Chapter 15

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After what happened that day, finally JiMin and TaeHyung met face to face today for no reason of school work or any project. JiMin thought when they sat together like this the situation would be awkward but no. TaeHyung is very friendly and open. He hopes all this goes smoothly.

POV : TaeHyung
JiMin took a deep breath and exhaled slowly. I just watched his every move with a small smile. He looked nervous. Probably because this is the first time we've met without anyone else. Just the two of us here. No other students or teachers. I understand him.

"So... Why do you want to see me?"

I spoke first, wanting to lessen his nervousness when talking to me. He raised his head to look at me. I smiled at him, hoping he was comfortable even a little with me. He opened his mouth to speak. But, he took a few seconds before the words came out of his mouth.

"Remember when our soulmate tattoo hurt on the same day here?" I nodded. He continued, "I just want to confirm that you are my soulmate." After our tattoos hurt that day, we didn’t answer the questions posed to each other and went straight home to check on the said tattoos.

"In fact, I also thought the same thing."

"That's good... I guess?" JiMin cleared his throat. "Anyway, there are several ways to verify if someone is our soulmate. And ummm... I only remember two ways..." He rubbed the back of his neck. "One, a sense of positive things in the person. Two, the same tattoo. I don't remember any other way. Do you remember?"

"I actually don't remember very much. Cause I believe my soulmate will come when the time comes. So, I don't focus very much in class when the teacher teaches about this soulmate thing." I grinned, scratching my head. Now, I regret not concentrating in class.

JiMin shook his head and smiled at me. Seeing his smile makes me happy. That means, he is not very nervous with me and is slowly comfortable with my presence. That is an improvement. We lost in each other's eyes for a while before I asked him a question.

"JiMin-ah, do you feel anything for me?" JiMin looked at me with wide open eyes. Why do I feel like I just asked him to marry me? Uh, don't change the subject! "Because I feel something on you." I looked into his eyes sincerely without blinking.

"I... Actually I feel the same."

He replied, still staring into my eyes. There is no deception in that eye. He is honest. His feelings for me are true. I can feel it! I smiled happily. He also returned my smile. Gosh, he is so cute! I want to keep him in my pocket! Woo, woo, be patient, TaeHyung! I think my heart will explode any time I'm with him.

"I want to see your tattoo. Can I?"

Hearing that, made my smile disappear. It's not that I don't want to show my tattoo. But, my tattoos are a little weird for other people. But, of course for me it's really unique. I mean, please. Every inch of my face anyone can already see its uniqueness.

"Come on, TaeHyung! Hmm?"

He pout. Why did he do this to me? He's too cute for me to say no. I am thankful to destiny for giving me such a cute soulmate. This is not only my strength but also my weakness. Say no, TaeHyung. Say no! "My tattoo is unique but for others it is weird and— Ah! What are you doing, JiMin!?"

I didn't have time to finish my first sentence when JiMin suddenly straddled, sat on my lap and held the end of my shirt. You all can't imagine how surprised I was when he did that to me! He tried to lift my shirt but I grabbed his wrist. "JiMin!"

I tried to push him away but I couldn't. Blame our position. We were both on the wide stage and he sat on top of me, making himself heavier by pressing his body against mine. Oh, wait, shit! I supported my upper body with my elbows, looking at him.

"Stop moving your butt!"

"Damn, sorry!" He smiled mischievously then took the opportunity to lift my shirt. I immediately wanted to cover my exposed body. but, before I could do so, I heard a gasp from him. I stopped moving. Then, I felt a finger gently touch my soulmate tattoo. "Gosh, I found my soulmate!" He cheered. "Yellow. Did your tattoo change color after the pain that day?"

"Yeah. Are you too?"

"Yes, me too." He got up from my lap and sat down next to me. "It's just that my color is different. My color is indigo." That makes me wonder. If our tattoos are the same but why not the color. I turned to the side. Can that happen? We're soulmates, aren't we?

"Is it okay if I look at your tattoo?"

"Are you sure?"

I frowned when I got an unwanted answer. Is he serious? "You've seen my tattoo! Can't I see your tattoo?"

"But my soulmate tattoo..." He took my right hand then placed it on his left inner thigh. "... is here. I'm wearing tights today. Do you want me to take off my pants?" I pulled my hand back to myself. My cheeks are of course red now. This confident JiMin is a bit dangerous. I want the shy JiMin right now!

"I-It's okay. M-Maybe next time."

"Next time, huh? All right~"

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