Mother-Daughter Reunion and The Declaration of War

Start from the beginning

"Right now, we are waiting for each other to make our moves and she knows this... She has knights now, those two from before confirm it." Vic told Raven.

"So, you are being cautious?" Raven asked Vic.

"Well yes. If one of these knights are going to make their move, I'm going to need to make a move of my own. I also need more fire power, right now I've got Lucy and Rogue who are on my side and willing to help me, which is basically a separate faction from Ozpin for now." Vic told her.

"Interesting... I may just join this... Separate faction from Ozpin, I'm not dealing with him as a boss anymore, but maybe." Raven said, causing Vic to look surprised and then smile.

"You're welcome to join if you want, that's completely up to you." Vic told her.

"I'll think about it, but first... I need to talk to Yang, and then repay you for this." Raven told him, and Vic was surprised.

"You don't need to thank me or repay me; all I did was give you a push into the right direction." Vic told her as he looked at the rising sun, "sometimes all we need is just a small push, to keep going."

"I have a pride, you know this. I won't back down from repaying you. My pride won't allow it. I will pay you back." Raven told him.

Vic sighed and looked at Raven, he didn't really need anything from her. He didn't want anything from her to begin with.

Vic tried to think of something small that she could do, but he didn't want to get anything or have her do anything for him.

As Vic thought, a large gust of wind came in blowing hair in his face a bit, he moved it out of the way as he finally thought of something. He looked at his hands as they glowed green for a moment, this went unnoticed by Raven.

He wondered if it would work, he may not have another chance to try, he had an idea. "So, you'd give me anything?" Vic asked Raven as he looked at her.

Raven nodded, "if it's within my power, and nothing too serious." She told him. she wasn't really sure what to expect.

"You can use Wind Magic, right?" Vic asked her.

Raven nodded, "Yes. as a maiden I can use elemental magics." she told him.

Vic smiled, he wanted to test it, and seeing as he knows someone with Wind Magic, he can test his theory if it will work.

"Can you use a bit in the palm of your hand for me?" Vic asked her.

Raven grew a confused look, she wondered if the boy was crazy, but complied. Raven put up her palm and summoned a small gust of wind in it which twirled around in her hand causing both of them to feel it.

Vic smiled, "Now trust me on this." he told her, she shrugged and nodded.

Raven had 0 clue what Vic was going to do with the wind spell, but she can't lie, she is curious.

Vic put two hands near the wind ball, out from his palms water and blue lightning came from it surrounding the wind ball, Vic moved his hand taking the ball of wind with blue lightning and water surrounding it.

"What did you..." Raven was about to say but she stopped as she saw Vic's hands glow a green color.

'Combining Wind, Lightning, and Water... I'll make a version of sky dragon slayer magic...' Vic thought as he smiled as the wind, blue lightning, and water slowly combined

'Fusion Magic Make: Tempest Dragon Slayer Magic!' Vic thought to himself as the 3 elements in front of him and Raven were covered in a green aura as they slowly fused with the wind, as well as he fused the magics that came from him with the magic that came from Raven, making it into his magic so his body wouldn't reject it.

The wind got stronger and bigger, he even saw black lightning sparks come from it, causing Vic to smile wider. The wind moved towards Vic, and he took it in as he felt himself gain something, his senses of the air around him go further.

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