Mess 「Skie」

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I landed my final shot on the target as I turned around, facing the walls behind me. My next objective was to check in on Kari, seeing she hadn't returned since I had sent her, although it had only been a few minutes.

I turned the corner and was met by the open space of the base. The light was still red, meaning we still owned it, but Kari was nowhere to be seen.

"Hey, Kari!" I yelled, which I regretted instantly as it echoed throughout the room.

"I'm here, so shut up!" She whispered, tiptoeing from our base.

"Wait- why were you over there?"

"Alex shot me."

"Wait- what- how?"

"She ninja'd her way behind me and shot me. That's it."

"Where is she now?"

"Dunno. She walked away back to where she came."

"And where did she come from."

"Her base I guess. I dunno."

"You're useless."

"Love you too babe."

I could feel my face lightly redden as I turned from her, marching toward Alex's base. I didn't understand how she could do flirtatious things so easily without doubting her actions. You called someone you loved your "babe", right? We didn't have that kind of relationship...I don't think anyway.

I entered the enemy base, glancing around before running for the middle of the area. I still couldn't pinpoint Alex's location, which worried me immensely, but I was sure she would have to be somewhere near here.

"Should we call for her?" I asked, sighing.

"If you want to look completely stupid then yes."

"Alex..! Where are you!"

"You fucking idiot, shut up!"


[A/N]: so they're calling for the predator now lol wow sRY for any mistakes next chap babies BOOP

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