Chapter 53

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Today, Dre is home and I have a volleyball game to coach. I also have a banquet to attend. I will be accepting the Community Service award on behalf of TDL Logics and it's employees. As one of our initiatives, we were able to set up a platform that allows our employees to donate money to a 501C3 of their choice through payroll deductions.

It was late when Dre came home the night before, so we didn't get a chance to talk much. He would be escorting me to the banquet and that was all we confirmed before he was sound asleep.

I got up early to get myself together and make breakfast. I needed to make sure I had a well balanced meal as well as make sure Dre had a home cooked breakfast before he and the guys met up for their tux fitting. After I finished my morning routine, I walked back into the bedroom to get dressed. As I was bending over to put a leg in my joggers, Dre grabbed me by my waist. I jumped because I wasn't expecting him to be awake.

"Where are you going beautiful?"

I reminded him that I had a game.

"Do you have time to serve me breakfast in bed?"

"Well I'd planned on making breakfast so you would have something to eat before you and the guys meet for tux fitting." It was obvious that Dre had other plans. He pulled my pants down along with my panties.

"I'll give you enough time to stop and pick something up to eat on your way to the game."

He pulled me to the bed and had me lie on my back on the edge of the bed. Kneeling in front of me, he placed my legs over his shoulders giving him full access to what he wanted. He took his time devouring my sweet pot with his tongue and I enjoyed every minute of it.

Just as he promised, I had enough time to take another shower, dress and stop for breakfast. Since we were going to be at the community center for several hours, I also purchased breakfast for the team and assistant coach.

When I walked into the dressing room, the girls were already dressed. I had them sit down to eat while I gave them a pep talk. Because of our good record we would play next to the last game which would be for first and second place. I told the girls we didn't come this far to take home second place. I could tell they were ready.

When we were done eating, I took the girls outside to run through a few drills. After thirty minutes of going over proper setting and correct stance, we went back to the gym to scout the competition. I told the girls to be studious of the game and focus on how each team played. Most teams played a laid back game which helped me with our game plan. These girls knew how to apply pressure and that's how we are going to play the whole game.

Our team is now up to play. This game will determine who will move on to play for first place. I had the girls in a huddle as the assistant coach made sure everyone knew their positions and rotations. It was now time to play. I had my game face on as well as my girls. The other team would serve first. That's just the way I liked it.

As the ball came across the net, I could see the determination in the girl's faces. They came to win and I'm here to guide them. The opponent was a good team, but we were more prepared. My girls won and advanced to the next level. As we were preparing for the last game, Dre walked into the gym. I started hearing whispers from the dads in the stands. I just shook my head. I'm going to be so upset with him if my girls get distracted by his presence. He's here to support me, but I need them to focus.

He sat behind our bench as if he was a regular spectator. I looked over at him and he winked and gave me a thumbs up. As I joined the huddle to give another pep talk, one of the young ladies spoke, "is that Andre Hassan that plays for the Dallas Cowboys?" I told them that it was Andre Hassan of the Dallas Cowboys and he was there to watch the game because the winner would be invited to a home game. The girls started jumping up in excitement. I looked over at Dre and winked at him. He smiled knowing I had just used him as a game booster.

The young ladies played hard and earned first place for the inner city league. I am so proud of them. They overcame so many obstacles just to be able to play the game. This win is definitely a boost in their confidence. The team ran out on the court to accept their trophy. They were so happy. I joined them on the court as the announcer called out the girl's name and position.

When the announcer called my name he added that I was part of the four-peat volleyball championship team for Texas A&M. The crowd went crazy. I didn't want that to be shared. I'm here as my girl's coach and nothing more. After the ceremony and picture taking, I made sure each one of the girls had been picked up by their guardian or person that was registered to pick them up. Dre and I went home to rest before getting ready for the banquet. We both had worked up an appetite and went to work satisfying our hunger for each other. Rest could always come later.

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