Fourth Year - Chapter 15

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"(Y/N), the first challen—"

"No, yelling in the greenhouse," you whisper-shouted when Harry came bursting in. "You'll scare the puffskeins, they like to sleep here when we start to turn up the temperature."

A small puffball that looked like a clump of dust bounced past Harry's feet. He muttered a quick sorry and came over to where you were checking on some plants that the first years had accidentally poured too much growth potion on. Too much didn't make the plants grow massively, it actually just destroyed the roots and soil. You told Professor Sprout you would look through them for the younger students and try to transfer plants that could still be saved to new pots.

"The first challenge is dragons."

"Yeah, that's why Charlie is in town."

"Charlie's here?" Harry asked.

"Yeah, didn't Ro— are you two still not talking to each other... blimey, you boys are a nightmare."

"I'll worry about that later, I don't know how to stop a dragon."

"Well, I don't either. Bless Hagrid, I still love his class but plants are taking up more time than creatures nowadays... Cedric might know."

"Cedric? The same Cedric who currently hates me?"

You took off your dragonhide gloves, satisfied with the plant switches. The two of you left the greenhouse and started back to the castle.

"He doesn't hate you, he's just annoyed. But if a certain competitor gave him a heads up about the challenge, I'm sure he'd help or try to... Cedric!"

The older boy turned around. His friends caught one glimpse of Harry and stopped smiling at you just to roll their eyes at him. Cedric looked like he was debating coming down until you placed your hands on your hips. Neither boy talked to each other as you led them to the kitchens. They also made sure you were firmly in between the both of them. The kitchens right after breakfast on the weekend were surprisingly calm. Most of the house-elves were playing cards or doing leisure activities. Kreacher, who was playing a round of cards with the others, popped up as the three of you entered. All the house-elves said hello to you.

"Kreacher, three sodas with cherry syrup and ice, please."

"A Shirley Temple?" Harry asked.

"A what?" you and Cedric looked at him.

"A— muggle stuff, never mind."

Kreacher handed out the drinks. It was awkwardly silent as the three of you sipped on the sodas. You shoved Harry's shoulder. The two of them still didn't move. You finished your soda with a loud slurp before jumping up from the stool.

"You boys clearly won't get anything accomplished while I'm here. I'll be in the Muggle Room drawing store plans, that room has the best couches. You can come get me when you're done."

"Wait, (Y—"

"Nope, talk to each other not to me."

No one ever came to get you. You left the Muggle Room slightly disappointed but with store front ideas. You had been testing out names, looking for something that went with Black. Cedric was sitting outside your door when you got back. He hopped up to his feet, thanking you for telling Harry that he didn't hate him. Harry had gone back to his common room to learn the summoning spell from Hermione— Cedric had assumed that you were with them. You guys were supposed to learn that charm next semester but Cedric said it would be the quickest and easiest spell for Harry. He could summon his broom and fly away with the egg. With nothing else to do for the afternoon, you grabbed Padfoot from your bed and went into Cedric's room. He sat on the floor against his bed while you laid down on it. Padfoot went from you to Cedric's lap.

The Golden Quartet (Harry Potter x Reader x Cedric Diggory)Where stories live. Discover now