of Hogwarts. The sky was midnight black. I went in front of the Slytherin House and said the password."Pureblood."
I snorted. Of course, it was going to be Pureblood. Slowly I crept to the girl's dormitories. I carefully looked at the doors until I found it 'Pansy Parkinson.'
I opened the door to see the pug-faced Pansy snoring loudly, drooling. Thankfully she had no roommates because if she had, I would feel sorry for them no matter what. Quickly, I took my piece of scissors and took a long chunky strand out of her hair, for extras I cut some more, just In case, you never know. I cackled mentally, I can't imagine her facial expression when she woke up. I put the chunks of hair in a zip-lock bag and crept out.

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