Chapter 14

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"Can I take your order?"

JungKook gasped as his eyes met with the man's eyes. The guy looks very handsome and cool. JungKook was stunned for a moment by the man's neat appearance. His smile was further brightened by his dimples. Looks cute and hot at the same time!

"Excuse me, sir?"

"Uh... Forgive me. I want hmm... Muffins and some chocolate chip cookies." JungKook made an order.

"What about drinks?"

"No, thank you."

"All right, your order will be served later." The man signals for JungKook to wait in the empty spot.

POV : JungKook
I bowed a little before going to the empty spot. I pulled up a chair then sat there. After that, I glanced a little at the man. Wow, he's tall and looks so cool! He also looks smart and mature. His sleeves are folded to the elbows— Uh, why do I look at him like that? That's enough, JungKook. I looked elsewhere.

But for some reason, I feel like I can't control my eyes. I glanced back at the man who had caught my attention earlier. Right now, he’s talking to a new customer coming in. I think I want to poke his dimples! After the customer left, he went back to making coffee. Suddenly, his eyes met mine. I, who panicked, kept my eyes away from him. Did he catch me?

POV : NamJoon
After I took the boy's order, he left and a new customer came. I took their order. I can feel there are eyes watching my every move. But, I'm not surprised because things are normal for me. Many people do this to me. They just can't take their eyes off me.

After the customer left, I went back to making coffee that needed to be served to the waiting customer. I took a cup and started brewing coffee. A boy looked at me. I ignore him. Until I made almost two cups of coffee, he was still watching me. So, I decided to look at him too. His eyes widened before he looked elsewhere immediately. I chuckled a little at his reaction. Cute!

This situation reminded me of my old experience when I met my second soulmate, YoonGi. I also like to watch him secretly. When I get caught, my face will turn red. I smiled at the old memories. Ah, that makes me miss YoonGi. Oh, I really miss him!

"My darling, Joonie~"

I turned around to see the voice. Of course he is SeokJin. He's the only one who's going to call me that. I smiled when I saw him. Automatically, my hand wrapped around his waist. He smiled and hugged me too while his eyes looked at me. He definitely wants something. He pecked my lips then said.

"Joonie, can we visit YoonGi and HoSeok this evening? I miss them so much!" He asked. I nodded.

"Of course we can. We should bring something for them too." I give a recommendation.

"All right, I'll bring the latest cookies of my creation for them to taste. They will love it!" I agree with his words.

"Soon, we will close this cafe and customers will leave, you better make the cookies now." I said.

He nodded.

POV : JungKook
I took out my phone and played with anything there. I don't know what happened to me but my eyes are still out of control. I looked back at the man. But, this time a no less handsome man also appeared. They smiled at each other before the first man embraced the second man's waist. What!? What am I looking at!? Is it okay if I keep looking?

They look like a couple. Yes, they are of course a couple. Only couples will do that. I pout in jealousy. I think I was already in love at first sight with that first guy. But it seems he already has someone he loves. Especially, they seem happy together. And I will not in any way interfere with the happiness of others. It's time to move on I guess.

When the word 'move on' popped into my head, for some reason my heart hurt a lot. Why are you in so much pain, heart? You only met him a few minutes ago. But... Why do I seem to know and love him for a long time? There's no way I'm already in love with him. This deep? Ouch!

Suddenly a tray was served in front of me. I was a little surprised before saying thank you to the employee. I quickly ate them. I feel very hurt and I want to get out of the cafe as soon as possible. My original intention to find work, I have forgotten.

After getting out of the cafe, I went straight to my favorite place. A place where I like to be alone the most. Especially when I am faced with a situation like this. I put my bag and the stuff that was in my pants and shirt pocket on the wall. I took the boxing glove, put it on. Then, stand in front of the punching bag.

I took a deep breath then punched the punch bag many times brutally. Frowns are clearly visible. I try to focus on punching the bag and ignore my heart. But, the longer I ignored my heart, the more it was in pain. Forget it! Forget him! Forget them—

A barking. Bark again. And again.

I sighed before continuing to punch the bag. The more I ignore the bark, the more the dog barks louder. I gave in and turned towards the male doberman, the dog I love. "Bam!" I rested one hand on my waist. "Go away!" I know I may sound harsh but I'm not in the right mind right now.

I wiped my sweat with my sleeve before returning to punch the punch bag brutally again. I ignore the barking Bam. Suddenly, I felt something in my leg. When I bumped it, I fell on my butt. I saw Bam between my legs, aware of what I had just hit.


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