Chapter 61

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Mercy, time waits on no one. It seems like it was just yesterday when I was given the good news of my pregnancy. Dre was excited to find out we were having a boy. He's already said we will try for a girl in a few more years. Now we're sitting at our baby shower playing games, eating and fellowshipping with family and friends. Today is such a joyous occasion. We've opened so many gifts, especially from LaShae and Darah. It's almost like they were in competition with our parents with the gift purchases. Sean sent invites to the male friends to bring diapers and wipes. We also received a car seat for both of our vehicles. Some of Dre's teammates bought Dallas Cowboys onesies and sleepers. I don't think we'll have to purchase anything for this little one for the next year.

After eating, opening all of the gifts and playing games, our guest had finally left. Dre and I were standing in the nursery looking at all the gifts that we'd received.

"I'm going to go ahead and put up the crib." Dre was so excited, but I needed him to rest due to a home game the next day.

"Dre baby you need to rest. We can put the crib up another day."

"No Tee. We only have two months. We need to finish his nursery. What if he comes early and we're not prepared?"

He made a good point. I sat in the glider chair and read out the instructions as Dre put up the crib. I had already washed the bedding, so as soon as Dre was done, I placed everything on the bed. We knew if the baby was a boy, he would be named after Dre and we'd call him AJ. Andre placed little bean's Dallas Cowboys football pillow in the crib along with his Cowboys blanket. I hope this kid grows up to like football and especially, the Dallas Cowboys.

When Dre was satisfied with the completion of the nursery, we then packed the hospital bags for the three of us. By the time we were done with everything, I was tired. Dre and I took a shower and got ready for bed. Since AJ loves to kick mostly in the evenings and at night, I sleep on my side facing Dre so he can feel the baby's movements. He loves it. Just as I was getting comfortable and AJ had somewhat settled down, Dre kissed me on my lips.

"I'm hungry."

I looked up at Dre. I know he can't possibly think I'm going to get out of this comfortable position to fix him something to eat.

"Dre why didn't you tell me before I got comfortable?"

"Oh, what I want doesn't require us to leave the bed."

He rolled me on my back and slid under the cover making his way to my honey pot. I may be tired, but I'm never too tired to serve him in bed.


"Breath in and out slow babe. You're doing amazing!"

Dre was trying his best to help me stay calm but the pain I'm feeling right now won't let me be great. My water broke around 2 a.m. and it's now 10:30a.m. I can normally withstand pain but this is on a whole new level. I'm so tired.

The doctor said that AJ is a big baby and I may not be able to deliver vaginally. I begged to let me try, not wanting to deliver by c-section.  Another contraction was coming and it was hard. It knocked tears from my eyes. My mom wiped my face with a cold wet towel and kissed my cheek.

"I'm so proud of you Tahleea, but you don't have to put your body through this. It's ok to have a c-section. You are small and the nurse said that AJ is at least 8 pounds. I don't want you or AJ going into distress."

I cried so hard. Women were built for this right. I want to do this. The doctor may have to do an episiotomy, but I'm ok with that. Another contraction hit me. All I could do was groan through it. I knew all of this would be worth it when my little man was placed in my arms. I'm thankful for a smooth pregnancy and as far as we know, AJ is healthy, so I will deal with these contractions. Dre continued to hold my hand and kiss me after each contraction. He and mom are my cheerleaders.

I had finally dilated enough for an epidural. This wasn't in my birth plan, but neither was being in labor for twelve hours and possibly having a c-section. The epidural had taken the edge off of the contractions and I was able to rest. Dre continued to feed me ice chips and my mom was on the phone keeping everyone up to date on my progress.

An hour after my epidural, I started feeling pressure in my vaginal area. Luckily, the nurse came in to check me.

"Mrs. Hassan, have you been feeling the urge to push."

I told the nurse that I just started having that feeling. She checked me and announced that she was going to call the doctor because AJ is ready. Oh my, it's about to get real. The doctor entered the room and prepared himself for delivery. It's now time for me to start pushing. The doctor looked at me and advised that he would tell me when to push and when to stop. Before I knew it, I was pushing.

I was getting tired, but I was ready to see my little man. Dre and my mom held my hand and helped me push. Then the doctor said one more big push and AJ would arrive. I took a deep breath in and gave it all I had.

All my strength was gone. I laid back on the bed ready for the nurse to bring my baby to me. Dre cut the umbilical cord and ran back to the bed showering me with kisses. My mom was crying happy tears. She hugged me, kissed me and told me she was so proud of me. We were interrupted by AJ's crying. He definitely has a set of lungs on him.

Dre went over to the area where the nurse was weighing and clearing out AJ's airways. When they were done, Dre brought the baby and laid him on my chest. I immediately unwrapped the blanket and checked every inch of my baby. He's perfect. I had Dre put the baby under my gown. I'd read that skin to skin contact has numerous benefits. After getting comfortable, I started singing to him. He wrapped his little hand around my finger and looked up at me. He has the most beautiful eyes. He looks so much like Dre.

Tears started streaming down my face, overcome with joy. Dre sat on the side of the bed kissing me on my forehead. My mom looked at us. I could tell she was on the verge of crying.

"Mom what do you think of your grandson?"

"Oh Tahleea, he's perfect! I'm so glad I was able to share this moment with you and Andre. Thank you so much."

She started crying and I put my hand out for her to come to me. We hugged and cried together.

I wanted Dre to bond with AJ, so I had him remove his shirt and shifted the baby to Dre's chest. I pulled the covers over them and watched as Dre woo'd over his Jr. Seeing him interact with our son brought a smile to my face. This little baby boy made my heart skip a beat. The love I feel for him is unparalleled to anything else. I thank God for blessing us with AJ.
Andre Khalid Hassan Jr. 8 lbs. 2 oz. 21 in. long.


Hello my loves!

Little Jr. has finally arrived.  Aren't you happy for Tahleea and Andre?

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