Chapter 19

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"Here's the drink."

The bartender serves the drinks ordered to YoonGi and his friend. They thanked the bartender before taking a sip. They talked about basic things first before conversing on the topic they want to talk about and are somewhat or perhaps important. Or maybe it's not so important. But still quite important. I know you all understand.

"Come on, straight to the point. I know you want to ask something." YoonGi looked at his friend.

"Who was the man with you just now? Is he your housemate? Why don't I know you have a housemate?"

"No, he's not my housemate. He's just... a visitor? There were other people who moved into my house and there were two people who visited him including the man earlier." YoonGi pursed his mouth unconsciously making his friend chuckle and then pinched YoonGi's cheek.

"Why do you look and sound sad? Shouldn't you be happy to have a housemate? The more the merrier!"

"I'm happy but..." YoonGi shrugged. "You know I'm not good at making friends." He sipped his drink.

"So, you feel left out?"

"Hmm..." YoonGi nodded. "Enough about me. Now, about you, JungKook. What do you want to tell me?"

JungKook sipped his entire drink at once before his glass was filled with drinks again. "Actually, I don't know my problem. Lately, I've met a lot of interesting men, including the man who was with you earlier." JungKook started talking.

"For real?" YoonGi looked right at JungKook. He didn't think NamJoon was one of them. Well, NamJoon is indeed handsome. You can't deny that. YoonGi has known JungKook for a long time. He knows NamJoon is JungKook's type. JungKook nodded his head.

"I met him once in a cafe. He's so cool! But, it seems he already has a soulmate. His soulmate is also handsome. And you know I just moved to school in Seoul." YoonGi nodded. "I came across two seniors. They are both very pretty like angels. I am really interested in them but some say they are together. And recently, I took Bam to the clinic—"

"Wait! What!? Bam?"

"Yes, I accidentally hurt Bam." JungKook rubbed the back of his neck. "Thankfully, he's healed now. That time I was frustrated because everyone I loved already had their own soulmate." JungKook complained. "Love and soulmate are very complicated."

"I know right." YoonGi also sighed.

"Back to the story. I brought Bam to the clinic as I told earlier and I found a very cute doctor! His smile was very wide. He is kind too! His clinic was closed but he reopened his clinic because of me. I'm really in love with him! But—"

"But he already has a soulmate too?"

"That's not what I'm going to say!"


"But, I don't know if I still have a chance to meet him." A pause. "On second thought, you may be right. Maybe he already has a soulmate." JungKook sighed heavily. Seeing the sullen JungKook, made YoonGi panic instantly. He didn't mean to make JungKook sad.

"Hey, don't be like this. We don't know yet if he already has a soulmate or not. We can go to his clinic together and investigate together." YoonGi tries to cheer up JungKook. JungKook just smiled a little, appreciate his Hyung who tries to cheer him up.

"It's okay if he has a soulmate."

"Isn't there someone you like and he or she still doesn't have a soulmate?" YoonGi asked, looking at JungKook.

JungKook put his glass on the table and looked back at YoonGi. Their eyes connected. All of a sudden, it felt like the world stopped spinning and was silent as if they were the only two who were here in this world. YoonGi can't describe his feelings. He felt a foreign feeling but safe at the same time. What is this feeling? He loves the moment when he's lost in JungKook's eyes.

"If I'm honest... Yes, I like someone and he still doesn't have a soulmate from what I know." JungKook replied.

"Huh, really? Who?"

"He is here." YoonGi made a small noise before his eyes looked back and forth, observing everyone he saw. He's looking for someone who's JungKook's type. "Here are indeed many beautiful women and handsome men. But here, there is only one person who is my type."

"Just tell me, bunny!"

"In front of me."


"The person I fall in love with is in front of me." JungKook rested his right hand on YoonGi's thigh. "It's you."

"Kook, don't joking around!"

"I'm not, Hyung. I'm not joking."

YoonGi looked into JungKook's eyes. There was no deception that he could trace. As already told, he has known JungKook for a long time. He knows JungKook isn't good at lying. And JungKook sounded sincere when he uttered the sentence. But...

"I heard someone say that human beings cannot differentiate between feelings of love and attraction to someone. Do you really like me? Maybe you're just interested in me..." YoonGi tells JungKook. For your information, YoonGi still hasn't told anyone about his soulmate. That's why JungKook thinks he still hasn't found his soulmate.

JungKook took both of YoonGi's hands, caressing the hand gently. YoonGi looked at their hands. "When I'm close to you like this, I can feel something strong that I've never felt with anyone else. You were the first person to make me feel this way." YoonGi was silent. He thought only he felt that feeling when he was with the younger boy. But he already has a soulmate and his soulmate is not one. "I... I think I'm in love with you, Min YoonGi." The younger confessed.

"JungKook-ah, I—"

JungKook brought their distance closer. Their lips are only a few inches away. "Please don't reject me, Hyung."

Their lips touched.

Finding the missing you | BTSOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora