Chapter 17

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HoSeok played with NamJoon's hair who was lying on his thigh. NamJoon is reading a book like he always does. Maybe physically HoSeok is here, but his mind is elsewhere. He stared blankly at the ceiling. There were things he had been thinking about since he came home from work. The act was not unnoticed by his soulmates.

"Please bring the dishes to the kitchen. I'll have them wash it later." SeokJin said to YoonGi.

YoonGi nodded then did as instructed. SeokJin sees YoonGi who is already heading to the kitchen with the plates collected. Next, SeokJin approaches two of his soulmates who are relaxing on the living room sofa. NamJoon who noticed the oldest presence, smiled as he got up from HoSeok's thigh to sit next to him. SeokJin returned the smile.

SeokJin looked at his other soulmate. "Hey, HoSeok." Silent. "HoSeok-ah." Still no reply. "Jung HoSeok!"

"Yes, Hyung?" HoSeok was shocked.

"What are you thinking? I called you but you didn't hear me." SeokJin crossed his arms.

"I'm sorry, Hyung..."

"What are you thinking? Do you have a problem? You know you can tell us. We are your soulmate who will help you." SeokJin holds HoSeok's shoulder. HoSeok looked up at the oldest. He looked at SeokJin then NamJoon in turn before sighing. He has to express it now or he will not be able to concentrate after this.

"I... I came across a boy. Maybe a school student. I don't know. He looked young, handsome... But also cute. His eyes—" HoSeok sighed. "Okay, first of all I apologize. I... I like him. Maybe? I know I have you all but for some reason I still feel close to him. Forgive me! Don't hate me!" HoSeok put both his hands together in front of his face while his eyes were closed.

"Seokie." NamJoon gripped both of HoSeok's hands with his hands, lowering the hand to rest on his thigh. "Are you sure you like him and not interested? Humans still have trouble distinguishing between liking and being attracted to someone." He looked right into HoSeok's eyes.

"Maybe I like— No! Hurm... I don't know! I don't know if I like him or not. But he made my heart beat fast when I saw his doe eyes. Those eyes are really— Ugh! I really don't know. I'm confused. There's no way I can feel this way about him..." HoSeok feels like going crazy. Because of a boy, he became like this. What magic did the boy use?

"Calm down, HoSeok." SeokJin rubbed HoSeok's hair gently. This calms him down a little. "All you should know now is that we are not angry and thank you for telling us about this." NamJoon nodded in agreement. Both SeokJin and NamJoon gave him a smile.

"Thank you for not being mad at me!" HoSeok hugged his two soulmates. The three of them hugged tightly. "I am so lucky to have a good and kind soulmate like you two. You two will make me cry!" They chuckled a little hearing HoSeok's last sentence. So, this is a happy feeling when we are with a soulmate. Very happy together!

YoonGi stalked from behind the wall that divides the kitchen part and the living room part, seeing the three of them hugging tightly. "Feels like crying, huh?" He snorted before heading to his room. As soon as he reached his room, he collapsed on the bed, lying on his stomach.

"Not all soulmates will be happy."

Happy new year 2022, everyone!

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