Chapter 06

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"Hey there! Can we talk?"

The handsome man said. YoonGi looked up to look at the two men. Their eyes met for a moment but he quickly avoided looking right into their eyes. He nodded slightly, barely noticed. The two men introduced themselves.

"I'm SeokJin. This is my boyfriend, NamJoon." The tall man nodded. "What is your name?"

"Y-YoonGi..." He replied shyly.

"It's nice to meet a cute boy like you, YoonGi." SeokJin said bluntly, making the pale boy blush.

"Baby, don't say that so bluntly."

"I just said what came to my mind." SeokJin replied to NamJoon before looking at YoonGi again. "We actually want to talk to you." YoonGi opened his mouth to say something but was cut off. "Not necessarily now. I know you still want to go to work this morning. Maybe we can meet at my cafe. Wait a minute." SeokJin ripped open his bag, took out a small card and gave it to YoonGi. "Come to this location. I will give you a discount. I hope you can come. Have a nice day."

The door opened right after SeokJin stopped talking. All the passengers had gotten up to get off the train. Before NamJoon and SeokJin got off the train, NamJoon said, "Hope we meet again. Have a good day." They both got off the train. YoonGi looked at the card in his hand. Should I go there?

POV : YoonGi
After a brief meeting with the tall man and the handsome man, I went to university as usual. I'm actually still studying and taking the music field. I am very interested in music! I always hope to meet someone who has the same interests as me. So, I can chat about music all the time with him or her. I studied, studied and studied as usual until the end of class.

After finishing my class, I went home. I'm not the type to hang out with friends after school. As soon as I got home, I started to take my equipment out of the bag to make the assignment given. After work, I would eat, then take a shower, then sleep for a while and then- Eh?

I found the card given to me by the handsome man while rummaging through the equipment. 'MOONchild Cafe'. Should I go there? This is the question I've been thinking about since this morning. Even though it's almost dusk, I still haven't decided. I won't be able to decide if no one helps. I need an advisor.

I picked up my phone then opened the email section. Find the email of someone who is at the very top of the list. ''. I press to enter that email. I need advice from him and he was the only person that crossed my mind.
Hey, Huimangie! Are you free?
Long time no talk, Min!
Yes, I'm free. Why?
To be honest, I need a little advice.
Spit it out.

Huimang, the only one I can believe in. In fact, this Huimang and I are just online friends. So, don't ask who he is. I myself do not know. I came across his name at random. But never thought he would be my friend in the long run even though we never told our real names to each other.
There are two men
coming to see me today.
They look like a pair of lovers.
But I feel something against them.
Isn't that weird?
I've seen three soulmates together.
Do not worry.
Maybe the three of you
are one of the destined
soulmates of the three.
Do you understand
what I mean?
I've never heard of
a destined soulmate of three.
But if you say so...
You need to talk to them.
Do you know them?
That's the problem!
I don't know them.
They just talked to me today.
They asked me to meet.
But, I don't know how to
make a decision.
That's why I need your advice.
Go and meet them, Min.
Maybe they are your soulmate.
Correction: soulmates.
You will meet your happiness.

If he also said that... I really need to meet that tall man and that handsome man, right? Maybe this Huimang is right. I need to see them. As this person said, I may find my happiness. I'm also tired of just chatting with people online. I want to talk face to face with any human as well.
All right,
thanks for your advice.
I will meet them.
No problem, Min! ≧∇≦

I looked up, looking at the ceiling. I smiled, thinking of the two men. I will go see them. I can't wait! I can feel that they are my soulmates. Just... Am I the only one who feels that? What if they are not my soulmates...? My smile is gone. The answer will only be there if I find them.

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