Storming 「Skie」

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I was forced to drag Kari along as we made our way back to the car, her eyes still determined to absorb the surrounding area thoroughly as if her life depended on it.

"Come on!" I huffed in frustration as her feet skid on the concrete. "We'll be back here tomorrow. You'll survive living a second without being here."

"But it's so big and- and shiny and beautiful~!" She whined, puffing her cheeks out as she turned her body to walk correctly.

"I think you've just been overtaken by how special you think you'll be when you enroll here. You aren't going to be some popular kid, trust me. You're too literal and expressive. You need a bit of stereotypical variety in you."

"Like what?" She mumbled, seeming annoyed.

"Well, for one, you need to have your boyfriend be the head of a big club or the football team." I grinned, knowing she'd easily have a reply to shoot out.

"It can't be a girlfriend?" She asked, gazing up into my eyes.

"Well, if you want to cross-dress for the rest of your high school life, yes."

"Can it be like a complicated love triangle?"

"That would be really depressing if you went that far..."


"Anyway-" I coughed, clearing my throat to continue the conversation. "You would also need to be talented in multiple subjects and have a desirable and sociable personality, neither of which you have obtained."

"My personality is socia-able and desirable!"

"If you want to look up to a whiny brat, then maybe. Some people dig that kind of stuff."



[A/N]: everything is slowly becoming a filler until I can get them to school. soon, my babies...

SRY four aeaeaeanyytt mistakes

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