12. Change of Plans

Começar do início

min_genius I'm really glad you love the tattoo! It was fun working on it, and you sat through it like a champ.


I smile as soon as I read Yoongi's comment. Honestly? I grin like a crazy person anytime Yoongi comments on my Instagram posts or whenever he sends me a text message about something random. It's just hard not to smile when it comes to him.

Am I developing slight feelings for Yoongi? I think I might be. If things do develop with him, naturally, I think I'm willing to let it happen. But, as for now, I want to remain single.

I'm still trying to get over being hurt by Ian. I think I've moved on and my feelings for Ian are now non-existent. But, he betrayed me and made me feel like I wasn't worth it. Because of that, I've been slightly insecure and have not been as trusting. I'm working on it, though. I know not every person is as conniving and careless like Ian.

As I'm liking random pictures on Instagram, I get a notification from Jeongguk, so I pull it up to read it.

Cass! I haven't seen you in a while. I know we've both been so busy. Are you free for dinner tonight?

It's true, I haven't seen Jeongguk for a while since I've been swamped with working with a lot of high-profile clients, even during my weekend mornings! And, Jeongguk is juggling two jobs, though he is going to start working part-time at the gym since his tattoo bookings have been building up tremendously! He's been getting a lot of clients who are asking specifically for him. Plus, I'm sure his free time is spent with going out on dates or hookups.

I do want to see Jeongguk tonight, but, I'm already planning on going out to dinner with Yoongi. So, I inform Jungkook through text.

I want to hang out, but I actually already made plans with Yoongi.

Jeongguk quickly replies back.

Is it a date? If so, have fun

I don't know why, but I frown at his text message.

It's not a date, Kook. Yoongi and I are just friends. We actually have a lot in common.

About a couple minutes pass. I'm waiting for Jeongguk to reply. But, instead, I receive a text from Yoongi.

Hey, Cass! Kook's at the shop and he asked me what I was up to and I told him you and I were having dinner. He asked if he could tag along...I'm not sure. I assume that's okay?

Did Jeongguk ask Yoongi before or after I informed him that I was going out to dinner with Yoongi? Either way, I decide to reply to Yoongi.

Hey Yoongi! He texted me, too. I think it's fine if he joins us, if you're okay with it.

I get a quick response from Yoongi.

It's fine by me! Haven't really spent much time outside of work with Kook, so it should be fun.

It's settled. I'm going out to dinner with Yoongi and Jeongguk, that is if Jeongguk agrees to join.

It will be! I'll let him know!

Late Night Sessions | JJK X OC X MYG ✔️Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora