Amy sighed as she placed down her cup.

"Then we'll save her."

She crossed her arms along with her legs.

The redhead rose his head to look at his friend. He sees Amy smiling, gazing at his eyes in an assuring manner. Reminding him that this wasn't the end.

"That's what you planned from the beginning right?"

Her words pulled Royse from his deep thoughts. It was as if he was doused by ice-cold water, bringing him back to his senses.

If he was responsible, then it meant it's only right for him to fix this.

Returning to his usual expression, Royse became determined.


Seeing his appearance, Amy chuckled. She was glad her friend was back to normal.

"So what's the plan? Are you going to confront her?" She asks, taking a snack on the table.

The redhead shook his head. "If we did, we'll only be ignoring his highnesses plan. Our goal is not only to lessen the casualties but also save Amelie." He pondered over how he was going to deal with their situation.

"Amelie is currently suspended. I need to know how she is right now and especially if her mother is aware of her changing."

His friend hummed as she ate the snack. She took her cup and sipped her tea. "You're going to need to ask Carl for that. Ask him for any changes and decide how you'll act after hearing his information. I'll be free tomorrow since my investigation with the corpse has been pushed back." She explains.

"I see. Then I'll notify you as soon as possible." The redhead stood up from his seat.

He turns towards his friend and smiles.

"Thanks by the way..."

Amy breathes out a laugh at his words.

"You're welcome. Know that I'm always here."

The redhead nods, grateful towards the lady.

He uses his skill and teleports back in his house.


He started the day with a tense atmosphere within their household. His family had heard of the news regarding Elsie's condition. They were worried and planned on sending a few get well gifts to the Wilk family.

Royse assured everyone and told them that the brunette was feeling much better than before.

But his family was aware that Royse was the one affected the most. His parents made sure to ask how he felt, telling him to take a rest if he needed to.

Royse could only be grateful to them and assured them that he was feeling fine.

When he was alone with his sister, Rohesia asked how Amelie was doing.

The younger redhead frowned and shook his head as he replied dejectedly to his sister.

"I haven't spoken with Amelie yet. I don't think the Caddel family would allow anyone to visit them for the time being." He explains in defeat.

Transmigration as an Unknown Character! | 僕の妹の大好きな乙女ゲームで, 未知のキャラクターとして移住しました!Where stories live. Discover now