94| Angry, But In a Playful Way

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I muttered a few curse words under my breath.
He had us practice without the lights on, which to be honest, was more challenging than our usual trainings.

I was feeling a bit dizzy and more tired than usual, this has been going on a few days ago.

I didn't know exactly why – but I guess it was just the training.

"Do you think your husband would come out of the blue and defend you when Death Eaters attack? Harder, Lupin, you could do better than that." Mad-Eye growled, making me snap all of a sudden at the mention of my husband.

And it worked like a charm. Raising my wand higher and firing him with all the best spells I knew, yelling as I did so, like a warrior in a battlefield.

"That's it! Yes, yes, harder than that." he hollered in encouragment – or maybe in a taunting way?

Probably encouragement.


And just like that, THE Mad-Eye Moody came flying across the room and hit the wall very hard with a grunt.

I gasped in shock and quickly muttered "lumos", as I rushed to his side.

"Oh Merlin, you okay Mad-Eye? D-did I-" I frantically asked, inspecting him.

He then stood up, much to my relief, and instantly stood with soft groans. "I'm so sorry, sir-" I worried, but he cut me off with a pat on my back.

"No need to apologize. Well done, well done. You've knocked me off a few times but it's alright-" he growled under his breath. "It means you're improving."

I beamed like a complete idiot.

"You're free to go then, we don't want to miss the meeting."

"Thanks, Mad-Eye." I thanked him with a smile, putting back my shirt back on as I exited the training room outside and headed for headquarters.

Grimmauld Place hadn't changed in the slightest. Still dusty, dark, full of cobwebs and the creepy aura was still lingering along each corner of the house. But still, it was glad to be there to see Sirius even after I married and moved out with Remus.

"Where is Vance?" Mad-Eye questioned quite angrily whilst everyone of us took our seats. Sirius, as usual, at the head of the table, Remus next to me and Ana beside Sirius.

"She'll not be returning anytime soon." Sirius muttered, I noticed that his jaw was clenching and bowed his head down low.

"What- why?" Tonks said incredulously, as some of us gave the same confused faces at Sirius's statement. "But the Order needs her–"

"She called Ana a slag and gold digger." Remus replied, as Tonks gasped.

"Why would she say that?" I asked, Mad-Eye walking over at the three, still quite furious. "That's completely uncharacteristic of her."

"Because she fancied Sirius, obviously, ever since the first war, I read her mind," Ana stated simply, her voice quite casual as opposed to Sirius'. "And please change the topic right now, Moody."

Can You Love Me Most? | 𝘙𝘦𝘮𝘶𝘴 𝘓𝘶𝘱𝘪𝘯Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin