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"He's not my boyfriend," Rose blushed.

"Well, you two are going on a date," Alicia began.

"And you seem excited," Angelina continued.

"Yup, he's your boyfriend, alright," Alicia laughed, making the other two girls giggle.

"OK, back on topic, ladies!" Oliver yelled, his eyes frenetic. "Diggory's put a very strong side together! He's an excellent Seeker! I was afraid you'd take it like this! We mustn't relax! We must keep our focus! Slytherin are trying to wrong-foot us! We must win!"

"Oliver, calm down!" said Fred, looking slightly alarmed. "We're taking Hufflepuff very seriously. Seriously."

"Some of a little too seriously," Angelina whispered.

"Oh, shut up," Rose insisted, smacking Angelina's arms as the latter laughed quietly.

"Alright, team," Oliver clapped his hands. "Let's do this!"

• • •

  Within five minutes of Rose kicking off the ground, she was soaked wet. The weather in which they were playing was terrible, she could barely see anything. She was sure she had scored, but she, nor the teams, could hear Lee's announcement, merely bits and pieces.

 Rose kept losing control over her broom, it was getting harder and harder to keep it straight. So much so, that George almost hit Rose in the face thinking she was a bludger. The sky was getting darker, as though night had decided to come early. Twice Rose nearly hit another player, without knowing whether it was a team-mate or opponent; everyone was now so wet, and the rain so thick, she could hardly tell them apart ...

  With the first flash of lightning came the sound of Madam Hooch's whistle; Rose could just see the outline of Angelina through the thick rain, gesturing the team to the ground besides Oliver. The whole team splashed down into the mud.

"I called for time out!" Oliver roared at his team. "Come on, under here –" 

  The team huddled at the edge of the pitch under a large umbrella; Rose let loose her robe into the ground, picking it off and drying it off with her hand whilst Harry took off his glasses and wiped them hurriedly on his robes.

"What's the score?" She yelled through the wind.

"We're fifty points up," said Oliver, "but unless we get the Snitch soon, we'll be playing into the night."

"I've got no chance with these on," Harry said exasperatedly, waving his glasses.

At that very moment, Hermione appeared at his shoulder; she was holding her cloak over her head and was, inexplicably, beaming.

"I've had an idea, Harry! Give me your glasses, quick!"

He handed them to her and, as the team watched in amazement, Hermione tapped them with her wand and said, "Impervius!"

"There!" she said, handing them back to Harry. "They'll repel water!"

Oliver, and the rest of the team, looked as though they could have kissed her.

"Brilliant!" he called hoarsely after her, as she disappeared into the crowd. "OK, team, let's go for it!"

"Wait, Oliver, we should try that on the robes," Angelina said, holding her coat close to her.

"Yes," Rose insisted. "We've got no chance if they keep getting in our way."

  Quickly, the whole team performed the impervious charm on their robes, which Oliver insisted that it was not foul play. Luckily for them, Hermione's spell had done the trick. Not only were they not freezing cold anymore, but they had better mobility without their robes sticking to them.

The Lost Potter [Fred Weasley/ Adrian Pucey]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt