Fourth Year - Chapter 12

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Putting Hogwarts' best foot forward meant everyone had to be dressed in their complete uniforms— minus the cloaks. You also had to sit with your table so for once you weren't eating dinner with the rest of the golden quartet. You all sat straight up in anticipation as you waited for your visiting students. Dumbledore's voice echoed through the Great Hall as he announced Baeuxbatons. A bunch of girls in very beautiful blue uniforms came through the large doors.

You realized that not all the girls were of age to enter the competition— you were sure that some were in your year. They started doing something that you could describe between a brisk run and skipping. Every so often they stopped to release a plethora of butterflies that matched their blue uniforms. You rolled your eyes when practically all the boys started drooling. It was like the Quidditch World Cup all over again— only worse because at least the girls could act like they weren't checking out the Beauxbaton girls' backsides when they ran past.

You would say that you and the other girls got your small, petty revenge when Durmstrang suddenly burst through the doors but the problem was that you weren't checking out any of the boys at all. You were, however, trying to figure out if they weren't hot in the cloaks they were wearing as they bounced wooden staffs on the floor— emitting sparks— and tumbled through the Great Hall. You were positive that Ron was probably drooling more over Viktor Krum being there than he was at any of the Beauxbatons girls. The visiting students, while sleeping and taking classes separately, were supposed to eat every meal with Hogwarts students. Dumbledore thought friendships and connections could always be built easier over a meal. And with those words, the feast appeared.

The students were told to find their own seats amongst the four House tables. They did just that, squeezing in wherever they could find a space. Cedric wrapped an arm around you, pulling you into his lap— almost overshooting and having you land in the lap of Justin right behind— to prevent you from being too close to a bunch of Durmstrang boys who decided to squeeze into the Hufflepuff table.

Cedric turned his head to see if other tables had the same overcrowding problem, catching a glimpse of the Gryffindor table. You heard him snort as he tried to cover up a laugh while piling food onto the plate you two were now sharing. Hufflepuff had never felt so full and squished before— it was weird to have so many people at your table and to no longer have elbow room. You finished chewing on some roasted pumpkin seeds before talking.

"What was that look from earlier? The one after Potions class?"

"What look?" he asked.

"We left class, you said hi to Harry, walked around us both, gave me a wink and weird smile. That look," you recounted.

"Oh, that. At first I was wondering if it was nothing but considering Potter hasn't stopped staring since my hand's been on your waist, it's definitely something."


You looked up to see Harry doing exactly as Cedric said. He gave you a smile and wave which you returned. Hermione, who was sitting across from Ron and Harry turned her head when Harry pointed behind her. They all chuckled as you tried to discreetly point to the Durmstrang boys around you and mimic how they were taking up space. Cedric raised an eyebrow at his own sudden idea. He brushed your hair to the side, pretending it was in his way of eating. His eyes however were never cast down, secretly watching Harry the entire time. There was nothing he could read on Harry's face, not even a slight squint. Harry simply pointed a finger up, indicating that you should go to the Gryffindor common room after the feast.

"Or, maybe it was nothing," Cedric muttered.

You sighed. "It's Harry. Of course, it's nothing, Cedric."

The Golden Quartet (Harry Potter x Reader x Cedric Diggory)Where stories live. Discover now